Thursday, February 14, 2019

David Icke is talented cointelpro scum.

He has amazing control of his eyes and body otherwise he wouldn't have been so successful as a state-sponsored shill.

Alex Jones used comedy and buffoonery. I cannot deny his skills either. William Cooper had skills. Some disinfo agents must be given their due. Colbert and Maher are talented. Chapelle on some Hollywood people cracking up or wtf said those people were not weak. The only thing that has changed is the release of information making it a million times easier to identify cointelpro agents and their useful idiots.

This is why it's pointless to go after untalented, obvious paid fakes such as the ones at Reddit Conspiracy or Youtube. For one, it is wack-a-mole which I've said enough times. These people are a dime a dozen. Most joined while in the military or through connections to it. At my peak I was getting as many page hits as them. The internet was much more free back in the day. Nowadays it has become a closed shop. Controlled opposition means what it says. Not just anyone is allowed anymore into all of the fake conversations.

Every website has been turned into a honeypot. They want to coax idiots into praising the Unabomber or Fisher of Men. They will then put that info into one's PRISM file.

Anything good which is figured out is co-opted and mimicked, then crushed. The ptb's for example couldn't care less if Cenk Uygur and Joe Rogan fall apart for zeitgeist power. It may not seem true but they will eventually be easily replaced.

C. Wright Mills said that the conspiracy is in the institutions.

Snowden did what he did and many soldiers are depressed because deep down they realise the Military-Industrial Complex is run by criminals. Assange did what he did for very similar reasons. Some of us have pure souls and never sold out. Snowden used to be a complicit moron but his story shows that there is indeed such a thing called the reverse-double bind.

To come full circle as I tend to do in these entries, the master disinfo player is a top notched actor. They don't blink every time they have to lie. They have mastered internal dialogue. They think they are fighting terrorism or something and that's how they keep a straight face. They are naive fvcks or something like Snowden was before waking up. They could've made it in Hollywood under different circumstances. There's no justification for Icke having said anything about reptiles, yet he did it without any proof and sacrificed his integrity for a top position in the British section of the Five Eyes. Of course there is no evidence. People and reptiles cannot cross-breed. Jones shouldn't have claimed Sandy Hook never happened. He didn't believe it as Icke has never believed in the reptile thingie. It was their job to do that as highly paid proverbial disinfo agents.

The best cointelpro actors are prepared. They don't blink when saying outrageously obvious stuff. Stolpman has acting skills. His problem is Snowden and Assange already spilled enough beans. I think Assange used to chastise us to connect some dots; that people should wake up to what already made it into the public domain. Despite Greenwald's gatekeeping, enough info seems to have been released by Snowden.

The ptb's and the military in particular are stupid like cops.

Good smart people like to be happy with clean consciences. They don't join the military or sell out in other conformist ways.

Icke and Jones almost got away with it. If there was no Snowden and Assange, there'd be the plausible deniability that they are insane and/or grifting.

Scum such as Unirock and Stolpman get next to no audience. They will definitely get replaced if they haven't been already.

Reddit Conspiracy fools no one but the racist unhinged scumturds who believe in it. Those losers don't realise they are forms of Fisher of Men in which cointelpro is baiting them into going off on drunken rants about guns and what they'd like to do to treasonous elites.

When I looked into Reddit Conspiracy pushing Holocaust denial and fondness for Hitler, I noticed that the subreddit was never too big. It was at about 200,000 accounts just mere years ago. Now it is on some silly pace to have a million plus accounts. But most of them seem to be fake. People who are banned are still allowed to subscribe, so the member number is inflated to begin with. I know that from experience.

I started to read there using "new" over popular for the filter, yet even that has become useless.

I notice so much when visiting there and Youtube. I know this isn't rocket science, so I am able to grok that many lurkers can also see what I see.

Youtube is fake cleaning up "conspiracy chatter." The only ones who will be allowed to remain are pure nutjobs as in useful idiots, disinfo agents acting as straw men and conformist debunkers who enjoy mocking so-called conspiracy theorists. You and I are not allowed. It is sort of how BernBots were never really allowed into politics. There is a big chunk of society which is being systematically silenced. I would put that number as the majority at this point in history. No one is completely stupid. Quit the medium a bit more if it feels like gaslighting. Take control of your internet addiction. Reverse the gaslight onto the people who deserve it.

In conclusion, the Five Eyes and similar institutions afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder are comprised of demented morons often very easy to identify. What is needed are many more Julian Assange's and Edward Snowden's. Legal action must be taken against those in power. The Military-Industrial Complex needs to be cut by 90%. There is no way around it. That is the only possible solution to the big mess. They are the scum responsible for why everything is wrong. There's no room for democracy when everything related to the medium is in some way a state-sponsored psyop.

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