Friday, February 22, 2019

I think they are all fake.

Defango seems to be in the role I used to have as a Joe Schmoe caught in the middle. But life is too short to care that much. Checking a bit into Stolpman and Minadeo seemed necessary.

What is most noticeable is that none of them ever discuss anything important. They never share anything as in learning. It's goofy drama impossible to grok? The only thing I picked up from watching some Stolpman is that he's 100% cointelpro garbage. I'm thinking the same with Defango and every fvcking account involved but that it's not worth pursuing. When I try to figure it out, nothing adds up. It is a completely baked demented medium loop. It is burnt toast how some of those shows are lasting over four hours. That is cult-like behaviour. And no one is going to do video blogs like that just for kicks. There are only two possibilities. They are random Rondo's making money or paid fakes running psyops and entrapment. I go with the latter.

I was trying to be open-minded about Defango but now see that he promoted obvious paid fake Dave Seaman. That's an instant deal breaker and a reverse permanent ban has been implemented on both schticks.

All of these little cliques never deliver and seem to be psyops. I was actually in a real life internet situation and never got any support. It was as if I didn't exist. These guys keep showing up no matter how much I don't care. I don't click on Adam Green, yet Youtube continues to tell me to watch him. Defango seems to be a paid fake the same way Fkn Freddy is. They are everywhere. They are always right in the middle of convolution.

I admit to no proof on this, just a feeling. It is definitely pointless for anyone to watch any of them. They all seem to be sewer rats not getting much page hits yet never go away. They do these very long shows with perhaps a few hundred people watching.

Defango was on with Stolpman. He hosted Seaman. That's crazy. It's obvious none of them can be trusted for anything. I tried. There's no there, there. Stories shouldn't be so difficult to follow. Mine took off because it had some actual real names. There was a fricken house vote to acknowledge the SWATs. It made cable fake news. I somewhat recall Don Lemon interviewing the guy from the Red State forum. Erick Erickson or someone. It wasn't out of nowhere and on nothing such as Kappy or Cicada something. Julian Assange continues to rot in the embassy and these scumbags are peddling disinformation garbage. I think they are mimicking myself to be blunt. They have tainted cyber sleuthing and truth into distorted nothingness. Social reality in the form of incestuous medium links has become the stuff of nightmares.

I used to be the one attacking widespread disinfo scripts. Clowns have co-opted my work and are running bizarre militarised alternate reality games. They call them larps. It's the same cointelpro styled nonsense. Ron Brynaert was on the paid fake payroll or batshit insane. Now it is Stolpman's turn. The internet has evolved from fake journalism to bottom of the barrel acting. But like it wasn't all about Brynaert, it's not all on Stolpman. This thingie is a huge operation. The new actors are just one more slice of a failed reboot. There are an unlimited number of operations in place with so-called nodes targeting every sort of person they try to pigeon-hole us as being.

My experience hooked right into Barrett Brown, Lamo, Breitbart versus Daily Kos, Weinergate and SWATgate. Kimberlin was an actual great historic story in multiple ways. I get obsessed and go into phases. I dive in wanting to understand everything. A few months back I wanted to solve musician Jim Sullivan.

Breitbart stole my story and then croaked. That's a true story.

Those bozos on Youtube are providing nothing of value. It's called diddly squat. They are merely mimicking nobodies just like you and me who figured out social reality in regards to internet and military culture. They are circumscribing great truths into the oppressive system. They are mocking the idea that everything is rigged and fake. They are basically part and parcel of the military-industrial complex. All that is missing are Anonymous styled pay stubs of Hal Turner in contact with his FBI handler but for Nate. I think the world is fvcked up and will never improve precisely because of modern day cointelpro.

The troll wars back in the day had real value. These guys nowadays are fake trolls. Assange is all that matters at this point. As long as he remains in embassy prison, nothing else is worth respecting in regards to social critique or movement.

This is why I no longer care about anything to do with the social structure as in internet. I tried to ignore suspicious characters such as Defango and Unirock, but the algorithms wouldn't let me. And now that Youtube is completely fvcking with all their results making it even more worse than it was, I might be able to finally quit that website.

(I wrote this entry last night and am editing it today.)

The Celtics are on TNT at 8:00 at Milwaukee. It should be a barn burner. However, I am preparing to quit the NBA as attempted with internet scum links. Kyrie Irving has opened up his big fat mouth once again. He is not worth the trouble.

Boston had a great title town run since 2001. I don't know the exact number but both the Patriots and Red Sox won a good number of championships. The C's got one with Pierce, KG and Rondo. I think the Bruins have won a couple or at least one Stanley Cup in this era. If Danny Ainge and the Celtics go down the tubes, I will not care. Irving is not Ty Cobb one of the all-time greats to compensate for being a jerk. Larry Bird and KG weren't the nicest guys but played the right way making teammates better. Kyrie Irving is a miserable teammate and trash as a human being. He is very easy to despise and so grotesque. He is pure scum!

I am still interested in the C's because I want to see what happens. Irving has thrown the young guys under the bus once again. It never stops. Kyrie has tremendous skills for scoring but is simply not that good of a player. He is probably above average at best, just below all-star level. He is a hybrid shooting guard and not a real basketball distributor. His defense is pure garbage. He is amazing at racking up points, yet that kind of player tends to be on losing teams when everything else about their game is selfish and overrated.

If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. No matter what, I won't be watching as much in the future. I'll never say never but it's no longer that fun of a sport. Oh, and I'm also sick of the pro-military and pro-Freemason slant of the NBA. Those two things are my biggest complaints, then ads, then that the game finally really truly sucks. And that it's been rigged by refs.

I'm about to start in on my nighttime coffee. I get so sleepy from the heart meds. I'm still into stamps. I'm no longer into internet drama. I'm weaning the fvck off of it. I can't wait for warmer weather and plan on being more active for reading books, experiencing nature and working on philately.

I can only drink coffee twice a day and it has to be the middle grade. I used to drink it anytime I wanted and at the very strong level.

I used to pull all-nighters. It is better to arise with the sun. Feeling tired so much is the worst of it but it's ultimately wonderful to be alive.

The coffee will cheer me up.

I'm too old and tired to care much anymore about this world. It's over. We're fvcked, period. Thank your military-industrial complex. I warned everyone about the boomerang but no one listened. I am non-violent, so I will only be able to read about it like anyone else.

Since there is a decent chance at least some of the Youtube trash mentioned is Cointelpro, it's better to avoid all of it. But that's the problem with demented medium loops. They are everywhere. That's the military economy we've been born into. And don't forget there are four other countries speaking English who are also brain fvcking us despite not being from here.

But it's not working or else there wouldn't be so much censorship. Paid fakes such Stolpman and Minadeo wouldn't keep falling on their faces so easily and ending up with next to nothing for numbers. I'm curious how Cenk is doing. He should be just about bottoming out. Rogan should be falling apart for numbers or perhaps people are too stupid. It's mind-blowing how much garbage there is on the internet. It makes it easier to watch basketball, yet the NBA also sucks. But there are always the stamps and it'll be Spring soon with just a bit longer to wait. We need to find things to stay grounded. We need replacements for the internet and anything else which is draining us of spirit.

I just checked TYT. They seem to have finally dropped big time for video views easily under 100,000 for the vast majority of them. One must scroll down the list. Some get more views but those tend to be the click bait types. They definitely look cooked. Hopefully Rogan is next. Unfortunately, Joe seems to line up a lot of fake interesting guests. He has a Johnny Carson styled monopoly for that sort of gig. It's hard to believe in the public when so many are watching him, Pewdie Pie and Shane Dawson. Big numbers of people are wasting a lot of time on the most stupid content.

It's a new day! I will spend it listening to Alan Watts and music. I refuse to be yanked around anymore by demented medium loops.

I did notice two stories. Ocasio-Cortez is looking like a hypocrite for living in such a fancy building. I also found the Christopher Paul Hasson story quite interesting. He's the soldier who apparently made a list of fake left personalities to hunt down and assassinate. Scarborough is predictably blaming Trump. It couldn't be that everything is rigged and fake. It couldn't be the system itself to blame for fvcking us over? It couldn't be the demented military-industrial complex and corporations at fault?

It won't be my fault when the boomerang happens as Malcolm X wasn't responsible for chickens coming home to roost. I am a mere messenger with no power. I didn't create the Yellow Vests in France. I have never supported police, military and capitalist pig trash. My conscience is clean. The blood, tears and state of mass confusion are on the military's hands. This is their fault. The military-industrial complex is responsible for why the world has become trash and is on a trajectory to spiral into a demise for an endgame. Dystopia is just around the corner or already here.

Pink Floyd Live At Pompeii

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