Sunday, February 3, 2019

The FBI Freemasons Created "Black on Black" Crime.

There is nothing for me at Reddit. Reddit Wikileaks says it all. It is apparently run by the Five Eyes. Cassandra Fairbanks is obviously cointelpro and on the moderator list. There's never much going on there. It should be one of the biggest and best places. They are not pro-Assange or anything. The thing is empty.

Reddit Conspiracy is trash and exists to fake verify Cass Sunstein's schtick. None of the basketball boards amounted to much.

I was given one of those Kabbalah amulets years ago and never thought much of it. Now I'd like to sell it. Maybe it is a mere trinket and then it gets destroyed.

The conspiracy videos at Youtube are pretty bad. I've found a good movie from 2005 titled Bastards of the Party. It's on cointelpro. This stuff emerged for Generation X to go nuts over. We were the ones coming of age when it picked up steam as a topic. Orwell had written 1984. We were the next batch of kids aging in that time frame. The right-left paradigm was an effective psyop. Assange put it to rest for good. These people are so corrupt as to never again be trusted.

This is good medium:

Bastards of the Party : The Documentary
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Stamps are a nice diversion. I'm thinking of making nice but cost efficient stock cards. I like the vario styled system for the most part but the bigger items become sort of counter productive to store on those. If a page costs a dollar for storage, then there's no point in storing big stuff with modest value. Little nice 50c stamps are okay because they don't take up much room. Plus if we're also thinking of the option to perhaps one day sell, who wants buyers wasting time looking at common junk everyone has and tends to be sold by weight not catalog if at all?

I'm going to find nice binders. Again, they shouldn't cost too much. The main thing is the stamps and to protect them. Packaging doesn't mean much. The margin to make money or at least break even off of stamps is too small to waste cash on frills and facade.

I want all my stamps put together for presentation to have clean backs and be salable. The most common downfall for the historic collector was he or she overrated possession. It's about condition, condition and condition.

I do recommend the hobby. It is a buy low time. It will always be risky and speculative but they sort of can't go any lower. It's a big world. You only need about five million or so stamp collectors and the game is back on. There must be that many.

The problem is the power structure. The stamp ptb's are saying we must go to auction houses, stamp dealers or sell them ourselves on EBay. Those are not currently very promising options. I say put together the best collection possible and let time travel a la Steve Miller Band slipping it into the future. Then see what's up then. It is a good hobby to consume time seeing that there is not much out there in terms of medium. The internet is pretty much dead. I'm getting treated like crap at RealGM. The people running it are sadistic bastards. There is nowhere to go. Nowhere means the overall system is fake, ruined and unsalvageable.

Cointelpro exists because the ptb's don't want kindred spirits to associate and work on solutions for humanity. Snowden and Assange ruined their plans in regards to the internet. That's basically where we are now at. It's called an impasse. The internet died in 2016. The system in itself, the facade and illusion of it, is gone. Social reality persists as in doubling down and ginning it up, but there are no more excuses for anyone still falling for it.

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