Monday, February 4, 2019

This is disturbing.

I didn't know that the Kinsey person famous for studying sexuality worked with a pedophile. Most content is rubbish with only a small percentage as salvageable. Youtube doesn't let me embed on Blogger anymore. That's why I can only share links. I do make the effort so they open up in new tabs. Here's a news report on Kinsey and his criminal activity in regards to pedophilia:

I agree with people who think the Super Bowl was very boring. I watched a bit of the halftime show and noticed the Freemasonry schtick. Even if that is something explainable as in having nothing to do with secret societies and so-called Illuminati, at a minimum it is unoriginal and bizarre.  The word might be derivative. Such and such is said to derive from this and that. Find some new material?

The Freemasonry thingie is definitely Gaslighting 101. It's both true and a fracture point. Nearly every source outing the Freemasons is proselytizing nonsense. Praise the lord, blah blah blah. One shouldn't have to be Christian to go after Freemasonry. Or one shouldn't have to be a so-called kook to realise the elites (military, corporate and executive) are pure trash and responsible for why everything sucks and never improves.

It is a very frustrating world.

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