Thursday, February 7, 2019

When I say everything is rigged and fake, that's called hyperbole.

It sucks feeling the need to clarify this. I never believed in the fake event schtick. The original was the idea no planes flew into the 9/11 towers? Whomever claimed that had to be a paid fake or insane. On the other hand, that a missile was used to attack the pentagon didn't seem goofy at all. That the three N.Y.C. buildings fell akin to controlled demolition was not at all crazy for speculation.

There has always been this blending of plausible with fake in order to distract and confuse.

I never got into 9/11 conspiracy theory or not too much. I definitely leaned towards the conspiracy side of it and still do. Yet, it wasn't in my knowledge base to participate. Chemtrails were much easier. I was able to spend time outdoors and observe the skies over several hours at a time.

I noticed the mockery. I noticed how conspiracy was something excessively ridiculed no matter what the reasoned speculation. NASA was heavily involved in social media around 2000 debunking weather mitigation (chemtrails). I proved Minnis was trolling Chemtrail Central and in cahoots with the webmaster. I got into the internet in 2006 but was able to go backwards researching archives. I emailed him and he admitted to it.

I'm up early today since 3 a.m.. I skimmed through my normal website routine and then went to Youtube. I ended up on a weird page which seems to be the woman from truthstream media- that couple who used to work for Alex Jones. But the voice is just a little bit off. The subject matter of mind control is something Melissa Dykes often covers. It feels like gaslighting. Am I supposed to link to it? I'd rather not. It feels counterproductive to focus in on anything particular in regards to internet. Yet I want to document what might be pertinent as a witness.

I don't feel that listening to Rogan and Alex Jones yesterday was productive. Their videos feel like reboot attempts.

I clicked on the Jimmy Dore show plugging Rogan interviewing someone from the NY Times. It was just as weird as the fake Melissa Dykes video. Lee Camp was there as was Jimmy's wife and someone else I don't know or forget who it is. It wasn't fake comic Ron Placone. It was done in an auditorium or something. They were on a stage. What's so strange is there seemed to be the use of canned laughter. Jimmy would say such and such and then there were awkward guffaws, heehaws, snorts and chortles that did not feel real at all.

But I am not positive it was a laugh track and that's probably the point. It doesn't matter what's thought as long as we keep clicking on the videos and accepting the words of so-called convex hull influencers as defined by Eglin AFB. We will end up liking someone? I'm not. I can't think of one Youtube channel I regularly trust and visit. It's been like that for quite a while. I've become more of a channel surfer. It seems like I have run out of internet options.

A Miles Mathis was mentioned in the comments of the fake truthstream media video. A quick search shows that he is a paid fake or completely insane. Maybe it is a shared fake name. I think it's quite likely that the people running Reddit Conspiracy is some sort of military intelligence cell. That's what I mean by everything is rigged and fake. It doesn't mean I believe in anything crazy that is not only unproven but completely nuts to pay attention to such as flat earth or Mandela effect.

Basically we are looking at paid fakes or nutjobs outing paid fakes and nutjobs.

I would like to see something done about this but it seems like a demented checkmate. Jimmy Dore is selling clothes on his page. It looks like they are using a laugh track or people are busting ribs at stuff which isn't funny.

The question becomes why is Dore using a laugh track or why are people laughing way too loud for non-jokes?

Beware of the bait and switch. I was reading something interesting by "Miles Mathis" on how every famous person cannot be trusted. Ugh, it felt similar to my everything is rigged and fake schtick. But then about halfway in he claimed Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon bombing never happened. It's too much. I can't be alone in my feelings that the internet is a big twisted joke and nothing but gaslight. Look at Rogan versus Jones. It is impossible to pick one side and win. They are more akin to two sides of the same coin to borrow a cliche.

I wanted to believe in Brad Friedman looking way back into my internet past. I found out he was one of the paid fakes. I proved it. I spoke of incestuous internet relationships. I wasn't alone. In the past there were many of us who had already broken off from the debate both sides paradigm. Now I am calling them demented medium loops.

Maybe someone can look into this. I couldn't be bothered. It becomes whac-a-mole.

I can't find any video Melissa made on Dick- perhaps it never happened. The search suggestion got odd:

Affected Collective was mentioned. I think that's her but it was changed a bit. Perhaps the speed was altered or something else was done to fvck with us.

No one who worked for Alex Jones can ever be trusted. They probably work for "Homeland Security" or some other part of the Military-Industrial Complex. If so, they must somehow rationalise their being straight out liars, grifters and limited hangouts. It's how Alex Jones and Joe Rogan must be able to continue on with continuing. Hal Turner can still be found on the internet. Nothing ever improves. Assange continues to rot in the embassy while Cointelpro's Cassandra Fairbanks persists on the Reddit Wikileaks moderator list.

I think we must heed what McLuhan concluded in that content no longer matters. There is something else going on and it is huge, secretive and protected by non-disclosure agreements or other forms of threats.

C. Wright Mills warned of circumscribing. There was the catch phrase, "All your base are belong to us." It resonated because it's common sense to wonder why nothing ever gets better. The Freemasonry conspiracy makes sense. The eye test adds up in regards to the monster leaks provided by Snowden and Assange. Since it's been proven everything is rigged and fake, that idea needed to be soiled and quelled.

Stop being Charlie Brown suckered by Lucy in regards to the medium football. There is nothing salvageable to any of this.

These people never last forever for popularity. I see a no-name clown such as "A Call for an Uprising" getting a decent percentage of whatever views Rogan gets. Sometimes it is not close but the big mouth "Christian" definitely gets way more views than H.A. Goodman, Pakman and many more familiar names. I see stupid sports blooper videos with almost as many views in similar number of days to Rogan.

These people are not invincible. Others should make copies of anything of relevance produced by them and upload to separate pages. Expose while starving page hit oxygen. It would be a great thing if Rogan was taken down like Hal Turner was. It would be huge if a smoking gun was found proving Joe works for the Spy Factory. At a minimum, it would be excellent to see Rogan ruined and forced into retirement due to low ratings. Of course he is cointelpro. What is going on between himself and Jones is called a fake fight. Patterico and Stranahan had those. Manufactured spats are part and parcel of modern day bread and circuses. All publicity is seen as good.

Thankfully people are finally seeing through the basic social media structure. It's just awkward and cringeworthy to have nowhere to go but still possess an internet addiction.

I am in between stamps again, so that explains my recent surge in blogging.

I'm glad we are finally into February and am anticipating the end of Winter.

Then I'll spend more time outside which would be a good idea for everyone. There is no social movement through the internet. There is not much knowledge to learn from it. It is a psychological crutch which drains us and can only lead to depression. We are in a proverbial bad relationship. We have all been abused. It is impossible to escape the gaslighting. It is everywhere, even through Jimmy Dore.

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