Thursday, May 9, 2019

I was banned from three basketball forums for telling the truth about Kyrie Irving.

The SamCelt forum used to be good. "Sam" was an above average amateur basketball writer who was everything to that place. Once he died, it was akin to Cleveland without LeBron or the first Brad Stevens' year. The people who survived are pure scum hypocrites with no writing skills. One called "DBoss" kept referring to Kyrie as elite. I responded no. Those people for lack of better words are cvnts, shiteheads, fvckturds, etc..

There's someone named Cowens/Old School. He is the personification of trash. He is busy attacking Kyrie when he went after me for pointing out how overrated and non-elite Irving truly was back in November. They also seemed to have banned Fierce, another Boston Globe Celtics blogger from way back. He wanted to trade for Jimmy Butler and they attacked him. They speak of being convivial, but they are some of the most pro-military, mean-spirited, nasty fvck faces anywhere.

It is a dead forum, so I will leave it at that. Those guys grew out of the Boston Globe forum which went defunct. The Celtics Blog forum is obviously trash. Anyone can look at their politics or threads in general and see that those people are truly stupid and scummy. I wasn't banned from them recently and have no desire to go back or anywhere. I'm done with social media. The people who remain as bloggers are too dumb to see it's over or that every good thinker has been banned. I've stopped even posting on this blog for the most part. I finally sort of give up. The world seems fvcked and done as in burnt toast.

The other two basketball forums I was banned from were RealGM and Reddit Boston Celtics and basically for the same reason of understanding Kyrie Irving well before 99% of everyone else. There is no free speech allowed anymore. Life as in internet has truly gotten that simple. Stay in your lane or bugger off is how it goes on all of this. Yovtvb3 now svcks big time. How can anyone have missed that development? I'm watching Shatner's Weird or What and it's got to be the worst t.v. show ever. It's become impossible to productively waste time anymore through internet addiction.

There is no free speech even when it is circumscribed within a rigged structure. Socrates was killed. First they offered him exile. He refused to leave and they gave him hemlock.

People aware that everything is rigged as in both parties and with Trump as fake opposition are not allowed to participate in politics or you name it. Debate time ended a long time ago. This is surrealism 101. We have all become Malcolm X or Assange with no support and headed towards a complete shutdown. If hope was water, we'd be on Mars as in good luck finding some.

There is a Malcolm X stamp. I doubt he'd be allowed to speak on the internet. Few would probably know he even existed?

Harry Belafonte has been a great man. No one hears about him. I know he is way up there in age at this point, but he did speak truth to power when Obama and Hillary were riding high and no one listened then to his warnings.

Assange is getting railroaded. Society is trash because it allows the state to get away with its crimes. They care more about basketball than real life. I used to be like them up until very recently using hoops as an escape. Kyrie Irving made that impossible leaving me with nowhere to go but stamps. Irving ruined the last medium oasis I was holding onto.

I am happy to see that Terry Rozier finally woke up. He seemed to love himself some Kyrie Irving until he didn't. Know-it-all scum tried to blame him and Brad Stevens for what happened. They couldn't blame Morris because he had too good a year. Many refused to blame Kyrie until it became obvious he was the problem. Ainge fvcked up by not trading demented scumbag at the trade deadline. He caused his own heart attack by greedily lusting after Anthony Davis forgetting about everyone else but him, Irving and next year's roster.

There's a video of a young Ainge deliberately throwing a basketball into an opponent's head. Mormons are full of it and some of the biggest hypocrites of all time. They are a big part of what's wrong with America. That can be easily researched and verified by anyone. It's called Utah and the military-industrial complex.

I'm a bit grateful the C's spiraled into a complete mess. Kyrie made the bed and soiled it himself, period.

I don't blame anyone but Irving and possibly Ainge. Mormonism is related to freemasonry. Those two may have a lot in common in regards to being demented.

Jayson Tatum has been ruined. He probably became a freemason in his one year in college through the fraternity or is seemingly well on his way to a loserville life nonetheless. Rozier and Brown are rich men, but both still have the opportunity to grow as human beings. It takes a lot of guts to face up to truth. Terry idolised Kyrie. This newfound he hate me attitude is absolutely refreshing and delightful. Rozier had looked up to him as a role model. What I did in figuring out Kyrie was the opposite of rocket science. Most stuff I have ever solved was not brain surgery. Yet, they still caused ripple effects. Unfortunately, there are a lot of factors in life and it is near impossible for any of us to relate to one another. There are just too many variables and differences. Points of departure completely matter and we're all coming from different angles.

With all that fricken said, it became obvious Kyrie is a nutjob and batshite insane long before he started saying nutty shit about his teammates in post-game interviews. I was ahead of the curve. I first went after his basketball game. I never attacked his character until forced. I initially noticed he sucked as a point guard and on defense. That was my issue. I was arguing that no way in hell should he be called elite. I was banned for believing in the obvious.

At first I thought Cleveland fans with this knowledge were guilty of sour grapes. I thought every player under Brad Stevens improves, so why wouldn't Kyrie?

Brittney Spears is batshit insane. I advised that she should retire due to that. Now I am saying the same thing about Irving. He seems as fvcked up in the head as humanly possible. He may have a form of Norman Bates syndrome but with his father rather than a mommy thingie. He has obviously been fvcked in the head. Even most bootlickers are now conceding some of this. I looked into it. He called himself and LeBron gods. He told a heckler fan to svck his thingie. He had a girlfriend singer who ended up in a bad way. Though that was not necessarily his fault, Henry Fonda had a wife with a similar demise. I said it was a bad look for Henry. Kyrie Irving has had so many bad looks that even most of the hypocrites have come around to wanting him to stfu and go away. The most stubborn and deluded hold onto the hope of Danny still pairing Irving with Davis. Maybe that is cointelpro with a manufactured fracture point. There's another reason to quit social media. The military is all over it including the FBI. There was that turd J. Edgar Hoover, but we won't discuss that? The NBA is in bed with warmongers. Every other ad was military. I am anti-war. I have no blood on my hands. I have the right to dissent and have done so. Only a loser would join the military or become a pig of any variety. Enough is enough means precisely what it implies.

I'm not saying I told you so. I'm saying this world sucks and that we are all fvcked because of that. The universe is in everything and everywhere. Truth is painful. The rich and military are breaking all laws and are the height of immorality and nothing ever changes. The world simply continues to deteriorate.

I am where George Carlin was. We're fvcked.

The truth has been exposed in everything and it is extremely ugly. That is the result of the excessive censorship and rigging of society and internet. The ptb's wanted to do something about the "troll" problem and now they own everything. They thus expose themselves. This is emperor without clothes 101. The pool is drying up for the ptb's to gaslight. Real people quit the internet. Only morons and paid fakes continue to participate. Social reality as oppressive becomes painfully obvious when there is zero freedom. This is not the same as a Nazi Germany but just as controlled and completely manipulated.

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