Thursday, May 16, 2019

This is what I don't understand about Isaac Kappy's death.

Where are the local news reports? Where is footage of a shut down highway? I imagine that happens in every state whenever someone dies on a public road. They seem to always be blocked for at least a while as investigators do what they do. Where are interviews with the teenager or two who tried to intervene? Why is there no interview of the unfortunate truck driver or anyone else? Why was there only some sort of press release from the state highway authority?

I do think someone could have timed a jump off of the overpass as to be hit by a passing vehicle. Kappy's "forcing" himself didn't sound like odd language. If teenagers were trying to restrain him which is the claim, then force was the exact word to use.

Creighton's buddy and suspected cointelpro loser Fkn Freddy seems to be calling it a hoax. If that guy and Aunt BB aren't trying to mirror and mimic me, then it's all a coincidence. He talks up arg's and fakes. Aunt BB never shuts up about the "fake left." They are nobodies leeching off of old school internet schticks which emerged in the 2000's and 2010's.

I noticed that paid fake Nate Stolpman appears very rattled. I think all internet cointelpro actors basically got a punch to the schnozzle with a truth staple; one of their co-workers couldn't take the pressure and killed himself same as Adrian Lamo did. Brandon Darby apparently sleeps with a rifle under his pillow. Sewer rats do not lead easy lives.

Ebon Kim has quit doing his livestreams. He looked shaken up. There was no real explanation why he was quitting. It seems like quite the coincidence he is doing so whether it was after my blog entry or if Aunt BB and Creighton freaked out a random flat earther nutjob. I think he is cointelpro and has basically had enough of that sort of job. I do know that he posted a lot of flat earth garbage and facilitated it as hobby horse worthy, so Ebon was definitely probably paid to make youtube videos. He just no longer has the heart to keep going when he's lucky to get 40 views. More people read this blog than watch their stupid videos and I am obscure. That makes them less than obscure.

Maybe Kim got laid off for getting so few page views. There are turds like Fkn Freddy who will probably never quit as disinfo actors as long as the checks keep rolling in. Maybe he could get a job bagging groceries. Stolpman can't afford to quit. He has no discernible skills other than lying with a straight face and even then he gives away the shop if you read between the facial expressions. It is almost impossible to lie and get away with it. That's why the system is crumbling. It explains so-called conspiracy theory going mainstream and both sides of the fake aisle talking up fake news. It is the new status quo and no one real is buying in anymore. "Freddy" claims he's unsure Kappy is even dead and now he's a big fan of Raymond Scott Creighton who's been spreading the craziest shite possible on Assange for about a decade.

I think a lot of these people get into hard drugs and then their lives are effectively over. Cocaine is expensive and extremely harmful up there with heroin. Kappy seems to have been a cokehead.

I think Freddy is just one more paid fake who mimics me. I was one of the first victims of a state sponsored alternate reality game. That's conspiracy fact. He and Stolpman mimic as sincere cybersleuths and then poison it with outrageous ridiculous crap. Freddy doesn't use a real name because then someone might find out who he really is. I doubt a sociopath like him loses any sleep that Kappy no longer wanted to live as a strung out cointelpro agent. But a lot of the rest of them must be freaking out. Not everyone can just keep chugging along. The problem is scum like that aren't interested in finding real jobs and living with dignity. They become bad people like Kappy and then try to forget that's what they did with their lives.

Kappy might have sort of woken up, but it seems to have been the proverbial too little, too late. I think he went from being a "good guy" just doing his job for the spy factory (in his own mind) to realising he had become a sewer rat. BB claims military intelligence are just doing their jobs. Isaac Kappy had to know how ridiculous his schtick was.

This is called a reverse-double bind. Ebon Kim, Stolpman, BB, Creighton and Freddy have promoted some of the most ridiculous things ever. Then perhaps they got bitter because real people ignore them. Even most of the patsy targets seem to grok what is going on in regards to internet cointelpro.

I used to be bitter about all of this. But then I reminded myself my record is clean. I've never been convicted of anything. I got degrees, researched and wrote original stuff. I was never paid to post unlike those scumbags. I've never received one cent for blogging. I've been anti-military my whole life. Aunt BB is fvcking trash. Those people as in all of them are the scum of the earth. The people running Reddit Conspiracy are also the worst of the worst people anywhere. If someone could figure out who they are, they would have the names of contractors working for the military-industrial complex.

The FBI owns J. Edgar Hoover. That's who they are. Our country is 100% corrupt, warmonger garbage and everyone knows it. The internet is an entrapment and fake news scam. Close to every fricken person in the world has to be aware of this.

I don't care if Ebon Kim and Eddie Bravo are "nice" guys. They can go to hell for spreading flat earth garbage.

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