Saturday, May 18, 2019

Tokyo Shemp Eye Language Analysis of Nathan Stolpman

Led Zeppelin lacked true hall of fame skills and that's why they had to steal from other people's creativity in order to make it big. They cheated, period. And that's exactly what the Military-Industrial Complex does with their paid fakes. It's mentioned in the Snowden documents. They mimic and mirror. They swap info in and out. There are ruses and whatnot.

The Spy Factory is basically on tilt. One of their employees, Isaac Kappy, jumped off of a bridge because he could no longer stomach being a cointelpro paid fake. The pressure is on them, not the everyday regular bloke or lass wondering wtf.

Exposed cointelpro provocateur Jon Minadeo aka Handsome Truth called up Stolpman's show when the news broke Kappy was dead.

Our double bind is a problem. These people should be ignored. But they also need to be exposed. It's a paradox or conundrum. Maybe they will get a nice jump in stats for a little while, but personally I find the Kappy aftermath quite boring. There's still no sign of any interviews of teenagers or witnesses in vehicles. I've yet to see even an interview with a state cop or anything. This was not Random Nobody from E. Cabbage Stew Blvd. in Wichita. This was a very famous clown who became well-known for accusing Spielberg, Green and others of pedophilia. He seems to have later on choked Paris Jackson. What is missing to his story is wtf was he up to before his return to the zeitgeist arena. It might explain everything? When and why did Isaac Kappy become a sewer rat?

I saw Kappy was on with Alex Jones. I got into stamps. My internet addiction does not revolve around obvious cointelpro scumturds. I can usually figure out any schtick within minutes. I am into ignore and boycott mode. I said let's tank CNN. It's not just them. The whole system is bankrupt for significance. Don't break bread with cointelpro in any form. Don't give them the page views.

The good guy side of this bind is we are internet addicts, so this is a tough balancing act. Kappy is a story of interest and Stolpman was a big player in his internet development. It's called a fake coincidence.

Double binds are miserable. The main goal should be to reverse it. We do that by dropping all pretenses that these are real sincere people who matter. The only reason anyone is visiting Rogan or Stolpman, Uniturd or any of them is folks get click baited.

Once a nail is hammered in, you put down the hammer or move onto the next one.

We don't even have to say anything. The awareness is like the Bob Marley song Natural Mystic. It's there. As in, oh yes, that's the failed actors flipped into Hal Turner styled paid fake schticks. Handsome Truth used a coded J in talking to Nate. It was the stereotypical locker room talk say with all white guys talking about Black people. Stolpman didn't flinch but looked scared. So it was the J word for the Jooo haters.

I have been onto this bullshite for about 13 years. I was a bit late to the scene and jumped into the fray around 2006 when Huffington Post started. I remember the first story going on or ARG was the Valerie Plame thingie. I also recall the internet was divvied up into mainstream and paid fakes. I assumed BradBlog and Raw Story were mainstream. The Snowden documents were huge. There was other stuff before then. The revealing of the Podesta emails in 2016 was huge. Pizzagate overshadowed it by design. Podesta is creepy and some of that part of it was interesting. Spirit cooking was weird. Tony Podesta had some very crazy scary so-called art in his house. What was truly huge was the DNC had rigged the primary with the help of mainstream media. Their plan failed because of Wikileaks. The real true news now is that nothing was done about it. Bernie let it slide. It's surrealism. This world is so fvcking frustratingly fake. They continue to double down and gin up shit we simply need to boycott. And there should be massive protests on behalf of Assange.

When the pigs admitted that Snowden had made their jobs much more difficult, they weren't lying.

The eye analysis is basically that Nate blinks a lot when trying to stave off confusion within his own mind. He is forced to think fast at all times. He has to ignore stuff that might hurt the performance. That's why liars tend to blink, frown, fidget and sweat a lot.

Nearly everyone is just being their own person and doing one's best to be good and in harmony. In contrast, paid fakes are in a constant reflection containing too many contradictions. We are not gods. Olivier was the exception, not the rule. The internet didn't kill Hollywood. It was the bad writing and acting. Stolpman is under continual duress to habitually retell himself that being a paid fake in order to entrap is noble.

Nate Stolpman: "[Jake] turned it into a beef because I talked a little bit about Mormons and how they make good FBI agents and stuff because there are articles which say that."

Nate then looked down because he knew the articles as source of his talking was a lie. It was his job duty to say that. He was given instructions. I'm not sure he even said that. I don't follow him. He's one of those obvious fakes.

It got worse. He then blinked two or three times in rapid progression to ward off awareness of the lie. He's trying to lean on his acting skills. They go into this thinking they are the good guy. They are working for law enforcement. Kappy finally realised he had found himself in the rat profession. As to the above, Nate then made a small frown. He continued with, "But I didn't even do that on Youtube."

Huh, what? He didn't mention Mormons becoming good FBI agents on Youtube? What did that even mean? I have my suspicions and I'll leave it at that. People have to figure things out for themselves. I'm trying to give out hints as to how to quit the medium.

Then Nate segued that into Jake what's his name making a four part series smearing himself. It's not called demented medium loops for nothing.

Alex Jones was based on Bill Hicks' conspiracy styled bit. Led Zeppelin took other people's songs and presented it as their own. The singer had a unique voice and the music sounded good, but now ultimately we know they were a fake band. Sure they had some skills. We will never know what could have been because they had the morals and discipline of a numb nut.

The Bombard body language lady made sense to me in the Tim Pool versus Twitter video. The lawyer lady unwittingly implied some mysterious third party actor. I rarely end up on Twitter anymore but recently I noticed ad blocker had nothing to block on the visit. So how does Twitter make any money? Yup. It's like one of those Wheel of Fortunes where someone figures out the phrase simply by the placement of letters, length of words, etc.. Twitter is managed by the U.S. Military and Five Eyes partnership. They pay the bills.

I'd boycott the fvck out of all of them. I'd forge new paths. Bitchute doesn't look like the answer and I have no answers. I do notice at various times that the spy factor steals from my schtick. Snowden got it done. He tried. How was he to know Greenwald was a paid fake? Now Assange is in prison. We are up against cheater scum. Kappy and Lamo could no longer handle the pressure of being ratfvckers.

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