Sunday, June 2, 2019

Man who set himself on fire was protesting the shadow government.

The guy who immolated himself as a protest has turned out to be a leftier than thou against the Spy Factory. He was registered in the Green Party. I found a link through to his writings but am not going to link to their botched interpretation. I'd recommend Heavy as a Wikipedia styled buyer beware website. I suppose it's like that with everything now. It sucks that we are forced to go to Wikipedia and other suspicious sites to find some tips.

Arnav Gupta was apparently a very good person who simply freaked out. His long-form poetry is very interesting.

Memoirs of a Shadow President

He left this tweet just before he did what he shouldn't have.

This was a head's up similar to Kappy's Periscope. He was obviously referencing Bernie but with wordplay in regards to what was to come.

He had to have other issues in his life to give up like this.

Ugh. This guy sounds like he was sorta kinda like me, caught between the worlds of conspiracy nonsense and verified Snowden and Assange materials.

He drew this:

My only conclusion is that Arnav Gupta lost his mind and decided to protest social reality in general. But people who understand this sort of thing are not social media viable. We might as well not exist. We do not matter. I wish he hadn't have done that. Same with the Youtube shooter. Those were good people who snapped. Russell Tice seems okay from what little I've heard from him. He's one of those ex-NSA whistleblower guys. I hope he's legit. I can't vet everyone. He said there is basically a deep state and shadow government in control and this was verified by Snowden. They want us to think this is not the truth.

Good leftier than thou's need to chill out. Things are so fvcked up precisely because truth has finally emerged. We don't really need any more leaks. The system in itself got thoroughly exposed by Snowden and Assange. This is the aftermath in which the fake government is doubling down and ginning it up.

I suppose Gupta lost all faith even in the chances Bernie might make a difference. I simply do not do suicide and don't want anyone else to do that either or the violence. I want deep sensitive people such as Gupta and the Youtube shooter to keep it together. Violence is currently not an option. It is a trap. We can't give up. This definitely sucks. Avoid the gaslighting. Worst case scenario we simply live out our lives. The ptb's have lost. We haven't won, but they lost.

R.I.P. Arnav Gupta and Nasim Aghdam. We can understand, but no one should end up like them.

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