Thursday, September 26, 2019

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF ***

I'm pretty sure I put together a decent television channel at Bitchute, but for a few major reasons, that website is doomed. I'm not saying it will be scrubbed, but it will never grow as a Youtube alternative without some major changes mostly to do with cleaning up the comment sections. You can't expect people to have to deal with both glitches and technological delays topped off by an audience that can go to hell. Bitchute never grows despite how bad Youtube gets. It's as if Bitchute couldn't care less about growth and has been a honeypot entrapment scam the whole time.

Thus, my plan is to mirror on DFQ2 as much as possible of what I uploaded there for original videos and writing. I'm not so eager to try Youtube again. I'm kinda sorta not a masochist into self-harm. I might try YT again, but maybe not.

For videos too long to upload here, say with the Krishnamurti lectures, I could copy and paste what I wrote along with the Bitchute links.

I'm sorry for anyone who saw the stuff over there and is now seeing a lot of reruns. I can't predict the future. Youtube sucks, but so does Bitchute. The internet is so demented at this point in medium history. No one nor nothing is to be trusted. Julian Assange is basically the only news that matters and that continues to be suppressed as usual. I do not consent to this disgusting social structure, not one bit. I am a blogger protesting this racket. The medium is garbage. The people in power are trash. You can't pick a side because they all suck and are criminals.

I do pick Bernie, but it's obvious the media and politicians are demented and anti-democratic. Our world is done. The internet is done. Fuck no, I will never respect this garbage of a scam. Snowden, Manning and Assange should be given parades. Many higher ups in the Military-Industrial Complex should be arrested, tried in courts and then executed. There will need to be a political revolution. It's not happening right now. The internet is a lie and hoax and I mean all of it.
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(original broadcast Aug. 16)

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia  *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF *** (pt. 1/5)

This is the intro with the actual footage starting in part two. There are about 15 total minutes of Burr from Philadelphia 2006.

Someone in the comments wrote, "I've never laughed at Jimmy Dore. He is a fast talking car salesman with no talent."

I responded: In Dore's defense, I think he might have made a comedy album about twenty years ago. But he's definitely in the Rupert Pupkin category or the Dustin Hoffman type who can act as a comic. Joe Rogan was never a real comedian. It's like being pregnant. The clown who did the Toyota ads was not a real actor. I somehow believe in Flo who does the insurance ads. Omg, back in the day there was some excellent entertainment; alas, not anymore. The medium's done. Put a fork in it. Burr might be great simply because these other people are so bad. There are also fake documentary makers. Michael Moore and Carl Bernstein turned out to be fakes. Both sides truly suck.

This is my main tinfoil: The military is all over this fucker by training and developing jackarses over decades, e.g. Joe Rogan. They think, that guy can be a comic. We'll churn Anderson Cooper, Tucker and Hannity into so-called journalists. I used to think of myself as hyperbolic, but unfortunately this everyone is a paid fake schtick might be closer to truth than truthiness.

They got us by the nuts. The fake liberals do control the majority of the media and Hollywood. The right wing are cold and sorry to say, they tend to dominate in ignorance and with authority personality disorder numbers.

I'd estimate about 60-70% of the population is somehow taken for granted and that's mainly accomplished through the medium. I've seen the Smith-Mundt idea a lot and am starting to accept that explains most recent stuff. Snowden and Assange damaged the elites. The aftermath is chaos. The warning of an out of control Military-Industrial Complex by Eisenhower came to fruition.

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia  *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF *** (pt. 2/5)

Bill Burr could never have gotten away with this today. He said some very bad things bordering on illegal. There's no need to be an asshole by design which seems to be his schtick or at least keep it classy like a Don Rickles or Letterman could get quite obnoxious. The medium used to mean something, but it's over. McLuhan predicted this mess. The seventies and perhaps up to early eighties was the end.

Everything has been done. It is impossible to be original for medium. The sheer weight of social reality crushes one's capacity to make a change. We seem powerless. I hope Bernie wins. He's the closest thing I've ever seen to a regular guy running. He seems much wiser than Carter. Bernie was on the right side of issues going back decades. He looks fit and ready to go. He'll be the Abe Lincoln in fricken 2250. Trump threw away a lot of votes today. His base is not enough to win it. It's not my fault I have scooped Bernie winning the presidency.

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia  *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF *** (pt. 3/5)

It gets cringeworthy by the end in light of recent events. He crossed the line? I wonder if he got into any trouble for that. Burr was sounding like Hal Turner by the end. Somehow I dgaf about Epstein. It is being forced on society. The Smith-Mundt Act got repealed. This is pure constitutional crisis. Trump is so fucked now. He is acting retarded probably because he deep down doesn't want a second term. Bernie has always had the right attitude health wise to pull this off.

Someone in the comments wrote, "Didnt he do this in retaliation for the way the crowd treated the previous acts? Im pretty sure thats what the deal was. I think he even did an interview explaining why he went after the audience - cause it was a crowd of shitty ass people. So he let em have it."

I responded: Yes, but he seems to have survived any backlash. I hate to snitch on him, but this was the proverbial bad look. I don't think there's any justification for some of the things he said. We'll just act like Hal Turner never happened or that Bitchute seems to be running his playbook? What he did was way worse than Roseanne or Kathy Griffin. The shock jock crap seems to overlap with cointelpro. The medium needs to be shut down. Too bad Bitchute seems to be run by GCHQ.

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia  *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF *** (pt. 4/5)

My main goal has been to quit Youtube. They finally went too far.

Bill Burr Acting Demented In 2006 Philadelphia  *** REAL TRUE FOOTAGE, AUTHENTIC STUFF *** (pt. 5/5)

This seems to be it for Bitchute. I think by design it is built to fail. It is the 8chan or wtf for video. Where are the other Bern Bots? This website is so dead considering how big it should have exploded. Reddit conspiracy is having a completely fake expansion. There are a million entries on Epstein and they are lightweight at best with a sentence or two. They repealed Smith-Mundt? That makes the Orwellian theory a reality?

I'll be putting stamp collecting skills into use by reuploading videos from Bitchute. I can add one more to this batch. Here's also a link to the recent interview Bill did with Ethan Klein. I hated it. It was totally boring compared to the first one. I am truly starting to not like Bill Burr. I think he's become overrated, corporate and a brick in the wall. His downfall was narcissism.

The bonus video below kind of had nothing to do with Burr except for the intro. It's the Tokyo Shemp Show starring Tokyo Shemp as Bill Burr!

God bless the audience.


  1. I blogged and wrote comments on the link to Corporate Whore Bill Burr New Interview With Cringeworthy Ethan Klein. I uploaded that on Sept. 20, so it's been about two weeks since the interview.

    "This is from a week ago. This is what happens when talented people evolve into narcissists. It's also called jumping the shark. It happened to Chappelle. One minute he was God's gift to activism hammering truths to theatre majors, the next he was stammering like a drunk cointelpro agent. These fucking pieces of shit could change my mind if they fought for Julian Assange. Fuck the medium. The internet and all forms of entertainment are dead. These kinds of fuckers killed it. They are proverbial bricks in the wall. They ain't no Harry Belafonte, Roger Waters or Pamela Anderson."

    This should have a million page views and comments but the opposite proves that the Five Eyes are gaming this website and probably outright created it...

    Aaaaw, Bill is being nice to him this time. How special...

    I think I've laughed once with about ten minutes to go...

    De Niro as Rupert Pupkin was funnier than Burr at the end trying to save the podcast. He's done. He's Pedro after losing cheese velocity. He's Tim Wakefield without a knuckleball.

    Someone wrote, "I can't tell if your alt-right or alt-left, your level of retardation is one in the same..."

    I responded: "I can't tell if your alt-right or alt-left, your level of retardation is one in the same..."

    You're = You are retarded

    Someone wrote, "Bill Burr married a gross black woman and cross bred, but the true fault is how he stopped being funny as a result..."

    Hmmm, it's different usernames, but they both end their comment with three periods.

    I responded: How is one to know whether you are a true expert on race and not a cointelpro agent faking such knowledge?

  2. For a NutJob, you're a pretty funny FVcker.
