Monday, September 30, 2019


I don't think they are real. Elliot Rodger could have easily gotten some girlfriends if he wasn't so demented. I just watched this video on Alek Minnasian. He was treated like trash in high school. I think that's what made him snap. I sincerely believe that the so-called online incel community is probably comprised of mostly government agents.

It's time to upload my original Bitchute videos. Since the last one was on Molyneux and a few recent ones have been on Minnasian, it seems fitting to start sharing anything at all related.

                         Bitchute will not save us from Youtube. (June 15th)

I wrote: But Bernie might save us from Bitchute? There's something extremely inorganic going on here, imho. This type of free speech sewer project has been attempted before. There was Debate Both Sides, Political Flesh Feast and some others. Good content has always been lacking but now it's become scarce or rare. That's what it means by which internet is the new television. If the vast majority are done with mainstream neoliberalism, why would they accept the perverted version from the fake right? Both sides suck, period. The internet has evolved into nothing more than a propaganda and entrapment scam. Excessive censorship and psyops make it appear that the problem is content rendered meaningless by overall bureaucracy. But the true issue is actual content has become pitifully unwatchable. Bitchute seems to be a nice idea in theory, but its overall content doesn't pass the sniff test, almost as if that is by design. It shouldn't take so long to find videos worth watching. In that respect, both Bitchute and Youtube are garbage. I did enjoy Meet the Hitlers. I concede Bitchute's greatness for that upload.

Ooops, I forgot to link to The Naked Kiss (1964) in the Tokyo Shemp T.V. Guide. This is a drag, but I'll feel better once my stuff is moved away from Bitchute for those who want nothing to do with that trashy website.

This one below was on a woman promoted by an ex-friend of Fkn Freddy who calls himself the sheriff of youtube. The irony is that he didn't like who "Fred" was associating with, yet he was pushing an obvious fake called Girltown. Freddy promotes Creighton and Aunt BB. I don't think Sheriff mentioned that. I point these things out only because I noticed them. They have been some of the people fake outing others as so-called larpers. They don't get many views but tie in overall to the Stolpman, Defango, Unirock, Kappy et al nonsense.

I hate those people. I hate what has been done to the internet. It's always been bad, but the authorities are so idiotic, they have destroyed everything. They are so stupid, they can't see that they are the ones creating violence. Adrian Lamo figured it out and then killed himself out of shame. Kappy finally realised he had become cointelpro trash and also committed suicide.

                Suspicious person at Youtube loves herself some Unabomber.

I wrote: I think a lot of that ARG stuff is based on myself and possibly Mike Stack. I could never figure out if Mike was a regular guy or in on it. I think he might have been a moderator at a porn website. He was a blogger from the sex stuff milieu. It was about when milieus collide or wtf.

That was big news back in the day. In Mike's defense, I couldn't imagine someone ruining their own reputation as a job duty. But who knows? Hal Turner talked so much trash and still does. A batch of people ended up thinking Brynaert was cointelpro or insinuated it. Alexandrovna was shady as fvck. Raw Story was complete fake news and I exposed them. But people can let biases get in the way of a fair open-minded analysis, so a bloke or lass can be susceptible to being spun in fake ways. Look at all that nonsense lie crap they smeared Julian with. He smeared the walls with his own feces? Fuck you, you lying police state fat fuck faces? Seriously, fuck you. The spy factory are the ones who are demented and responsible for the big mess. None of this is our fault. We're not the ones who are deranged. Never forget that, good people.

Project Vigilant developed an ARG. They made me the kingpin or something of Weinergate or maybe Stack had that status. He definitely got SWATted. There was a SWATgate and even a fricken vote in congress? It was a variation on this RussiaGate, but back then it was the Republican Breitbarts who looked retarded.

The Daily Kos people were also garbage, but there were a few big websites left for truer left to escape. There was Firedoglake and Political Flesh Feast. I suppose there is a Moon over Alabama, but it doesn't seem big enough to become a big website and I don't visit it anyway.

I noticed donkeytale there a few months ago. But this is too much digressing. I suppose I still feel a great urge for expression, but not where groups of people seem to have developed into a batch. I don't trust anyone anymore. It's sad how the Military-Industrial Complex is so against freedom of speech and association with due process and privacy rights. It's pitiful.

I'm pretty much done with the rigged part of internet. I will read and watch what I want to or nothing at all.

Weinergate wasn't the cleanest of militarised ARGs. It was complex and far reaching though, imho. I only kept going with the anti-Kimberlin schtick because Alexandrovna wouldn't concede defeat and admit there was no exoneration. It's not my fault that was an easy scoop and that I was lucky to get it. I'm not saying that whole thing was my scoop per se. There was an article in Time Magazine linking BradBlog. One anon coward had linked them also. Some of it, yes, was my scoop and I was the only one truly discussing the inner cointelpro shillness of it.

All the crap on the internet gets reduced to divide and conquer fracture points. I didn't fit the narrative. People would discuss Connell's plane. I think I'm looking pretty good out of all that stuff years later.

The ptb's seem to be on tilt and reduced to gaslighting the internet. This whole fucker has been reduced to a psychological operation, imho.

I'm grateful to Krishnamurti. I think his schtick finally kicked in if anyone has any questions on him.

I feel bad for Mandy Nagy. She basically stole my destiny, but her health hit major skids. I think she was just extra kooky. Brandon Darby was obviously cointelpro and Stranahan must also be. He couldn't make it as a social media personality, so I think he sold out to cointelpro. The internet never seems to get better and it's conspiracy fact at this point it is on its own perilous skids. Where's Marshall McLuhan when you need him to explain today's medium chaos? Would he have anything to say about Snowden and Assange? Where are today's great thinkers? We have to fucking solve some stuff soon or we're fucked.

People exposed Cassandra Fairbanks, yet she's still plugging along? Emick was probably ruined, but she was actually cringeworthy anyway. Is Sabu still around? I.D.G.A.F. means what it says. I am extremely not into paying attention to Barrett Brown or anything. Sometimes I notice stuff, like Barrett working with Liberal Grouch. Wtf was that? Fricken. Adrian Lamo ended up with a miserable demise worse than Lenny Bruce's. At least Lenny had plausible deniability. He was harassed by cointelpro into the overdose. Bruce was on the correct side of social issues. Lamo was the scum of the earth and I let him know that on Twitter. Brandon Darby is pure unadulterated 100% sewer rat. Breitbart was a set-up from the start. Andrew Breitbart was a "deep state" plant.

Look at Anderson Cooper versus Tucker Carlson. There are patterns. There are fake sides and fake fights.

                      Bitchute viewer fired by Burger King for being a moron.

                       "Incel" Alek Minassian went nuts on a Monday.

Donald Trump Confirmed as an Incel:

I truly believe that Melania is grossed out by Donald. Just read her body language. She ain't no H. and might easily find some true love or friendship with a lover if she dumped him. There's no way she still likes or respects Trump. But M.'s not gonna throw president c_nt face under the bus during election season, imho.

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