Friday, October 4, 2019

I apologise to all DFQ2 visitors.

I haven't said anything about Bernie despite having recently had stents put into myself last year. It's been just over twelve months since I had a mild heart attack. Two of my arteries were kaput, but one was still doing just swell. I had stents put through my arm.

I was put on a daily blood thinner to make sure the stents stayed free from clotting. That meant if I bumped into anything, even lightly, there was gonna be a bruise. I stopped taking that a few weeks ago and have never felt better or at least as an older person say past one's athletic prime towards 40. I immediately quit cigarettes. But back to Bernie.

I don't think he had a heart attack. I believe he simply was smarter than me and was able to get the work done before that happening. While the blood thinner makes one susceptible to bruising, I don't think it has anything to do with overall stamina and drowsiness. I take a statin at night for cholesterol. That doesn't really affect my life. It may cause some extra vivid dreams. It's this third pill I take twice a day that wipes me out. If Bernie's on that, then I don't know how he can keep running. I take a half pill now for the day and still have trouble holding off an old man's nap.

Bernie might not need that. Even a mild heart attack causes scarring. I take the pill during the day and night to help make sure my heart doesn't stop after skipping. Someone can have a perfect heart which occasionally skips. It happens. But with scar tissue, I need that extra pill. Bernie might not need it. It's called metoprolol. I am on one baby aspirin in the morning which I will take the rest of my life. I don't know if I will always have to take the drowsy pill. You take it baby steps from each tier in recovery.

I was lucky. The cardio rehab went perfectly. I can be athletic and am each day. I mostly enjoy bike riding and walking.

As for social media, I'd like to apologise for basically abandoning this blog for three or four months to go to Bitchute. I finally realised hopefully not too late that the far right wing Youtube alternative is a dead end. I will still upload to that channel but won't ramble on for doing so. I'm back at Youtube. It looks like I'm shadow banned. This blog seems to be the best medium for being seen by the world.

I no longer use google, but this website is good for their search results.

I've been around a long time. The DFQ2 archives are now packed. People can probably easily find this website simply by searching for dfq2 or other related search phrases.

I will not re-upload everything from my Bitchute days. I've been a work in progress as a video maker. For re-uploads to here and Youtube, I should only select my best stuff. The last several days have had me thinking it's always best to move on and cover something new and fresh. That stuff can include original looks into junk from the past. The medium no longer controls us. We can do whatever the frick we desire.

So, let me see what to re-upload now to this thread. It will be new to DFQ2. I'm trying to not reinvent a million wheels. Bitchute is not too bad if you find the rare good channels. If one wants to watch stuff without waiting for re-uploads to this blog, approximately the last four months can be watched here:

Styxhexenhammer666 claims the nwo and freemasons as the good guys. But I'm the troll? I'm the kook? (original broadcast on July 7th)

Sorry, I am having trouble locating it. This was pretty good and can be watched here.

I wrote: Styx apparently wishes to usher in a new Roman Empire or wtf. He is clearly demented freemason trash. Just don't watch him. Quit getting suckered in by demented medium loops. Every last one of those fuckers is either cointelpro or an idiot who mysteriously rose up zeitgeist ranks.

It's not rocket science to see that we're not missing anything of value at Youtube including the wackadoo Crowley-esque fucktard Tarl Warwick. Do you think Boston misses Kyrie Irving? Yeah Brooklyn, I thought the Cleveland fans were talking sour grapes, but they were correct and Kyrie is one of the most overrated fake stars of all time, yet I digress.

I uploaded and shared good stuff such as Krishnamurti. Keep lying to yourselves and watch Styx for his so-called speaking truth to Jesus. Keep shilling for him. Keep sending him money he doesn't need despite his being a verified narcissistic pig slut nazi. Wow. Did he really maintain the Hitler moustache schtick? I know that one picture of him in women's makeup is real because he admitted to it at Twitter. There is another photo circulating, but it might be photo-shopped, so I didn't feel comfortable using it. I definitely didn't fall for the pedophile story on him. I don't waste much time on this stuff anymore. They are ultimately irrelevant demented medium loops. He is cointelpro or might as well be.

Are Ray Vahey and Bitchute actually fronting for a GCHQ JTRIG propaganda and entrapment psyop?

I wrote: Is it a coincidence Tarl Warwick occupies the top pig channel slot for this trashy fucked up website?
There's a saying about shite which walks and talks like a duck, then one is to ask wtf is it.
That's Bitchute. That's StyxFace and it's also "Ray Vahey."
Good luck finding info on him because it's nonexistent?
Without pay stubs, one can only be called a paid fake or useful idiot.
Hal Turner and Brandon Darby were proverbially exposed cointelpro ratfuckers.

All one can do is look at how this sewer is managed and who Ray associates with?
Want to know the real reason why Bitchute's search engine is garbage?
Is it because people with real knowledge of what is going on here use something called PRISM to do their searches?
We don't actually exist? Bernbots more than anyone else actually exist less than every other political demographic?
Politics and internet are rigged and fake?
Bitchute search is pond scum because this website does not want to actually succeed as a Youtube alternative?

The main goal of Cointelpro is entrapment through trampling on due process, freedom of speech and freedom of association. There's to be no such thing called internet democracy according to the Five Eyes.

Common sense says that Anderson Cooper and Tucker Carlson are CIA media agents offering a demented representation of state-sponsored duality. Hannity is also extremely suspicious and was very close with Hal Turner. Those four turds have been drops in the internet cointelpro bucket. We only get to see the tip of the cointelpro iceberg. Every domain is manipulated by the spy factory. All we can do is quit participating.

We must reach the younger people and teach them to stay away from this big mess. It's a set-up.

The internet is 97% trashy cointelpro and useful idiots or it's all a coincidence.

There are some obvious paid fakes named "Scott Creighton" and "Aunt BB" who have been busy smearing honourable greatness Julian Assange.

"[Cointelpro ratfvckers] are only doing their job."

A highly suspicious dude named Fkn Freddy started plugging them.

There should be plenty more to come. I also want to keep feeding my Youtube, but obviously one must use a lot more discretion due to anal retentive copyright shenanigans.

The below was originally broadcast on July 21st.

Psychotic Crybaby Soldier Hissy Fit

Sorry, I can't find it. Here's the Bitchute link. It's pretty good. I've made so many videos. They have piled up and can be difficult to find without obvious titles. I need to clean up my screenshot archive. It's out of control making it more tedious to add images. My conclusion is it is pointless to get stressed out in life for anything. The soldier reminded me of a young Martin Sheen.

I want to find one more video to share before posting.

Ah, yes. I video socratised a British fake comic named Alistair Williams. Comictelpro is real or we're back to coincidence theory. Maybe they are grifters. There's that Louder with Crowder guy. Owen Benjamin acts like an agent provocateur, but he might be dogmatic stupid and not a plant. I'm not redacting for Rogan and Alex Jones amongst many others to be placed in the disinfo agent batch. David Icke and Luke Rudkowski are shady. It's whac-a-mole. I'm a broken record, but it's the truth.

GCHQ Bitchute True Talent Playhouse Theatre Presents: Summer Comictelpro Starring Alistair Williams (July 23, 2019)

I wrote: I can spot these fuckers often within seconds. I suppose most real people can agree regardless of politics that the internet is basically a propaganda and entrapment scam.

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