Friday, September 29, 2017

"I am influenced by every second of my waking hour."

That was a Lenny quote. Above he was seated with Hugh Hefner. What did they teach us? It's all about the endgame. They failed. Hefner ended up whiny, surrounded by dog urine and without ever finding a soulmate. Bruce died overweight in a bathroom with a needle sticking out of his arm.

They were icons for various free speech and cultural reasoning. Hefner, like Steve Allen, tried his best to help out the kid with cops all up in his schtick, referred to as an improvisational stream of consciousness bits. They were bits. I added extra imagery.

They done good but forgot how to finish the game. Hefner was a slut and pornographer. Lenny started a non-profit for leprosy and kept what he could legally. He seemed to be anti-socialism but I'm not sure. He wasn't an easy schtick to grok, but some of the stuff was brilliant. Some bands have hit after hit. Lenny was more like hit or miss. But no one had truly gone to the pow bam, right atcha stratagem. But I digress. They played the cards dealt within a medium structure that had been exponentially built or amassed since the early 1800's up until its death last year.

Hefner was lucky?

I'm not a big fan of dog piss. I'd rather experience true love than have hot chicks around me. Here's a novel idea. I'm actually attracted to women close to my age. I look at younger women as little children. Well, uhm, Uh oh. It was just a joke.

It's cheating to go with much younger people. Hey, sometimes it happens. I'm not talking about random deviations nor implying deviance. If a woman is 40 and the dude 55 or vice-versa, I could see it working. 20 and 35 is too big a gap. What Hugh Hefner was up to was simply disgusting and his endgame showed that.

Bruce gets an incarnation mulligan. He seemed to be doing swell after singing the all alone tune on t.v.. He got worn down by arrest after arrest. He wasn't a lowly drug addict. He had prescription drugs. I guess he liked methedrine? Pot made him feel paranoid or too self-conscious. He needed speed like a Nurse Jackie to keep going. Perhaps in his next incarnation he realised pot was better and that there was something invented 1.8 million years ago called the power nap.

I finally found out about Philip K. Dickhead. Just kidding. Guys. I like the dude. Just like the two above, he delivered great schtick in real time. Maybe Playboy was sleazy and Satanic, but they also had nice articles and interviews. Dick went nuts by the end, but before that he was a great science fiction writer. His downfall like Lenny's was cointelpro wouldn't leave him alone. Dick would truly come up with some weird writing at the end of his career. He died young. I think he fvcked up also like Lenny in not sleeping enough. Both felt that sleep was a waste of time. It was chop chop, get a busy for them.

The great part of the medium dying is that people can now come up with their own original content. I thought I'd never blog again. Dick might have cut a weird deal with Feds. He said the paranoia stopped after Nixon was ousted and cointelpro was exposed.

Which brings me to Barrett Brown. Talk about a glitch in the matrix process. He has been sounding like a Hillary bot. It makes no sense. Hence, I don't trust his pursuance project. Barrett loves himself some Intercept and Jay Leiderman. The only really interesting questions left are will Assange get pardoned and will Bernie keep his health and mind together to take over the presidency in just three years.

I do not like that nothing has been done about the superdelegates. Maybe they got rid of some of them? Those to me are a deal breaker and why I keep mentioning it. Barrett is busy sounding like Media Matters when he's supposed to be non-partisan. He interviewed an "ex-CIA" analyst who was on with Cenk. Or there's something called a sealed plea agreement supplement signed by both parties.

Maybe he's just a naive narcissist with blind spots? That could very well be what is going on and hopefully he'll wake the fvck up. I doubt he will. It sounds like classic denial, an I'm not listening. I'm not going near that. He has somehow become a Jake Tapper. He's just another guy circumscribed within the dead state medium apparatus.

Comictelpro was interesting, imho. I wouldn't be afraid to proffer a grand unifying string cheese of conspiracy stories to be had with Rogan, Alex Jones, uhm, those other guys. Doug Benson? Those guys aren't real comics. It makes no sense. There shouldn't be such a buzz. If anything, my writings should form the apex of the top of the zeitgeist, at least a little bit of it. Fair is fair.

The social reality as computer simulation schtick is dogshite. The reason why everything seems to be 0's and 1's is because that's a simple way to define polar opposites which form the whole. P.K. Dick's books were brilliant or they must be based on reviews. I like those movies. I don't feel compelled to read his stuff and especially those last dregs of thought called Exegesis or wtf.

He didn't have hidden power. He was a drug addict. He hung around with the wrong crowd. Dick was one of the best, but then he fell into the deep end. One minute William Cooper made sense. The next he was talking up aliens. They got fvcked with by cointelpro. Maybe they were in on it somehow. How the fvck would I know?

Alex Jones is clearly cointelpro. Lots of stuff is obvious. It's just a little too high quality for some no name youtube channel getting huge hits and garbage comments. Some stuff is good. One must be proactive. But most of everything is not worth the effort.

I don't know what happened to Dick. It's weird that's his name. He was agoraphobic. I met someone with that. They are fine, normal, etc., but only if they are safe at home. That guy was a big time introvert. I give him his due. I'd like to think he went over the deep end rather than talked up some extra bullshite in service of national security. Conspiracy Stories as proven by Snowden documents are not something that emerged with the internet. They were transferred and adapted to this garbage pit of infinite electronic storage capacity.

The medium did die. I witnessed it. All the esoteric chit chat, i.e. the internalisation of just too much damned infotainment has fused itself into spiritual DNA. It should get progressively easier to recognise society as fake in future incarnations. I know. It sucks. There is nowhere to go where anything is real or it's very rare to find stuff and think that would be good for everyone to look at.

Here's the problem and why I may be finally sick and tired of the twitter format. I don't follow many people by design. I like the Irish guy because it seems one can learn a lot by looking at a few select stories.

I wouldn't have known about the Daily Mail scandal if I didn't follow his feed. The irony is I read the Daily Mail or skim it quite often or its U.S. version anyway. In their main paper for Brits there's some kind of full attack on Mr. Corbyn. We need that guy to succeed. The Washington Post did a similar thing to Bernie, something equivalent to a stalker sending 16 unwanted emails to some chick he's just got to let it go and move on.

The shite on Pizzagate was interesting. Most of it was a distraction. The DNC leak stuff was much more damaging than the kookier material. It turned out to be a rigged coronation for Hillary. That can't ride.

Assange ended medium history, period. Jane Fonda is even saying enough is enough and get that shite out of me mug. I love it. I don't miss the important pop culture stuff by skimming Daily Mail.

Less is more. You don't want to have too little less, less or too much more, more.

We are going to die no matter how long it takes
The perfect endgame is hitting old age with spunk
Hefner did some things right and is not a lost cause
I'd have hired a full staff to make the dog pee outside

The endgame is the which which cannot be whicher
Hat tip to Watts or he stole it
It's a simulation only in that hidden power creates scripts
Is this poetry? I doubt it. I'm trying to tie it all together

The U.S. government illegally performs psychological operations
Over half the country is progressive, but they have no candidate
You can't beat the superdelegates
Alex Jones screamed, "1776!"

That should do it. Oh, so this other fricken person I follow linked to an old Harry Enten 538 article on how everyone hates both Hillary and Trump. That website were dirty rats in on the verified conspiracy. But we're the ones smeared as kooks despite verification through heroic whistleblowing. If Assange is pardoned and Bernie wins it all in 2020, then maybe we can talk about possible medium reboots.

We are the new medium. Deal breakers are not mythology.

I vetted them all. They all suck. Some BBC lady is smearing Corbyn as a Joo hater. She got busted for something, but it'd be too much work to explain. So, listen to music. Look into cool shite that was never available to us old geezers. The Philip K. Dick story is interesting.

There are paid fakes all over the internet.


  1. Oh, OK,good. I'll be back tomorrow. MAYBE. Meanwhile, stop beating up on Barrett Brown. Oh, here's a blues song for your top 40s list of blues songs. I like to listen to this one on walks:

  2. Thank God I went to your Twiiter feed to check out your take on the latest Americano Murder rampage.

    Why wasn't I surprised to have you accuse me of being the shooter? LOL. Even tho you have my picture and know who I am.

    What I am almost shocked at is you accusing me of being "Unknown" here.

    You are that easy being played by this looser to out me? WTF?

    First off, while I enjoy the blues as much as the next white dilettante I don't listen to the blues when I'm out for walks, OK? I don't listen to any music when I'm out for walks. I dont even own headphones or an Ipod for goodness sake.

    Besides, you know I am more of a rock n soul guy, maybe twinged with some old timey country gospel ever once in a while.

    Second, if you want to beat up on Barrett Brown by all means. Go for it, I'm sure he can handle whatever you can throw his way seeing as he did two years in Club Fed for playing a fool on YouTubes. I'm also sure he is now a cointel pro. Or maybe a cointel amateur. Who knows or cares? IDGAF either way. I think he now works for D Magazine which is pretty disgusting in its own write. Very mainstream North Texas Yuppiefied. I agree with you in the sense that he's wasted a shot at true grateness for becoming another Hillary apologist in the mainstream media.

    I woulda thunk he coulda dunn better. But I don't mind. He just kinda wasted everbodys precious time.

    Dont wank thrice, it's alright.

    (It did occur to me while scrolling down your twits searching for clues about what I must a did to deserve this obsessive haranguatanging that maybe this too is all just one more elaborate love siren to draw me out of retirement? I still like to think of you fondly for all the grate schtick over the years aand peraps this is part and parcel of all that. But Nigel, please. I'm happily dunn. You are now set up on the path to Nirvana so don't let the loosers like "Unknown" get you down.

    Or the loosers like donkeytale either for that matter.

    And of course haha you already know by reading his/her drivel that I could never be "Unknown." Thas a goot one Lucy.

    Maybe he/she too is part and parcel of this classic love siren? Or maybe he/she is Poopy Korn?

    You are still the greatest. Carry on my wayward son.
