Saturday, September 30, 2017

The Medium; dead and done

There were a few core reasons why it seemed life would always run on a medium centered socialisation. No one could envision a day when people would say this is crap across the board and we should no longer give a fvck. One could act the snob and say, "I do not watch television." Yet, that person was most definitely still reading books and magazines, listening to radio, going to art exhibitions, watching films, etc.. Ted Kaczynski apparently went off the grid, but even he could not let go. We are social beings. We crave content. I'm sure he had books and other stuff keeping him busy. Maybe he had battery operated radios. Going off the grid completely is basically near impossible.

One would have had to reflect hard and deep to have come anywhere close to predicting this death and decay to words, songs and indeed all mechanisms for cultural exchange.

Snowden and Assange together have brought the medium to a standstill. I just watched a Hunter Thompson documentary. Perhaps he was the last of the creative rebels who had success. We are born. We go through the same basic educational process. We are asked what we want to be when we grow up.

The old system looked good to go for many more centuries at a minimum. The beautiful and talented could compete in entertainment and newsprint. They could become architects, bus drivers and teachers; in other words, regular guys.

They could get married and have kids or stay single and play it out.
They could stay where they grew up or seek different scenery.
The one constant was the medium.
It was always there to fill any spates of boredom.

There was this idea that one is never too old to try.
Old codgers Bukowski and Walter Brennan made breakthroughs.
Jesse Jackson said, "Keep hope alive. Keep hope alive."
And nothing seemed so profound as a Black man finally becoming president.

It is finally impossible to be an artist within the system.
The endgame for the winners is narcissism.
One can no longer pull a Greta Garbo, get it done and then it's out of town.
The best of the best from the rear view mirror could never succeed today.

Experience has been reduced to a collective hangover from an unsalvageable medium. Snowden proved that cointelpro is alive and well, that it never went anywhere. He showed that the Church Committee was a limited hangout. I have seen on numerous internet occasions a propensity to push the idea that the CIA of today is not the deranged one from the past. The difference between myself and seemingly everyone else who has commented on the Snowden docs is I ask, "Who the heck are these cyber magicians?"

The charade could have continued if Bernie had been elected or there was no Wikileaks. Trump had to be the second worst presidential candidate of all time to make it to the Finals. Assange through the leaker(s) proved that the nomination was rigged. Perhaps equally important, it was proven that the media is rigged. We can now see that every facet of democracy is a lie.

Everyone but the paid fakes know that the ballgame is over for the Russian narrative. I am confident that Julian can prove the leaks came from Washington D.C.. I don't know what the hold up is, but apparently Trump was the last guy to get the memo on J.A.'s trade proposal:

I give you proof further exposing the deep state and its political farce based on fake balance. You give me the pardon.

I will never toss out the whole medium, although I am sincerely saying it died. It's dead. My Boston Celtics look good. I am still able to find crap at Youtube to watch. There is such a volume of content that through search engines, one can always find junk worthy of one's time.

Boredom to me seems to be a hoax. How can anyone ever get bored? Correction. If something is boring, find something else.

I do feel the need to check out headlines here and there. I keep my ears open for any news friends might mention.

I haven't been to Twitter in a couple days. Now I'm back here and it feels better already.

Plagiarism. Okay, so recently I got into comedy. I watched George Carlin. It was good. I finally checked out the Joe Rogan schtick maybe a month or two ago. Then I socratised him and didn't like what's out there. Mostly, it was watching him do stand up which confirmed he is some form of fake. He is not a real comedian, period.

He is or might as well be a CIA operative.

He seems to have gotten a big scoop or was a player in the Carlos Mencia plagiarism story. Whatever. Schumer and Denis Leary seem to be much more important cheaters for that sort of topic. Why do people plagiarise? It is out of laziness and lack of talent. Leary clearly cheated Bill Hicks. Only a narcissistic sociopath could have ever done such a thing.

I don't get it. I mean, there is an explanation called sociopaths with narcissism. Those with integrity will be better off in the long run. Reincarnation is real. Clowns unwilling to evolve will carry over the energy (karma) and predilections into their next lives.

People should want boredom, but they haven't a clue what it actually means. It is the in-between of exhaling and inhaling. It is complete awareness of the moment which is all that can ever be accomplished. This is about the silence after the death of the medium. Once something is known as fact, one needn't worry about remembering the proofs and details. The sun rises every day. You push that one button and the computer turns on. And then it becomes clear that everything is rigged and fake except for the silence.

It is impossible to plagiarise if one is enlightened. You know who you are and where the ideas came from. You either give credit where it's due or it's stolen. The awake realise that no body lasts much longer than 100 years. It could end at any point. We know that we know death is inevitable.

It is the stillness in which freedom lies and nirvana awaits.

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