Thursday, December 28, 2017

The internet is saturated with paid fakes.

I will present one example from Reddit Conspiracy to prove it is rigged and fake. Real people do not think the way online covert agents spin it. There is a new thread up on Alex Jones as Bill Hicks. The gaslighting part is the more one mentions such examples, the more they become the simulated outcome. It's called a limited hangout or heightened noise to signal ratio.

So I am not saying let's discuss the theory. No, one might as well discuss flat earth or whether the moon is made of cheese. Then it never ends. What kind of cheese? Or who moved the cheese? Who cut the cheese, etc..

Bill Hicks died. Anyone who claims that he faked his death and became Alex Jones is cointelpro, period.

I will provide the link for posterity. The point is that all websites are contaminated. It's a huge, big all-encompassing conspiracy which proves why nothing ever changes. This type of information needs to be leaked. Snowden done good.

This is the Reddit title with the link:

Joe Rogan, his friend Bill Hicks, and his friend Alex Jones are all under the same producer, Kevin Booth of Sacred Cow Productions. This clip is VINTAGE Bill Hicks.

This is the video titled, "Alex Jones Has a Bill Hicks Moment?"

I covered this on Twitter, but alas it's gone. Jones mimics Hicks. End of story. The interesting part is that the Military-Industrial Complex has been exposed as planting these types of moronic time wasters. They refer to them as "Conspiracy Stories."

How pitiful is that? It's 2017 and the baby killers are spreading crap all over the internet. The above is top secret stuff that was leaked through Snowden. These are power points explaining what the people on Reddit are doing.

It's true Rogan is a paid fake. There was maybe only one person on the thread who was real. I don't know, but he or she asked why can't it just be that Jones is stealing Hicks' persona? No, it has to be pushed that they are the same guy and Hicks was a CIA agent. It's both weird and stupid.

It is illegal for the U.S. government to molest freedom of speech and association and run psyops on its own people. It shouldn't be happening at all.

Real people are not posting too much anymore anywhere. It's gotten surreal. Life is imitating art as in George Orwell's 1984.

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