Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The U.S. Government Shut Down My Twitter Account Part 2

The worst part of getting suspended from Twitter is losing all those tweets. I was getting comfortable and enjoying the format. My stats actually got a nice bump off of the Assange drama. The same thing happened the day Hillary fainted. It's not tough to find an audience if the content is good.

I still have access to the account to screenshot them over here. I'm assuming Brandon Darby or someone else tied to military cointelpro got me banned. I have truly figured out everything. This is not bragging. The medium needs to die and be replaced by regular people democracy. That means denying paid fakes access to one's schtick. Widespread brainwashing has become overwhelming in the fake news era. Herbert Marcuse wrote that there must be zero tolerance for status quo agents.

Freedom of speech has always been an illusion, as Snowden and Assange documents have exposed the extent of conspiracy. I tried to stress as much as possible to masses of people that the Military-Industrial Complex is the number one problem. I will upload tweets from my last couple days for when the stat bounce happened. Maybe there are some good ones as I scroll up from December 22.

Tweets contained in the same screenshot should be read from bottom to top.

I will add links and clarification as this article series continues.

If the suspension is final, I will not shed a tear. Last night was rough. I was feeling bad for losing public access to a lot of my original writing and it's just fundamentally unfair what is going on with the Twitter purge.

Great people must create the platforms so we can put total boycotts on all social media from Google to corporate news, Twitter, Reddit etc. and so on. The entire internet is being sabotaged by the Spy Factory. They are resorting to cheating. This is clearly Orwellian territory in which awareness is outpacing propaganda. The new censorship is spun as right versus left, but it is really about the corporate-military state suppressing all free thought.

I will probably have to break this up into a number of parts.

I'm not sure what the future will bring for my blogging, but if I continue, it will be here. It might be a very similar schtick to my Twitter days, but obviously back to the old format. Some days I daydream of buying a microphone and making Youtube videos. One must always be ready to move on and start again. Life is about the journey and integrity.

I hope people will visit and leave comments. It is what it is.

Okay, enough of that. We'll try to fast forward to Christmas Eve, historic greatness Julian Assange and then Brandon Darby.

I covered stuff like Umar and the overkill with the UFO psyop. It doesn't matter. I am all about the patterns. Avatars can be killed, but ideas survive. Truth always trumps over everything else. I went hard after cointelpro. I am trying to get to the day or two in question that led to my silencing on that fascist website.

This is how the medium fools most people:

I got back into Corey Feldman and other stuff. It wasn't too shabby a Twitter page I suppose, not bragging. I'm a bit proud. I feel that I hit a direct cointelpro nerve and cracked their sociological code, so to speak.

"Mika Brzezinski is a clown."
"Hank Williams Sr.'s parents were heavily into freemasonry."
"The military makes fake posts claiming to believe in crazy conspiracies."

"Umar is cointelpro or he wouldn't have let his degrees elapse or otherwise have them out of order. He's like me claiming to be a teacher. Yeah, maybe twenty years ago it was attempted. He sounds like an Edgar Hoover styled rat snitch."

Just saying. I am ferocious against the military and cointelpro. I got banned after a convolution rodeo with ratfvcker Darby. I'm trying to speed this up to the good stuff.

"Umar Johnson's plausible deniability is that he's a con artist. If he isn't the Black man's Hal Turner, he is looking to pinch money off of people under false pretenses."

I think for myself! I hardly ever link to anything and always produced original micro-prose. I was trying to lead by example.

"I am attempting a reverse-cointelpro schtick in which elites will become divided and conquered by the regular guy masses."

I went after the L.A. Times for their all-white actress cover. Both sides suck. Breitbart people are the worst. Neoliberals are also the worst. They are two sides of the same cointelpro program.

I think they made Rosie delete her tweet. I read there is no three strikes and you're out at Twitter, but it has happened to me. I didn't post anything that broke the rules. Speaking the truth should be allowed and I will show that Twitter is anti-free speech by sharing all my tweets from the Assange drama through to my suspension.
I am not afraid of saying fvck this and fvck that. The medium needs to be shut down. That would change things. Say cable news goes down the toilet and bankrupt. Say every crap outlet on the internet is ignored. Shut. Them. Down. Crush the medium's hold on the social structure.
Okay, I have finally reached the Assange part. It is early a.m. on December 25th. I'll stop here for part two.

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