Saturday, December 30, 2017

The U.S. Govt. Shut Down Me Twitter (part 5)

There's a good chance people who visit this blog have noticed these folks on Youtube. They present a very similar schtick. But the difference between them and myself is I don't throw in weird shite like the Mandela Effect. And I couldn't be bothered to investigate more. They have flunked my verification test.

Anyway like I said, everything has become whack-a-mole. I just got the second appeal decision back from Twitter and it's the same exact letter from before. Twitter is purging people through automation with no due process.

FBI/cointelpro scumbags basically control Twitter. Erica Garner just died. Our country sucks. Criminals run the medium and I wash my hands of all of it.

People are committing violence by going after petty shit. They are not aiming higher as blogger Lord David Byron advocated. I would never commit violence. The U.S. government has no qualms bombing innocent people. They have no moral issues with breaking the U.S. Constitution through the spying on and gaslighting of its own people. There is either going to be political revolution (doubtful) or a new era could eventually emerge in which extra-parliamentary activities come into play. Either the CIA and all this bullshit is reversed or humanity is headed towards extinction.

What about the Saudi guy who owns Twitter? There are a lot of famous people out there fucking with society and breaking every constitutional law, yet nothing is ever done about it. I hope that changes.

Roseanne has quit Twitter: "i won't be censored or silence chided or corrected and continue to work. I retire right now. I've had enough. bye!"

I'm feeling very frustrated today.
No one gives a fvck what I think? Multiply that by millions for the paid fake materials generated by social media cointelpro. People know you are goons. You fool no one. Word of mouth doesn't get posted.
So who is this Sarah Eaglesfield and why does she have a Twitter blue checkmark?

Is that her?

I could only find a couple Youtube videos of her band Flightside. They suck. She sucks.
Haha, I didn't even ask for the police record and got her to admit it.

Then it got even weirder.

A quick search showed that she is a so-called Twitter influencer. I guess it's all a coincidence she wants Julian Assange executed. She is all over the place. I found her promoted at IBT, Mashable and quite a number of other websites.
She's apparently a "Twitter Influencer" and gets tweets with her inexplicable blue check mark put into crap internet newspapers.
Her resume, police record, etc. and so forth seem impossible to find.
This is so f'ed up. I guess it's all a coincidence. She gets placed in multiple crap articles as the influencer. It doesn't matter that no one knows who she is or why there is a blue check mark.
She acts like she's Taylor Swift. Do you know who I am? That sort of thingie. Bloody google it up lad with some crisps and number nine, number nine. Everyone knows that one. I'm supposed to be relaxing over an enjoyable, uplifting John Ritter t.v. movie.

I knew what that is. I was being facetious. And I imagine a lot of people also know that it is from the Snowden documents. I made an impact. I kept pounding the same schtick over and over until it sunk in. I reversed the cointelpro to the best of my abilities. An avatar can be destroyed, but the ideas survive.

Now let's go to the very weird stuff to wrap up this part 5. Then we'll be left with the big Brandon Darby finale. I hate that guy's fvcking guts, but it's nice to know he has gotten away with nothing in terms of rebooting his public persona. He is rat snitch garbage, period.

She still didn't list what she studied nor what type of degrees. I could have listed three of my own, but I stuck with the Masters in Social Theory from U.C.C. Cork, Ireland in order to display specified gravitas. I could have also mentioned an M.A. in high school social studies. But I am not looking for petty pissing contests. I want Julian Assange granted his freedom.
Whoa. I just thought she sounded like the Lemonheads.

I'm sorry your friend died. That was a lucky guess. Your band reminded me of the Lemonheads. I had one of their albums on tape cassette. I will stick up for Assange anytime anywhere as long as there is academic back and forth which you flunked. @zenxv

Is there a news article on Evan Dando's brother? Where is this coming from? You shouldn't expect people to go running around for answers. @zenxv

She can't even say what she studied. She answered nothing on my Assange points. That's a troll. Now she's dropping some weird allegation on Evan Dando. I look and look and find nothing.

I think she made that up. Oh, she's so funny. What a total jerk that person is.

Evan Dando was apparently a big fan of Charles Manson. Sounds like a great guy.

This Dando guy sounds like he was a creep into heroin.

Evan Dando was arrested for hard drugs. I have no proof only a gut feeling, but she has a very heavy-handed anti-Assange schtick. I could see a new style of informants getting gigs as paid fake influencers. I wondered what had "inspired" Brandon Darby.

She could be doing some really bad blarney. Like I said, there's a big drop off in talent from Irish to Brits.

Blog court can easily convict Evan Dando for the crime of being a nvmbnut, but I have no clue wtf she was trash talking. She is probably so Ayn Rand bent psychotic that she doesn't know how to interact with sincere people.

Or she works in a Brit spy factory lab trash talking while typing data into Prism trying to flush out crazies.
Then a paid fake account showed up to continue the mind games.

Fake Babel is retweeting her a lot acting like just another distraction. Oh, I get it. It's unoriginal snark that regular folks repel from on contact. Like it's a conspiracy, she added a middle name. Then why keep retweeting her? None of you morons fool me.
I wash my hands of all false ego turds.
So it was another Assange rickroll? I'm just happy the kid is okay. It's pretty sad how many fake posts there were. That emerged. Nineteen of every twenty tweets in the trending pool were apparently cointelpro.
Without any help from Sarah, I was finally able to see she was talking about musician Nikki Sudden.
Apparently Evan Dando was smeared for the death of Nikki Sudden by a fake singer named Sarah Quin Eaglesfield.
Nikki Sudden has passed away

The money quote was written by Alan Merrill. Later on a Twitter user informed me he was the bloke who wrote, I Love Rock 'n' Roll.
I played bass with Nikki on his last night alive, at the Knitting Factory. Nikki and I met last year in Switzerland, but we had corresponded long before that. When he was a kid Nikki had watched my weekly TV show in the UK 1970s, and he clearly loved me as a person as a result, for which I am truly flattered.
I was like an older brother that Nikki had never met. We bonded immediately on first meeting in 2005.
So when he asked me if I'd help him out on his New York show, I was pleased to give it a go.
Nikki was very happy to be playing in New York City, and we did
a fairly tight set considering we'd never played on stage as a unit before. Nikki was on form, and was really loving it. So was I, the music was vibrant and alive.
Evan Dando was there, at Nikki's invite, and though I'd never heard of Evan, he carried himself like a star, so I knew he'd had a flutter at some point or other. We played together on stage, and he had lots of confidence, so I supposed he'd had some flash of fame at some point in his career. I stopped keeping up with new bands around 1975. I have no interest in "modern" music. I'm a rock n roll primitive. Mea Culpa.
Evan was probably, in retrospect, a very bad choice to invite to guest at the show. Nikki seemed to adore him. To me, he looked a bit like the naked cowboy who sings on Broadway and Times Square. You know, the guy who's on Howard Stern once in a while.
A charming guy, but with a very tangible dark aura. He was not a good influence on Nikki on his last night on earth, and I will stop there.
We finished the show and the only one who didn't join us to the attend the after show revelries was Evan and his lady friend, a pretty blonde Darryl Hannah clone.
We moved to a bar, Motor City, and Nikki was bubbling with ideas about the next tour, and he wanted to work with me, Darrel Bath, and Danny Hole on a tour of the UK and Europe. He had ideas of recording in New York as well, and was truly locked in to the future.
No suicide at all. Stop those thoughts. This was a man with a definite plan for tomorrow.
We had drinks and some laughs. At about 5 AM I said good night. Nikki gave me a big hug and thanked me for playing bass on the show. I don't play bass on live shows in recent years, only in the studio. I just sing lately, but I made an exception for Nikki, because I adore him. He really wanted me to play bass with him, so I did.
When I woke up I called the drummer we had played with, Danny Hole, to see if Nikki had caught his flight.
It was then that I got the bad news, and I have been reeling ever since.
On the upside, Nikki was a very happy guy only hours before he passed away. I like to think he entered into the next life with a smile on his face and very sweet dreams. 
We've lost a unique talent. A true poet of the rock era. Its an utter tragedy.

Posted by: Alan Merrill | March 28, 2006 at 03:51 AM
 So there it is. A person with no discernible talent or gravitas is claimed to be an "influencer." Without any prodding from me, she spoke of her police record and then made a weird tweet concerning Evan Dando.
Maybe Sarah is British cointelpro? Just because I know I have intuition skills doesn't mean that paid fakes are aware of it; then they get the reverse gaslight. I have a proven track record just like Julian. I'm not saying I'm bigger than Wikileaks, the Beatles or God.

So yeah, I believe there is usually a crime in the background or otherwise some kind of connection between paid fakes and their doing dirty work for the rigged social structure. I would bet money Brandon Darby got pinched for something that turned him into an FBI sewer rat.

This isn't rocket science for cyber sleuthing. If someone says something stupid, there is usually an explanation other than oh, that goofy, inexplicable internet. Assange and Snowden have opened it all up for everyone to understand that the medium is the enemy.  #MarshallMcLuhan

It's a world in which baby killers expect to be respected and always maintain demented power.
Julian has added some interesting accounts to follow including quite a few Chinese U.N. related ones. He's also following the State Department and the Pope. It's interesting.

This is an "influencer?" She can't even write in proper English.

And she calls for the death of another Twitter writer in Julian Assange. So why isn't she banned?

You run interference for warmongers. You have no verifiable gravitas yet are published everywhere as a "Twitter influencer." No one real thinks like you do unless they are paid to make such claims or are afflicted with authoritarian personality disorder. @zenxv @MadeinCalcio
 This is typical for internet gaslighting.

The social structure is so demented and continues to worsen.
Damn, Erica Garner had a heart attack and is in a coma at age 27.
The medium must die. It must be negated. I am just one guy trying to spread the word that the internet as is, is done, because of the military-industrial complex and its omnipresent cointelpro program.

Of course the shills are easy to recognise. Only a paid fake would claim otherwise.

Do you ever regret what was unleashed by autotune? Are you thinking Bernie in 2020? @cher
Auto-tune is garbage and anyone saying otherwise is a demented fraud apologist.
A lot of losers on Youtube can't just be themselves and instead splice together fake continuity. Some even record only one sentence at a time. Clowns.
Boycott all Youtube videos with check marks. They are garbage being forced on young people as mind control.
"Why do you have to burn the flag?" Because we're not allowed to take up arms against the government?
Burning the flag is the ultimate fvck you, fvck this, clowntime needs to end.

A part of me died. There is no more Tokyo Shemp. I tried my best and got shut down.

So, the new trend is obvious. Arbitrary state-sponsored rules will be applied to all websites including Twitter. Free speech is officially dead. Perhaps someday having a personal blog like this won't even be allowed. The status quo is basically asking for a boomerang. And if it happens, I won't give a shit. It will simply be the laws of physics. Not everyone is non-violent like me and one of these days people might start to aim higher.

Next up: The finale to this series in which Brandon Darby is yet again exposed for the vile psychopathic scumbag and negative life force that he is.

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