Monday, January 1, 2018

If the US Govt. Doesn't Control Twitter, Then Why Doesn't Julian Assange Have a Blue Check Mark?

This is Common Sense 101. All these various losers with no gravitas are verified as if they are important grown-ups who influence things. Assange gets no such respect. Recent news has Facebook deleting accounts on government requests. Snowden did a good job exposing the Military-Industrial Complex and Five Eyes as grand manipulators of social media. Cui bono when Assange is treated like dirt? Who would do that but the Spy Factory? I get banned for speaking truth to Illuminati, while creeps with blue check marks call for his execution. They don't get banned. I wonder why? Hmmm. Yeah, I thought so.

I am going all in with the kook angle. I think secret societies and cults explain why nothing ever gets better. And now there is proof out of England that the demented Freemasons are big time into corrupting justice. It goes on here too.

I have the rough draft done to complete the series on my Twitter demise. I wanted to check in here to explain why I believe the U.S. Government deleted it. They admitted to censoring the DNCLeaks hashtag. I used to be all on that. Charlie Georgia Peach got banned. I forget her exact username. I am in the left wing BernBot batch that will be purged. The ptb's have gotten very desperate.

They are doubling down and ginning it up.

So anyway, I understand it sounds idiotic to use words such as Illuminati. I figure if I'm gonna be spun as a kook anyway, I might as well embrace it. I was calling shite out as fake this and fake that before Snowden and Assange came up with hall of fame leaks. I'd rather be a kook than a demented fascist pig?

Freemasons are blocking reform, says Police Federation leader

And here's a tune to inspire kooks for good:

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