Monday, January 1, 2018

The U.S. Govt. Shut Down Me Twitter (conclusion)

A scumbag piece of shit who can burn in hell named Sarah Eaglesfield has called for Assange's death. I'm banned and she isn't. I am praying for an earthquake to hit Twitter. Many people in the Military-Industrial Complex need to be locked up for breaking constitutional and human right laws. Eisenhower made a warning. Herbert Marcuse and Orwell wrote books. The truth hurts.

Brandon Darby is a twisted psychotic bitch loser who is obviously demented. I'm not a big fan of scum. Erica Garner should have lived a happier, much longer life.
Points of departure are the problem. They are being faked. If a premise is wrong, then everything that follows will also be untrue. This is Logic 101. Take McLuhan for example. It's not good enough to say the medium is the message and I've read McLuhan blah blah.
If the medium is the massage and all content is meaningless, then that means we must go on a different path. The medium must be denied of its mystique and power. That is done through widespread boycotting of the scum destroying the planet.
Rich people doing fake good deeds merely feeds into and sustains the status quo.
Hollywood and the mass media must be destroyed so that real people become the source of all information and social change.

People act like Pavlov's dogs heading off to CIA sponsored protests and web pages, but come up with a good idea like let's make a total boycott of the medium and shut it down, then it's the sound of crickets chirping.
Link to this. Everyone go over to that web page. What part of all content is meaningless do people not grok? How conditioned can folks be to not see that everything is rigged and fake?

The big lie the police state doesn't want you to know is how saturated the internet is with paid fake sock puppet accounts.

Whose bright idea was it for you to associate with verified cointelpro asset @BrandonDarby? @CassandraRules
This is what's referred to as a paid fake. There's no way in hell this person is a journalist, activist or anything other than part and parcel of a rigged internet.

The only question I have for @BrandonDarby is what he did that forced himself to become an informant. Everyone knows that is how it works. Some low life thug doesn't want to face trial and then becomes a rat snitch.
Integrity is everything. Some never get that memo and spiral into authoritarian and narcissistic personality disorder. They come to believe that the false ego is real and must be protected and nourished. It becomes a self-enforced double-bind. It's doubling down on selfishness.

Hey @brandondarby, there's no law that says you have to be a rat snitch your whole life. I'm sure there's tons of shite you can't say for non-disclosure crap, but you could quit and admit you were a douche and try to start over. But nooooo, you have to keep doubling down.
Darby popped into my life because he was in cahoots with Stranahan. I had accomplished something pretty cool that Breitbart/Cointelpro felt compelled to manipulate and distort.
Looking back, I made an impact just based on one guy writing posts at Democratic Underground and Daily Kos. I had no idea who Darby was. I had no fricken clue about Kimberlin. It was BradBlog Brad Friedman and Larisa Alexandrovna I was truly interested in, and Raw Story.
I'm never surprised by anything anymore. I was digging for dirt on Brad. All of a sudden I saw he was in cahoots with the Speedway Bomber. Then I felt, I remember that dude! Like Spicoli, I know that dude. He had claimed from a prison that Quayle had bought a bag of weed from him
In the future if I am ever noted, it will be for exposing a fake news racket. Darby will be remembered as a ratfvcker snitch who entrapped good people.
I go after real names. It's pointless to cybersleuth persona management accounts. So that's where the Fatterico kablocka comes into play.

Hal Turner was a psychological operation within our country. This isn't conspiracy lunacy but verified fact. I'm saddened that Anonymous didn't pan out, but they did expose Hal Turner. They deserve credit for clobbering Scientology.
People can search for Brandon Darby if they've never heard of him. One can study a little bit of the internet and then it will pretty much explain a lot more than the one anecdote. Like study one cult and then you can recognise all of them.
Brandon Darby puts on the Eddie Haskell for public tweets, but there's one video of him at YT where he shows the demented nature of his being. I was trying to help the kid, show him a path out.
"COINTELPRO 101 - The Manipulation of Your Country and Your Mind"

I can vouch so far for the video just tweeted. There's no sign of Ted Gunderson, the Marines raiding the CIA or UFOs.

Cernovich. Come on, most of this is getting pretty darn obvious.
Cops showed up at a protest holding rocks. Cointelpro was identified at a 9/11 rally claiming no planes. I mean, the gig is up. Paid fakes are basically having wankfest dialogues amongst themselves, as no one real believes in any of their schticks.
My last tweet:

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