Friday, January 26, 2018

A thought or two on William Cooper and some other junk

The idea is pushed by cointelpro agents that if William Cooper was a paid fake, then why was he knocked off? Look at it this way, imho. A fake is a fake is a fake based on their words. If someone is peddling hot steaming garbage, one can know for sure that the person is either a government agent or other form of con artist.

There are also examples of paid fakes who have run into trouble with law enforcement and at least one I can think of who was killed. The former is easy. It's called Hal Turner. The second I will have to search a bit to reconfirm the memory.

Aah, yes. There was an intelligence agent named Roland Vincent Carnaby who was killed by Houston police in 2008. Now in regards to Cooper, he might have had a death wish. His demise sounded like suicide by cop. I'm just saying it can be true that Cooper was both a disinfo agent and murdered by police. It's like the kid who killed his wife and child, the dude trying to produce a movie called Gray State. State-sponsored conspiracy stories prey on the audience's intuition. They know that reasonable people are going to think such and such. Their objective is to simulate actions and outcomes as confirmed by Snowden documents. Don't fall for it.


We might as well stay in Houston for the next tidbit. An FBI agent has assassinated a kidnap victim while he was still bound. Oopsies? It sounds like some form of corruption and perhaps not an accident. And of course no name is given for the fat fvck face assassin. Good guy FBI, me arse.

                                         Let me take a guess. Hoover
                                         was a Freemason and related
                                         to Fred Mertz.

This is called instant verification.

This is called winning. I am the winner. I have single-handedly defeated the internet. This will be well-known in fifty to one hundred years.

That's wicked awesome. There are pasty white "Muslim" Shriners. Good to know.

Apparently the missing link has been found between dinosaurs and birds. A raven styled fossil purported to be 150 million years old was found in Germany.

Let me explain what happened because people still tend to not understand how reincarnation and evolution work. Dinosaurs did not turn into birds. That is ridiculous. This is what happened. The dinosaurs were wiped out. There were no survivors. The earth's climate and geography changed. While one can go from animal to human and perhaps back, that is the exception rather than the rule. It takes a big chunk of consciousness to become a human being. Someone would have to be quite the numbnut to lose human status.

The dinos were given the spiritual option of becoming birds or going dormant. I am theorising. I'm not saying this is fact, yet it seems like what probably happened. The dinosaurs were pissed off but had no other choice than to accept. Dormancy gets kind of dull after the first ten or twenty thousand years. And now you know the rest of the mailed in fantasy conjecture story.


It's not just scientists from Rutgers saying slow the fvck down with any notions for geoengineering our way out of the climate change mess. A leaked U.N. draft obtained by Reuters claims to not be a big fan of what appears to be "economically, socially and institutionally infeasible." By the way, this is another of my scoops. Just saying. These fvckers are only about a decade behind my analysis.


Okay, this is the last item from the pu pu platter of tidbits.

It's been common knowledge for many decades that 94% of all child stars end up demented. It now appears that 88% of such famous wackadoos have in one way or another been affiliated with Disney. Adam Hicks is the new story. This one is so outrageous that it is very difficult to believe. He is alleged to have been stealing cell phones and stuff through armed robbery of strangers.

TMZ has it covered including a video. Sure, everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but for now this fits in perfectly with DFQ2's investigation into Freemasonry and its satanic take down of American morals. (We are going to be spun as kooks anyway, so I try to play along with the simulated action in a reverse-mocking manner. I know this stuff can sound extra goofy. I've three words in response: John. Quincy. Adams.)

What are the odds Walt Disney was a Freemason? Let's see.........

Yet again disinfo fvcks don't want people spun as Masons when they clearly were.

Oh right, there's nothing bizarre about Your News Wire getting plugged or that the top goes out of its way to deny the connection. We're just all kooky demented fvckers. Sure thing. Got it.

The paid fakes should make up their minds. So Freemasonry is goodness and apple pie? Or it's so bad that God forbid anyone knows who is associated with it?

Harry Truman was a Freemason. Freemasonry is all about demented secret society scum which led to the first third party in America called the Anti-Masonic Party. It is the true enemy of humanity.


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