Saturday, January 27, 2018

Selena Gomez is depressed because she's a narcissist leading a fake, soulless existence

                 How is this person not a wh0re slvt pig demon?

She is depressed because all these other child actresses went insane and she knows she is next. One can assume a narcissist like her has checked out the results on Youtube and realises that no one except brainwashed children thinks she can act or sing. It's got to be extremely depressing to find out one is a paid fake. She made it big as a kid and must only now be putting together the pieces.

Amanda Bynes didn't crack up until she got a bit older.

Same with Britney Spears.

Selena Gomez cannot sing, period.

The comments on this page are brutal.

Someone would have to be a simpleton or like to argue just for the heck of it to claim she can sing.

She can't act either, period.

This isn't misogyny. Check her out flashing her body. She was a child star since age eleven. That led into the bogus adult career.

I think women who don't overdo it with makeup and are just themselves are beautiful. All of them. I am sick of the fake sexuality. Are we supposed to fixate on Selena en masse in a cyber orgy? Is that the endgame?

The cult of personality is the most outdated aspect of American medium. People are starting to move on. I can sense it. The zeitgeist hits a certain collective consciousness level and that's that. It's time to drive Hollywood into the ground. Stop paying for any of it. Tell everyone you know. Don't let kids watch Nickelodeon. Don't let them fall for crap like auto-tuned pop music. Social reality has truly hit the shitter in the last couple decades. I don't remember things this insane growing up. We had lives. We weren't on computers all day. We actually met and talked with people. We had relationships. Humanity needs to put a total boycott on the medium. I hope this idea catches on. It would not only be a nice scoop, but perhaps folks could have easier lives the rest of the way. We have been collectively brain fvcked. Step one is to stop accepting the medium as the message in itself. Become your own people. Become enlightened.

We should be with one person. We shouldn't be gaping at others. I felt a bit awkward uploading the main picture above. I think there's an anti-gaping law where we're not supposed to stare at a stranger for more than three seconds. It's just natural and makes sense not to stare at anyone. We should not have this shit thrown into our faces day in, day out for entire lives. I don't even think she's that attractive. Selena does have a pretty face. Good for her? Congratulations? It doesn't matter. She can fvck off.

I believe that meaning is accessible to everyone. There are things we needn't debate. Autotune is fake. Hollywood is fake. Cointelpro is all up into our junk in a bizarre, unconstitutional way. The shite has hit the fan for the ptb's. They ain't fooling nothing from nobody anymore. Every facet of our society is a criminal lie. Truth is truth. Remember the line from Scarface, "Do you want to fuck me, Tony?" I won't explain to not spoil it, but do you want us to drool over you, Selena Gomez? What do you want us to think? Should we touch our thingies, you bitch fake loser scum fvcker?

I want the medium to go down the tubes.

If Selena doesn't want to be seen as a slut, then maybe she should put on some clothes. She is selling sex because she can neither sing nor act. What does she have but the ability to act like a whore in public? How is Selena Gomez not demented?


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