Friday, January 5, 2018

Fake Trending News

I noticed before heading off to bed last night that Daily Mail had a story based on a "report" from Alex Jones' Infowars suggesting Julian Assange is on the verge of receiving a pardon from the Trump Administration. Today, it is gone. I skimmed through the article and it was based on the above tweet, Julian's last tweet and perhaps on Dana Rohrabacher's appearance on Hannity's radio show.

Since the article basically promoting Alex Jones has been scrubbed, there's not much more to add. I think something might have shifted for Julian Assange, but until it does, speculation is all that is being offered. The medium is clearly a never ending loop of propaganda that never pans out.

There are apparently new investigations into Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation. I'll believe it when I see some indictments. No one at the upper echelons of power has ever been held accountable. Iran-Contra put Oliver North and John Poindexter on the hot seat, but ultimately no one got into any prolonged trouble. Nixon was pardoned by Gerald Ford. Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich. Obama destroyed American civil liberties while bailing out banks. He is spun as one of the greatest persons alive by fake media. Let's also not forget Plamegate. Scooter Libby was granted the get out of jail card by G.W. Shrub. No one got in trouble for the illegal war in Iraq.

Oh, Dick Cheney's popularity fell to 19% and that helped the neoliberals to eventually retake the White House. That's supposed to represent justice?


The best part of the Stalkerazzi is when so-called beautiful women are shown for how they truly look. Everyone is beautiful. Hollywood has perverted the collective body image. I want all young people to feel good about themselves. They are going to have to be very strong in facing the uncertain future. The key to life is health and happiness. The medium teaches fake happiness.

Child star Dakota Fanning is not all that and a bag of chips.

Kim Kardashian has released a new photograph of her butt, but this time it is missing the cottage cheese which exposed her as a fake beauty.

Jennifer Lawrence is nothing special.

For those who missed it, she was a big fan of Harvey Weinstein. She only condemned him after the fact because she had to.

Letterman looks prescient in retrospect. He implied Weinstein was a creep in interviews with Gwyneth Paltrow in 1998 and Lawrence in 2013.

Lawrence passed it off as if she liked getting hugs from Weinstein, that too many people only hand out stiff handshakes. Too many people are either full of it as lazy thinkers or complicit in depravity.

This is another mailed in entry. The stats here have been doing quite well since December 21st. I can't remember why it picked up then.

December 21: 1,085 views
December 22: 1,694 views
December 23: 1,192 views
December 24: 1,131 views

December 25th actually saw a drop down to 400-500 views. After getting banned from Twitter, each day has been bringing in about 800 page hits.

The huge influx can actually be traced to France. For monthly stats, this blog received 10,404 views from the Ooh La La country. The next one listed is the U.S. with about a tenth of that at 1,157. Then the next three countries for views are close from England, Russia and surprisingly Ukraine.

Perhaps I have stymied the Five Eyes to such an extent that my case file has been handed off to French spy fvcks. Or perhaps there is a Jerry Lewis connection. It is mysterious.

The only explanation I can think of is that I went after Macron and his much older teacher wife. I also recall tweeting on Ukraine, but I think only in regards to getting rid of the "the" before Ukraine. It is all very intriguing in a banal way.

Those to me are big numbers. I am just one dude. 1,000 views or 800 are solid. I wasn't expecting this. I thought after getting permanently banned by Twitter, I would retreat from the world of 15 minute fake fame and perhaps pull an Internet Garbo.

The conclusion I am reaching is that I should continue to blog. No comments are coming in, but at least people are reading. I do try my best. Apologies in advance for this gratuitous part concerning stats.

I will try to keep blogging. Maybe some days it will feel like no energy, but it feels as if I have finally found my blogging home and it is the one that contains most of my efforts since 2009. I will not be going back to Twitter ever again.

I'll end this entry by sharing another sermon or two by Paul Romano. I do not agree with everything he preaches. I do appreciate most of it. Sometimes I sez to meself, how does he know that? How can he say that? Yet, a lot of it rings true. If his theory is real that we are reincarnated in packs with similar people and that's how we seem to get closer and more quickly with certain folks in contrast to others (demons?), then I suppose he and I are from the same incarnation spirit community batch.

It's not that I believe in communities. God, I hate that the most. We are acquaintances. In most social circumstances, one needs to know someone in real life and not through the internet. This place can definitely become a crutch for loneliness and boredom. I've been an internet addict for about eleven years and have made a few real life friends through it. The key word is few. Trust and friendship are built over time, not from instant electronic feelings.

The above is called the prequel to this video:

Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Roger Stone and Steve Pieczenik are media cointelpro agents.

Here's one more. It's on Ellen Degeneres and her new "deep state" schtick. I'd spend all day and night on this, but there's a Celtics game on soon. There is food to be eaten, coffee to drink, etc.. Blogging is a big part of me life, but it is not everything.

Yes, precisely. Regular guy kooks do not get a fair shake in logarithms. We are prodded towards the paid fake wackadoos.

Clowns such as H.A. Goodman do not become internet sensations through organic processes.

I went after April LaJune on Twitter. She is clearly a paid fake.

It's all in the Snowden documents!

I saw the clip in which Degeneres was talking about the deep state. She claimed to have never heard of it. O.M.G.. The worst is when stupid people act stupid. They think they are Judy Holliday or wtf. Leave the acting to professionals. Wendy Williams. The View. Tapper and Cuomo. I do not miss the medium one bit.

This person below is cointelpro. The military-industrial complex is performing psychological operations on Americans through the internet. There's no way in hell "April" is organically getting so many views for something so ret _ _ _ ed with many more thumbs up than thumbs down. I'm not buying it. Her schtick lines up with Snowden documents which reference "conspiracy stories."

I'd also bet good money that H.A. Goodman is a demented cointelpro agent. I'm almost done.

Yup, the word "Illuminati" and phrases such as "deep state" have become circumscribed into medium power. That's why "the medium as massage" must finally be abandoned. I continue to wish for Julian's freedom and that of everyone else who hasn't sold out to the system.

A thinking person is a free person. Paul Romano is correct that we should be grateful. Continue to live in the moment and don't fall for anything. You don't even need to read McLuhan. Listen to him on various videos. He made it very easy to fully grok that the medium is not what it seems; or that many of us can finally see it for what it is making possible a much more dynamic future. There are still great people out there such as Julian Assange fighting against war and confusion unlike the twisted military fvckfaces doing this:

Free your minds.

Epilogue: I just left a comment on Paul's Youtube page for his Ellen deep state video. It's almost 5:30. The game is on soon. I will publish this rough draft after editing. It may have to wait for after basketball.

(on edit ~~ I mailed in the edit and am just gonna hit publish and not look back.)

el fin

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