Friday, January 5, 2018

Popular Poopy

I was listening to a "sermon" by preacher dude Paul Romano on someone named Poppy. Do these young people not know how to move on and create new content? It's basically an SNL skit run into the ground. It's a satire on "Illuminati" stars such as Kendall Jenner. It's funny for maybe one or two minutes. It's definitely odd and intriguing at first. One wants to know who this person is and why the schtick is so successful.

However, there is never a resolution. It appears to me to just be a mind fvck on a loop perhaps similar to American politics and its rigged media in and of itself. In short, the Poppy idea makes sense, but not when there's never any relief. Its endgame seems to be to make money at the expense of collective mental health or consciousness.

A film isn't great just because it's made by the French or Italians. Similarly, attempts at creating performance art do not guarantee that the result will be authentic.

This is outright weird and bogus.

The people interviewing are apparently also internet famous and place ads within the show.

Does this have something to do with the positivity pack bullshite I cyber sleuthed on Twitter?

I found that all these people with mysterious blue check marks were leading back to the Corneille troll.

Poppy is portraying an MK-ULTRA Illuminati controlled fake artist.

I can't tell if she is mocking the idea as in she is cointelpro or whether she simply lacks talent and is fake propelling herself into generating advertising revenue.

What is only clear is that her schtick is demented.

And who the fvck is this guy and why should anyone watch his show?

Heck yeah, the system is rigged.

Even if somehow all these people aren't part of a conspiracy and have somehow become famous based on talent and skills, I am missing how that was accomplished. This Poppy is not a real singer or actress. And it is clearly creepy how she makes herself look like a little girl doll.

I think she is attempting her own version of Andy Kaufman breaking through the fourth wall. Perhaps she is attacking computer use. I just don't want to give her more credit than she deserves. Imho, she is just one more clown catapulted into our noggins via the internet.

It just sunk in that the Canadian documentary on MK-ULTRA showed how many of the victims were broken down into children. And here is this Poppy who is acting like a never aging Britney Spears.

Does she have any music talent? All I see so far are insipid videos with a simpleton aged twelve voice. Stupid is as stupid does with this suspicious story.

Okay, I found the tunes. Does it now add up why she has a big music contract and is hooked up with Island Records and VEVO? No, this still makes no fricken sense!

She's apparently around 22 years old, yet makes herself look 14 at the oldest. It's autotune. The video is all about Lucifer making her famous.

So there are only two possibilities. She is trend setting way ahead of her time with a performance art schtick or she is planted and just another ringer. The system is a closed shop. George Carlin said we're not invited.

There are over 35 million views. This is outrageous.

This is apparently her favourite song. I am doubting she has any type of talent at all and that this is manufactured fake success.

Destroying the medium does not mean to just deny all the usual corporate mainstream outlets. This is crap, too. I had never heard of her before yesterday because I'm not a 100% internet addict loser. PoopyBreath holds a long stare after the song ends. If this is a marathon parody of state-sponsored mind control, it's not creative and not funny. It is creepy fvcked up.

I found a taped concert:

Corey and the Angels are looking better and better as time moves on in that when everything sucks, nothing sucks. It's time for her to come clean and explain this or she's merely raking it in through VEVO and other shadowy corporations by fake singing to go with one running joke pushed as performance art.

The ptb's continue to double down and gin it up with psychological operations and this woman without a real name and everyone associated with her is shady. How is this helping young people? It's saying we will brainwash you, but it's all a big joke. It is fine and dandy because you are fake in on the joke. We love our fans! You are so gullible and easy to manipulate... That's what this is?

All scumbags, turds and garbage can fvck off.

I see zero proof Poppy is a real singer.

The Cash Me Outside girl doesn't like her either. As far as I can tell, her claim to fame is from an appearance on the Dr. Phil Show. She now has 3.1 million subscribers and her video on the Popster has 3.8 million views. Sure thing, there's nothing fake about any of this. It is organic social media development. (I tend to be sarcastic.)

Yeah, Poppy is apparently 22 and never breaks out of character. A real name is also circulating. This is from NPR.

She gets spots on national t.v..

I just woke up from a nap. I'm wondering if there is a term for someone or something which basically is what it pretends to lampoon. Sure, it's called hypocrisy, perhaps bait and switch, gaslighting and psychological operations.

It starts looking very suspicious to me when there is an Island Records, VEVO, weird "performance art" that never ends, suppression of previous schticks, etc..

Why does it feel like Poppy is just another rich, fucking asswipe into depravity and making life harder for all of us?

Double agents, back stabbers, blowhards, narcissists, closed shops, what words or phrases am I looking for?

Her real name is apparently Moriah Pereira from Tennessee. I am not so sure the info given on her is accurate. It seems to all come from one source which then got disseminated. It's not like Britney Spears' history which can easily be traced back to some shithole in Louisiana.

                                  "About "That Poppy" (Moriah Pereira)"

I left that person a comment.

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