Friday, January 12, 2018

FBI Under Suspicion for Creating the Boston Marathon Bombing

                                   suspected bomb maker Daniel Morley

The guy above is suspected of having made the bombs that were let loose on innocent people at the Boston Marathon. This is news that is not getting much coverage. This should be the big buzz.

Local Boston t.v. news station WCVB covered this dude back in 2013.

FBI investigating after pressure-cooker bomb materials found in Topsfield

Ye all can fast forward to crap news outlet Newsweek. With a demented, rigged mainstream media, one must search for the nuggets that provide insight. Sometimes information is published in corporate newspapers and magazines as a way to present Amerika as free and democratic only then to be forgotten. We're moving on! That's old news, buddy.

Then a random nobody blogger such as myself highlights it, but I'm just one guy. My biggest fans are apparently French intelligence, so that's why I tend to only mail in blog posts. What's the point at this point? No one is listening and no one cares except for Grand Frère?


                         "Bomb-making materials were discovered in the
                         bedroom of Daniel Morley, above, who had ties
                         to Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev."

The dude attacked his mom and whatnot. A big pile of explosives and stuff was found in his possession. I hate Newsweeks' guts, but that is an article folks should definitely check out.

Why were all charges dropped against Dan Morley?

The only explanation I can think of is that the FBI was involved in some kind of entrapment scheme which backfired.

The internet is wonderful. Everything is going to be okay. We have Poppy for performance art eye candy. We also have those rare articles that emerge which somehow only the inquisitive track down. We have Assange! We have exclamation marks!!

DFQ2 will always tell the truth. Sometimes it is forced to make a retraction or clarification. Oprah's house was apparently damaged but not ruined. I fvcked up. Yet, that doesn't mean everything I post is fake news. You be the judge.

Hit the search engines. You'll find nothing but the above story and then backwater websites with much older articles.

Just plugging in "Daniel Morley" returns much less and brings back results of a criminal from Florida with the same name.

The FBI is demented? Aren't they the good guys?

If anyone is stupid enough to ask the above questions, he or she should research Edgar J. Hoover?

Everyone with at least a few working brain cells knows that the FBI and Military-Industrial Complex create fake terrorism.

Google and Newsweek suck. I have asked for the medium to be shut down because it is a never ending loop to nowhere.

This is not rocket science. This is widespread censorship and confusion. It is mind control on the widest scale possible without getting too obvious. The scumbags, turds and garbage weren't expecting Snowden and Assange types to fight back so effectively.They are great freedom fighters and patriots on behalf of humanity. The Military is fooling no one except for pea-brained landline votes.

I see nothing in the Daily Mail for this story. Absolutely nothing. But Stephen Hawking might be a fake double? That is there. Have they any updates on the fake Paul McCartney? Will the next whistleblower to emerge prove that the moon is made of cheese?

Daniel. Morley.

Hal. Turner.

What cutie Meghan Markle is hiding is more important?

                       "Not so confident after all! Body language expert
                       reveals how Meghan touches her hair in public to
                       stay calm under pressure - as it's the adult version
                       of 'clutching a mother's skirt'"

I have another theory. Her fiance is a demented Nazi piece of scum turd and she is a loose whore woman living out the demented princess fairy tale.


  1. Hmmmm. I just took a quick peek at the topics covered by Reddit Conspiracy and there's nothing on Daniel Morley. NOTHING.

  2. Morley was kept on ice in a Bridgewater mental hospital during the trial of the so called Marathon bombers. Now Morley has a state job schlepping the elderly around in a van. Morley could have been working for the FBI all along to amp up antiMuslim sentiment in the US. The Chechen brothers could have been entrapped. This shit is right out of the Oswald playbook. For the most part the American public are suckers and will believe any shit souffle they are spoonfed especially it coincides with their "white makes right" fascist attitudes. If we dare to question the partyline, we are simply part of the kooky tinfoil hat club. DFQ2 keep fighting the good fight.
