Thursday, January 11, 2018

Twitter confirmed as rigged and Assange has been granted Ecuadorian citizenship

                                         It's James O'Keefe Time

This is great news on Julian Assange. I hope it means he will soon be free. I don't like to plug Daily Mail, but here is a link to their story on it. Julian has also been granted diplomatic status to go with citizenry. I imagine this has to do with the Dana Rohrabacher connection. The timing is very tight. It may be a unilateral move by Ecuador, but I doubt that.

Craig Murray claimed to pick up the leaks in Washington, D.C.. A lot of stuff has come out of the wash over time. Twitter getting busted is a biggie. I have been vindicated. Government agents are requesting the removal of accounts. I was banned for the way I talk. I don't like O'Keefe's way for making everything Democrat versus Republican, but that was a great bit of undercover work. But it's not just Republicans getting censored.

I claimed that everything is rigged and fake and that's become verified conspiracy fact. It's called #winning. Twitter can go to hell where demons belong. If there really was a formidable Anonymous, Twitter would be their #1 target right now. That's why I think there is really not much of an Anonymous movement. Yes, they got Hal Turner. They smashed up Scientology. But currently it seems pretty dormant. Assange is truly the best bet for unleashing big time leaks. He has the legal means by which to produce possible political revolution. He could be the extra-parliamentary force we have always prayed for, unlike the demonic scum.

And Alex Jones and Stelter can fvck off. That is absurd for internet content. As I've shown in this one post, I can still deliver the goods. It's just a bit slower than with the Twitter ability to pound out quick items and tidbits closer to in real time. I don't care if it's O'Keefe. Twitter needs to go down the toilet!

Let's see if there's anything else catching me eyes.

Here's a brand new Jimmy Dore Show with an interview of Tim Canova.

                                 "Imran Awan Criminal Investigation Snares
                                  Debbie Wasserman Schultz"

God bless the audience

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