Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Freemasonry is the Historic Enemy of Humanity

John Quincy Adams understood. The Masons had murdered a William Morgan for threatening to reveal demented masonic secrets. Morgan's book was published after his death. I suppose he had a dead man's switch in place. It can be read here. Adams wrote Letters on the Masonic Institution in 1847. This was in the preface written by someone else:

So there it is. The Freemasons trace their roots back to King Solomon and perhaps folks from even more ancient times. I am no expert in any of this. What I do have is a self-proclaimed adeptness at intuition based on facts. These fvckers have been conspiring in private for many centuries and perhaps for millenniums. They have dominated all positions of power. Their lodges are everywhere. Now perhaps people are starting to see the motive behind state-sponsored "conspiracy stories." The truth becomes perverted and something to mock. If one wants a piece of the corruption pie, one must swear allegiance to the Master Masons. There will be a penalty of death for any Mason who reveals its secrets. It is the most dangerous cult of all time. The demented Mormon religion has Masonic roots. This is all verified true information.

The Whigs are known as a famous third political party. I don't remember ever being taught that they derived from the Anti-Masonic Party, the first third party in American herstory. There is a European word which can be applied to Freemasons. For lack of a better phrase, they are demented cvnts. They control a whole state named Utah in which Big Brother data is housed. Everyone open-minded must feel the same feeling I do, that for inequality and war to persist for this long, there must be a reason positive social change has been so stymied. It is called Freemasonry!

This is fascinating reading. This stuff points towards the origin of American fixation on conspiracies. It is said that where there is smoke, there tends to be fire. Once one quits the medium as it is presented in forms of brainwashing and conformist misdirection, one is able to access the greatest of truths. They are able to become real free men and women, not demented cult members who control the United States political system and the world.

The Masons love to flash their symbols. We all see it in the fake entertainment world. The true talent is to be found in those who situate themselves outside of the cult. True talent has been so effective that draconian thought control is currently being pushed as a reboot.
We told the bullies to cut it out. This is the land of free speech and democracy, but rules are rules. Anyone who does not accept the system is to be banned. We say to them ask a Mason. What we really mean is malcontents will either accept the Masons as Master or they are done. This information is not to leave the temple. Thanks, fellas.
The above is sort of how it works. You can get the info but only if you join in and go through some demented ceremonies and pledge allegiance to secrecy. John Quincy Adams was not just another guy. He ended up as president. That may offer a bit of hope. Unfortunately, the anti-Masonic movement didn't last too long. I hope someday it returns. Those scumbags like to flash devil horns and make 666 and pyramids with their hands. They love to cover up one eye. They are rubbing it into all of our mugs that they have the power and own everything. What they merit in return is the Johnny Cash middle finger. They can go fvck themselves and to hell. Some people can never be bought and they are the true regular guys on the level, to use some of their phrases I'm starting to recognise. I find the Morgan book to be kind of boring and repetitive. It is good that their crazy rituals were exposed. The Adams link is very interesting. I may read the whole thing and skim the first book.

This is mere probing. The more one avoids state-sponsored links, the more one is able to perceive the big picture. Let the Freemasonry cvnts rot. Let them hold the bag. And now one can see why nothing ever gets better. The cvnts control every part of the system. Don't fall for divide and conquer. Do not fall for the state-sponsored medium and its fake alternatives.

The Assange story is making more sense. The cvnts have drawn a line in the sand. Julian is the modern day William Morgan or John Quincy Adams. Once secret societies (cults) including the Military-Industrial Complex are exposed, human beings might finally be able to take control of the system. Julian's fight is humanity's fight.

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