Monday, January 22, 2018

David Crowley Assassinated His Wife and Daughter

This dude killed his wife and their little girl. There's no reason to believe it was a deep state conspiracy to stop an intrepid film maker. I have been unable to locate any IMDB or Wikipedia pages for David Crowley. There is no proof that he was anything other than just another guy trying to make it big in Hollywood.

Poppy is no longer carried by a major record label because she and Mixter are not true artists. They were pushed onto masses of people through sophisticated, cynical marketing. I suppose one can hope people wake up and that the Poppy tour fizzles. Watch some and tell me it isn't garbage. There is zero artistic merit to the schtick and to me it'd be a bizarre way to waste money. Like I said, if Poppy is true entertainment, then so is Corey Feldman and the Angels. Wtfu.

She plays Mickey Mouse town halls or wtf. Mixter scrambles around in the background. I think he drinks some fake blood. There are two guys dressed as androids or something. It's a dumb arsed SNL skit that wasn't funny in the first place. This couldn't be more obvious.

I found a video of David Crowley giving an anti-new world order speech. He was basically a conspiracy nut with no verifiable gravitas, period. He was the original Corey Feldman groveling for donations to make a movie. Only he could do it. Let's crowdsource this fvcker. Thanks, fellas. That sort of thing.

Here he was on InfoWars over five years ago. He followed verified cointelpro asset Lyndon Larouche. The part with Crowley starts at 1:33:36.

"Gray State is the Alex Jones film."
  ~~ coward clown who killed his wife and daughter

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