Monday, January 22, 2018

The Medium Provides a Consistent Diet of Scumbags, Turds and Garbage

                                 McLuhan's warnings went unheeded.

While I agree with Piers Morgan's depiction of Meryl Streep and Scarlett Johansson as bald-faced hypocrites, he isn't anything better than a captain obvious generating income for corporate whore tabloid Daily Mail. He is basically a scumbag writing about turds and garbage. That is the crux of the problem and symbolic of why nothing ever improves.

I am calling for a 100% boycott of all medium.

I am not a big fan of gaslighting.

The news that most interests me today is that Ecuador is very tired of Julian Assange living in their London embassy. Things seem to have reached the ultimate impasse. The U.S. government refuses to budge and allow him to leave as a free man despite Julian being granted diplomatic status. The British government has exposed itself as demented scum in so many ways. The U.S. and England go way back as partners in corporate war crime.

Julian's only hope seems to be to wait out this Russian bullshit no one believes and then Trump can use presidential power to free him. J.A. has tweeted today on the FISA Memo calling on corrupt politician Adam Schiff to help release it. That's all he can do. Julian wakes up each day no differently than any of us internet addicts. He puts on his blogging pajamas one leg at a time. He too arises to the same scripted propaganda masked as news. I think of that man's predicament every day and wish him the best of luck.

Doo da dum, what else is there.

Aah, a 14-years-old actor is apologising for smoking weed. I personally didn't try it until age 18. Teenagers should definitely remain as kids for as long as possible. The brain doesn't stop developing until one gets into their twenties. There is no rush for anything. The medium only makes it seem so. I recall the pressure of losing virginity. It sucked. It was a #MeToo brain fvcked experience. I survived, but it wasn't easy.

Boycott not just that kid's movies, but all of it. Fvck Hollywood and the crap they produce. If they are driven into the ground as they should be, a vacuum will become produced with the opportunity for good, real people to have a greater influence on mass culture. Someone aged 14 is not qualified to smoke weed or to apologise for doing so when busted. That's that in a nutshell. If Hollywood would die already, no one would be wasting time on anything a narcissistic teenager star thinks, nor for that matter wtf Streep or Johansson spit out for hidden agenda opinion.

A 17-years-old suicidal man was shot dead by cops in Kansas after his parents called for a welfare check. The kid had gotten into a vehicle and was attempting to leave. The cop said he was scared for his life. This is complete bullshit. So the pig killer had the time to assassinate a teenager yet was unable to simply get out of the way of the car? That is what we are told to believe by borderline retarded police. Ooooh, it's such a scary job. Although if one looks up the stats for occupations leading to death, it looks pretty safe to become a fascist sack of shit wearing a badge.

A melee broke out in the Israeli Knesset while Pence was giving a speech on moving the capital to Jerusalem. Trump is dog shit who loves police, military, Duterte and Israel. He is the dovchebag who has yet to pardon or wtf honourable great man Julian Assange. Bernie Sanders is meant to be president, not him. Both sides are disgusting and dead ends. Our country's government, military, media and corporations are enemies to humanity.

It's getting much easier to mail in these news reports. There is next to nothing of importance to look into and socratise. A Texas veteran murdered his wife, kidnapped their baby and then killed himself yesterday morning. That type of story is always popping up. I mention it because conspiracy kooks have no self control and tend to believe anything pushed on them by the Military-Industrial Complex "Conspiracy Story" program. They spin the demented demise of David Crowley as a deep state conspiracy. That dude was partnering up with Alex Jones, for crying out loud. He made a trailer. Whoop-de-doo. He had some skills and potential without any funding. He was not some amazing talent who was exposing deep state doodoo. The trailer he made was basically an advertisement to seek backing. There is no Gray State movie. It was never accomplished. Crowley snapped under the pressure of PTSD. The case is closed.

I have pointed out how demented the Turkish government is and that goes for their people, too. There was a big brawl in a German airport because Turks could not accept that Kurds have the right to protest. Erdogan is scum. The Germans used to be scum, but they came clean about their WWII war crimes. Turkey, on the other hand, still refuses to acknowledge the Armenian Genocide.

I'm running out of content. Here is more proof that no one should be getting plastic surgery. Courtney Love looks as bad as Nicole Kidman or any other loser who gets it done.

Scientists from Rutgers are speaking out against geoengineering. Thanks, guys. That's only been known as a twisted plan for close to twenty internet years.

Assange is correct that the ptb's are racing around via AI to create an illusion of free speech and democracy while actually suppressing freedom of speech and association. The word surreal must have been coined for such a scenario. It's the kind of garbage which inspired Orwell. We are being pushed into a demented reboot, and when we fight back, we are silenced. This is why I am saying SHUT THIS FVCKER DOWN. Stop propping it up. Deny it of its hold on your fragile, egg shelled minds. Tell everyone you can in real life how fake and twisted everything is. It's called government and medium. We must take control of the narrative away from all scum. If that is not possible, and it does look doubtful, new paths must be forged. I think I missed this by Julian which was posted on January 16.

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