Monday, January 22, 2018

The Freemason conspiracy has been confirmed.

Wackadoo stuff was planted to obfuscate captain obvious materials. What would happen if we simply quit paying for any entertainment? Just pay your internet bill. Use ad blocker. All facets of the medium are going down the tubes and it is beautiful to witness.

All Freemasons are scum. I don't care if they are a first degree simpleton numbnut or 33rd. There is no such thing as a good cop. They are all complicit; as state-sponsored violence by dirty cops is unchecked due to the blue line secret society. Some argue, well, they have I.Q. rules and someone has to be very stupid to pass the test. It was uncovered many years ago. I think the cutoff was 115 or maybe 110. Anyone who scored above that line was disqualified for being too smart. It is conspiracy fact that cops are tied to the Masons.

All secret societies are in cahoots and mere variations of each other. People who join fraternities in college are scum and should have known better. Umar Johnson was praising a Malachi York. A quick search showed that York is a big time Shriner or wtf, some off-shoot. One can research it for him or herself. 

The Poppy thing is weird because it seems to be a schtick which actually uses mind control to hypnotise a fan base. There's that miserable music in the background, the repetition. Anyone who is into the occult is scum, period.

I think Black Child is a paid fake. On one video he claims that Obama shape shifted (whatever that means). He also uses the Joooos control everything card a bit too much. The Israeli government truly sucks. No one real is debating that. Yet, blaming everything on Jewish people is demented. Anyway, the shape shifting crap is bad enough for a deal breaker.

And that is a shame, for there is a lot of great stuff he compiled. Perhaps that is the point- to soil all forms of conspiracy chatter even when it is not too kooky. All of it becomes ruined. That is the Five Eyes' objective. Alien technology. All paid fakes and their useful idiots can fvck off.

There's a lame conspiracy theory that the deep state killed off an aspiring film maker named David Crowley. He was in the process of putting together a big time conspiracy movie titled Gray State. He even made a trailer.

There was no conspiracy. The movie deal fell through and/or he lost his mind. He killed his family and then himself. There's nothing us kooks could uncover that would lead to our deaths. It's that simple. If anyone killed that guy, it was Alex Jones. I found a long form New Yorker article on it.

I saw a fairly decent movie on "chemtrails" starring Anne Heche. It happens. It just doesn't matter when every nook and cranny is dominated by the ptb's. They are trying to circumscribe wisdom of the conspiracy into mainstream mockery of said wisdom. So they plant fakes like Black Child to soil truths that Illuminati imagery have been all over music and film. They need people like us to speak our minds and give the illusion of free speech. I can get over 100 views a day. This will not change the world. It may change myself. Perhaps I am a good read. It's tough to know when one is the writer.

Maybe I suck at it. I am still plugging along.

This is good and interesting, although it does include some gaslighting.

Death of a Dystopian: Alt-right conspiracy theorists think that the government killed the aspiring Libertarian filmmaker David Crowley. The truth is far stranger.

There's some sort of epileptic triggering flashing image at the top. I don't know what's up with that. Do not send the link to Eichenwald. It's that kind of thing.

That'll about wrap up this entry. This is mere probing. There is no start or finish, only the now.

If anyone who isn't a paid fake or deluded has any questions, there is the comment area. I'm getting nothing for comments. I do know everything in regards to the Conspiracy Story situation. Yes indeed, the medium is damaged unsalvageable garbage. Everything can be understood. It just won't be going viral. That's the Freemason order of things.

It's common knowledge that Howard Stern holds some responsibility for Dana Plato. I suppose the same can be said for Alex Jones and Crowley's demise. Those are the kind of New Yorker articles I used to like. I am a realistic conspiracy theorist. The guy snapped.

extra bonus junk: I've warned everyone to never get plastic surgery or you will end up like this. Just don't do it.

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