Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last post for January 2018

                                       verifiable e-sketches from the
                                       Madeleine McCann investigation

No, this entry has nothing to do with the above turds. I just have fun inserting images. This will be blog item number sixty-five for the month. I can't guarantee this kind of production in the future. The stats to me are interesting. Various countries come out of nowhere to pad the stats. It's not just France. Page hits have been pouring in from Italy, Russia, England, Germany, Spain, Australia, Ireland and China. Last week it was South Korea. Mostly it's been France. They allege to not know English very well, yet the page views say otherwise.

                                   Chachi Arcola has been vindicated?

Everyone but a very small percentage knows that Baio, Nugent, James Woods, Chuck Woolery and many more are demented right wing wackadoos. But did Fonzie's nephew sexually molest the young actress?

Yikes, Chachi is not aging well. He has huge bags under his eyes and a missing front tooth.

He says, "I'm done. I'm done." That sounds suspiciously close to schtick theft. I say I'm done, done, but I digress.

Conservative turds truly deserve ridicule for their authoritarian personality disorders. However, no one deserves to be shamed or worse for something they didn't do. Baio claims proof that Eggert is making up the pedophile allegations. He claims she was on his reality show in 2007, visited his family a number of times and was friends with his wife. There's more. People can easily find the video he made. What would truly prove his innocence to me is an alleged Eggert tweet to Chachi in 2017 claiming him as a great guy and wonderful.

This what I'd like to see (via tabloid rag Daily Mail):
He also shared a tweet from January 2017 of Eggert responding to a fan asking where Baio was during a Charles in Charge cast reunion by writing: 'Yes - we were missing Scott!'
Liars expose themselves through their own words. Someone claiming she was sexually assaulted by a pedophile does not sound legitimate when just over a year before she was sending out a love siren.

There should not be pictures of Streep and McGowan with Harvey Weinstein way past the time everyone knew he was a protected sex predator. Jennifer Lawrence should be condemned for kudos made towards Pervey Weinturd over the Letterman years.

Rose McGowan claims that three days after Harvey raped her, he called her saying he had scored with Gwyneth Paltrow. Rape to him is what being a gentleman and developing 50-50 relationships is to good guys. That is Weinstein's defense; that rape was consensual lovemaking.

This is perhaps the worst downfall of any famous person in history, speaking of Harvey. Yet, this is also not a very good look for McGowan or Paltrow either, not to mention many others who benefited from him financially.

The above picture was taken in 2005, eight years after the original incident. There are pictures of Paltrow with Weinstein well after the date she claims he sexually harassed her. People need to stay consistent or they can fvck off.

The above is an actress I've never heard of named Keira Knightley. Here she is without makeup. Hollywood is a big fat satanic lie.

Mila Kunis is looking nasty for 34.

Maybe I am a misogynist somewhere deep within me noggin, but I doubt it. I am anti-fake. I am anti-fake feminism. I am anti the way things are. I am pro enough is enough. Ashton Kutcher is no prize either and is freemasonry scum. It wouldn't bother me if God tells them at the end of their lives that they are to report directly to hell.

I don't make the rules. I just work for God.

The below is interesting. I agree there are a lot of nutjobs within government and military, although I don't believe that's the same as saying people are people and nutjobs are to be found in every walk of life. It's the sort of nonsense Bryan Cranston was attempting to peddle; that let's not forget sex crimes occur across every subgrouping of social reality. I'm not disputing the claim, but we were discussing the demented Hollywood industry, buddy.

                                         Crazy Rulers of the World

I'm mailing in just a few more tidbits. Julian spoke to the EU Parliament yesterday. Hopefully he is released soon. It's not like he has no support and there is no hope. Keep your chin up, honourable greatness Julian Assange.

There's word going around on the Vegas shooting that a second person of interest has significant DoD ties. Usually I like to wait until the dust settles, so I'll put that to the side.

Trey Gowdy has resigned. Hmmm.

That'll wrap things up for today. We reached the era of Peak Content when the nomination was stolen from Bernie Sanders. It can only go down from here. The medium is a fungus that real people are starting to avoid in greater numbers.

I'm done, done. Chachi Arcola is done. He is done. Perhaps he is paraphrasing my schtick rather than committing outright theft.

LeBron James might be done, but that story will have to wait for a potential future basketball entry. Isaiah Thomas is the true talent, so we shall see. The Celtics seem back on track. But I'll leave it that. Too much sports will alienate the DFQ2 audience. I don't want to reach Peak Stat Padding.

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