Thursday, February 1, 2018

First Blog Entry For February 2018

                                              The show must go on.

The D.B. Cooper mystery seems to have been solved. The FBI closed the case in 2016 concluding he had likely died from exposure. Yet, letters sent to newspapers from someone claiming to be Cooper match closely to the boarding pass writing.

I don't quite understand the analysis claiming Cooper had ties to the CIA or that a nine digit number on a post-hijacking letter was code for military units only he could be traced to all of them. I don't have the time to vet this completely. I have seen enough to believe Cooper survived the event and is probably the Rackstraw guy.

                                     "The system that beats the system."

It's called the deep state, shadow government, spy factory and military-industrial complex. Some refer to it as the Illuminati. I call it paid fakes and useful idiots.

I watched the wackadoos staring at goats documentary. It was total propaganda. It spun deranged military intelligence as a pro-G.W. Bush, Republican leaning operation. No one can bend spoons. No one can kill an animal by staring at it. No proof was provided of paranormal claims which are never true. There is neither magic nor aliens. Grow up spiritually if you think otherwise.

In one segment, a deranged military tool involved told the interviewer he could send him across the room with just his mind.  It was total bullshit and gaslighting as anyone with even a bit of eyesight could see him quickly shove the person with his hand. I was very disappointed in the video. It was a soft disclosure or wtf with no evidence. The system is never going to expose the system. Did the Church Committee change anything? Did Watergate change anything? Did Snowden change anything?

The spy factory is freaking out over the imminent release of the memo. It seems edits were made to it causing more delays. Like I've said before, no one real believes in anything anymore from government to military to media. I'm just going to live out my incarnation on my own terms, not the system's.

John Brennan is retweeting Schiff tweets claiming there could be a "saturday night massacre." My new strategy is to wait for thingies to come out of the wash. Even then, one never knows. When everything is rigged and fake, there is no point in verifying medium conspiracy and power. That would be the opposite of shutting it down. It would play into the Spy Factory's herding and reboot campaign.

Both sides suck. Our government and military are steaming hot garbage. Period.

Never forget that the DNC rigged the primary for Hillary Clinton. Never forget that none of that is being investigated. Never forget that both the Democrats and Republicans are no better than dog shit. The truth hurts, yet it is still the truth.

Robert Wagner has been named as a person of interest in the death of Natlie Wood. Duh, you think so, you fvckfaced demented scumbags on steroids?

                             Everywhere one looks is nothing but dog shit.

The civil lawsuit against Jim Carrey has been dropped. Maybe if one can wait thirty-six years, he will become a person of interest in Cathriona White's death.

Reddit is apparently structured so that users cannot promote their own blogs and schticks. These rules seem to say Reddit owns you. You are a worthless peon. If you are to be successful on Reddit, the mojo becomes the property of Reddit. So I am not going to ever post there. They were exposed as cheating scum in the last year or two. I have learned my lesson from Twitter. Free speech is dead.

The medium is so fricken boring today, but thankfully life in itself isn't.

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