Friday, February 2, 2018

Place James Comey into the General Prison Population

                       Comey seems to like putting on makeup and a dress

The above is what dog shit looks like if it was human. For lack of a better phrase, James Comey is the personification of dog shit. He should be tried, convicted and then placed into the general population of a maximum security prison.

He's wetting his pants on Twitter!

He is gaslighting garbage for mentioning Joe McCarthy.

James Comey should jump out of a tall building in N.Y.C.. That is my general advice for verified Nazis working for the Spy Factory.

America needs cointelpro, Special Agent Turd Scumbag? I bet a lot of "patriots" might not agree. Comey looks and acts very demented up there with J. Edgar Hoover.

I hate fvckers who break constitutional law with illegal spying. Comey should board a plane and escape to Epstein's island. Here's one more of the loser's tweets.

The people who killed Martin Luther King Jr. sure do love quoting him.

I'm assuming the memo is released today and the military-industrial complex isn't a big fan of that happening. Someone should make one of those Hitler parody videos with Comey as Adolph.

I am not glued to the medium. I am not running around like a chicken with its head chopped off searching for rigged info. I am a free man, not to be confused with Freemason scum or disinfo agent Freeman.

I am cynical, so I'm not expecting much.

The medium likes to draw us in. This is Day 172 of Hostages in Iran. This is O.J. in a Bronco driving five m.p.h. in an attempt to elude 100 police vehicles. This is Selena Gomez. Want to take a bath?

Put Comey into the prison Dahmer ended up in? Maybe he can explain to the other felons how much the FBI loved Martin Luther King.

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