Saturday, February 3, 2018

No one ever gets punished except women from plastic surgery

James Comey should have already been arrested. Nothing ever changes except for women who fucked up their faces. Those boobs can't be real either. Her legs and outfits are cute, but she destroyed her face. It doesn't matter that she's friends with Julian and brings him veggie tacos. I bet she regrets it; not that she is friendly with Julian. That part she must love. They are opposites attracting and probably having amazing discussions. Anderson must wish that she had left her face alone.

It's not like this is some new revelation. Plastic surgery is never a good idea except for things that matter, say fixing a child's cleft lip or helping a fire victim feel more self-confidence. These actresses or any other women getting it done end up as walking dead. There's no juice left in their mugs. There is no way to correct what has been done. They become unable to live out one's life in dignity by aging naturally with grace. Such tomatoes evolve into symbols of everything which is rigged and fake. Their cheeks end up demented looking.

A transgender woman trolled Rose McGowan during one of her recent public speeches. Rosie flipped out. She needs to calm the fvck down and leave the industry. Nothing is making sense anymore. I mean, how come if some random loser like me could figure out life, why is practically everyone else so clueless and full o'shite?

I wouldn't doubt it if the transgender is a Cointelpro plant. Yet McGowan needs to keep her cool. I noticed her acting funny lately and was going to mention it. She acts like she is God's gift to feminism and the big reason Hollywood is falling apart. If anyone deserves credit, it's me. The truth is everything and should stand alone without false ego.

I'm going back and forth on the Chachi thing. Am I backing the wrong horse? Did Baio rape that girl? I don't think so. Everything has become a confusing zoo. But if by chance he did do it, I don't want some random numbnut attacking me for claiming Chachi was vindicated.

The Hollywood situation is a limited hangout. The true problem is like I keep saying. It's the Military-Industrial Complex which has broken all laws. It is the FBI which is fucking up everything. Cops are killing and abusing people with no repercussions. The people and institutions to blame for why the world sucks and is dying have clearly been identified.

Hollywood and the medium can literally go to hell. All institutions are rigged and not real. They are anything but organic.

We are being told to forget about the memo. We are moving onto the Uma Thurman situation. She claims Weinstein assaulted her. Harvey has shared a picture of the two purported to have been taken after the alleged incident. Don't take pictures with people who have committed sex crimes against you? What about the woman who is going after Chachi Arcola? How can she claim he raped her, yet recently she tweeted how he was missed at a reunion. What am I as a Gonzo nobody supposed to believe?

There is never punishment for the shadow government lawbreakers. All that is offered is fake disclosure and the idea that the reboot must go on. Comey wants all sewer rat agents and their informants to continue the fine unconstitutional cointelpro work they are undertaking.

Look at this fvcker above. Check out her demented smile and hippie T-shirt. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but apparently a teacher named Karen Smith assaulted a middle school student for not standing for the national anthem.

There isn't enough info. Sometimes people are framed or events become distorted. If it is true, that woman needs to go away. The national anthem is racist and violent. I would never stand for it. The pledge of allegiance is total bullshit. No student should be encouraged to speak such words. We are supposed to pledge allegiance to scum? Why would anyone do that unless one has been brainwashed?

Everything has become so twisted and demented.

Jennifer Lawrence gave an anti-corruption speech at something corporate and stupid I am too lazy to investigate. She is one of the fvckers who was very pro-Harvey on a Letterman Show appearance. How come Dave Letterman knew all about Weinstein but Lawrence didn't?

I have offered an easy solution. Stop paying for anything to do with the medium, from news to entertainment to pro-military garbage. Cut off their money.

I am skimming through Daily Mail. There is nothing on the memo. I see there's one article concerning suspected Trump and Melania marital problems. The narrative is that the Feds have been shamed by Trump, but we are moving on now.

The contents of the memo are so shameful according to Trump. That seems to be the endgame and the extent of swamp draining. Trump is telling them to cut it out.

Ex-CIA whistle blower John Kiriakou is claiming that the CIA procures child "prostitutes" for foreign targets and clients. He said this at a conference called World Beyond War. He also said there are no ethics in military intelligence and no need for a CIA.

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