Monday, February 5, 2018

Ian Kerner Is No Scholar

This guy was a theatre major. Maybe Ian Kerner finished up in English. We were roommates freshman year as undergraduates at Brandeis. I lost contact going Junior Year Abroad to Ireland. This guy is sort of in the medium news. He wrote an article for CNN in which he praises the fantasy of guys finding joy in watching their mates go at it with others. If that's not a filthy, despicable lie and demented, I don't know what is. Love is about two people and it's no one else's business. I've explained this in regards to Selena Gomez and the sister in Scarface. I will put my degrees in Sociology and Social Theory up against his sex nonsense any day of the week. CNN is on the boycott list. I only checked it out because I know that dude.

At all these various links he puts down that he has a PhD, yet he never says where he attended and his concentrations, his disciplines- the fricken departments and info stuff. Wow. He has a page at Wikipedia but management there is saying it reads like an advertisement. There is zero information for his education. I suppose that makes this blog entry a scoop. I lived with this clown for a full year. His dream was to write, act and direct theatre and movies. His claim to fame is writing a book on how to perform oral sex on women. Oooh la la, Mr. Sellout?

I noticed Ian popping into the medium well before this new controversy concerning cuckolding, a phrase I had never heard of until today. He'd been on VH1 or wtf. I'd go wow, there's Ian.

I couldn't care less about any fake degrees in Sexology. That's not a real discipline, fvck face. Wikipedia lists him as a New York University alumni at the bottom, but there's no explanation. He doesn't list it at his website. I see it nowhere. I guess being a failed theatre person doesn't look too good on a resume for a sex expert. He was no thinker. His dad was a semi-famous painter if I'm not mistaken. He was from New York City from a family with money. I was middle class. He was well educated for writing. We all were. I found the meaning of life. He never let go of the false ego. I'll take my life over his any day of the week. There is no price tag on enlightenment.

He makes it seem as if he studied medicine or at least more than theatre and Sexology. Sexology. There's no such thing. And everyone knows that CNN is garbage. The extent of his selling out is remarkable.

Someone should track down his full education resume. I see it nowhere.

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