Monday, February 5, 2018

I Couldn't Care Less

The internet is dead and I couldn't care less. I didn't watch any of the Super Bowl. I just no longer give a fvck and haven't for probably ten years. I'm doing my routine scraping for headlines. Piers Morgan is upset at Tom Brady. I was curious what he had done wrong. Oh, he left the field without congratulating the opponent.

Piers Morgan is twisted garbage to be despised. He is not someone to respect or to care about anything he thinks. Tom Brady can go fvck himself, too.

One obscure Youtube video I was viewing advised folks to stop watching television. I quit that too for the most part around ten years ago. The last time I was into it was for following the Mike Brown assassination coverage. I was also interested in the G.I. Joe pig from Illinois, something about two white guys and a Black guy.

I no longer give a fvck about movies. I've seen every one of them that can be classified as must-see. I no longer care about stamps, sports, movies, t.v. and the news cycle.

I do still follow the Boston Celtics and Julian Assange. Those are my last two medium interests.

Oh, but let's get back to the video I just mentioned. I agree television and "printed" news is pointless. A friend taught me this decades ago. One could avoid the newspapers for long periods of time and it just wouldn't matter. The dude in the video says the media is there to simply keep us scared and confused. He made a lot of sense. I don't have the link. I am headed off into new directions for writing in which links and topics become mere random fodder for probing.

A human being is not someone to be brainwashed and manipulated into compliance.

Being aware within the rigged system is not possible.

The truth is that football is insane and should be abolished. Players are getting their skulls caved in. They are ending up with lousy quality of life. It's all good for the owners making a fortune. Boxing should be abolished, too. Violence is not good. It doesn't take a rocket science degree to understand that nothing has any meaning within the social structure.

The Martin Luther King, Jr. family is full of shit. They claimed innocence when a super bowl truck ad used King's own words. Now today it is clear they signed onto the deal. They need to come clean and fix the mess. Talk about convolution. The King family are clearly sellout pigs to have allowed the circumscribing of M.L.K., Jr. into the status quo of war and capitalism.

There's a big decision due tomorrow concerning Julian Assange. It may lead to his freedom. Lauri Love will not be extradited to America. That's that as far as I can see for so-called security news.

The day after writing the entry on Kerner, there is a story of a man who has been arrested for beating on his girlfriend's new lover. Apparently there was a threesome. Then the next day the original boyfriend had a change of heart when seeing the other two in bed together.

Threesomes are a gross concept. Maybe Kerner joined the CIA. It's pretty bizarre he is now getting published by CNN. I see no proof he is anything other than a twisted fraud. He is an apolitical, apathetic wealthy scumbag spreading amoral philosophies. He is making the world a worse place. For lack of a better phrase, Ian Kerner is dog shit. He is a failed writer/director wannabe, period. He hides his true resume. He is a cynical bitch whore who sold his soul for fame and money. He is a pig.

An FBI agent named Josh Campbell has handed in his badge. He can no longer stomach attacks on the Spy Factory's illegal activities. That is his schtick. He claims to have quit so as to be able to offer his cruddy two cents in defense of cointelpro. I don't believe him. He can go on CNN and write op-eds for the New York Times. Scum is always scum. It's said leopards don't change their spots. We are looking at nothing less than the total breakdown of the American social structure as planned by the deep state in pursuit of fake balance and maintenance of status quo oppression.

Fake life is crystallized by looking at the Snowden documents.

The Military-Industrial Complex is the true threat to humanity. They control the medium and are only interested in rebooting the illusion of a balance of power between fake left and fake right. In short, it is a theatre presentation developed by the pentagon.

All military personnel are advised to leak documents exposing government crimes. It is the only way they can have any chance at redemption.

There is blood all over your hands, Mr. G.I. Joe. You are demented pig fvckers and the biggest threat to humanity. You can burn in hell or wake up. It's your choice, moron.

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