Monday, February 5, 2018

Everyone involved with the History Channel can go to hell

I'm watching a crap documentary on the Masons put together by the History Channel. They are so full of it. In one segment they claim to be able to reenact a Mason initiation ceremony based on former and present Masons. They don't mention William Morgan.There is no mention of John Quincy Adams. There is no mention of the Anti-Masonic Party.

The documentary actually seems to be kissing Freemason butt. Oooh, look how esoteric and wise these builders are with the capacity to keep their mouths shut for the greater good. Masons are on the level. Let's all kiss their butts is the film's message.

They finally get into the Morgan assassination towards the end. He is spun as a drunk murdered by four rogue Masons. Then the History Channel twists that into how the Masons were then victims of a smear campaign. Then it gets very predictable. They go to the Albert Pike schtick. He was racist but apparently not in the KKK. He mentioned Lucifer, yet it was meant as the morning light of each day. Then they go into the Taxil hoax and have a big laugh at so-called conspiracy theorists.

The video ends with, to paraphrase: There's nothing to see here. Move along.

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