Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Another Day, Another Blog Entry

                                               Quentin Tarantino

I don't think I'm psychic. I have never believed in the paranormal or spirit world. Aliens do not exist. Those are military aircraft and other explanations. Nonetheless, I do believe that sometimes I will write something and then the next day or at some near point in the future, the idea in some form pops up into the medium.

Maybe it is a coincidence or I am prescient.

Case in point is the new story on Tarantino. Old audio has resurfaced in which he claimed Polanski wasn't a rapist. I had gotten a little bit into this idea when blogging on Claudette Colvin. I guess this is the politically incorrect debate topic of rape versus rape, rape. I think Whoopi Goldberg once got into trouble for discussing "rape, rape."

I think age matters. There is an experience curve for young people. The age of dogs are called dog years because their aging is at a much faster rate than humans. I do not know the specifics of Colvin's experience. I do not know the age of the married man or forget. I think Claudette was 15. That is very possibly much different than 13 and signifies more than a typical two year span for adults in regards to change in maturity. Call them teenager years? I believe someone 15 is much older than someone only 13. It is the difference between middle school and high school.

Some countries have the legal limit at 16. I think 18 is the best number. Then there are tricky in-between moral debates. There is a 22-years-old teacher in legal trouble for having a sexual relationship with an 18-years-old student. If that took place in college, there'd be no problem. I accept that under no circumstances should a high school teacher have such contact with students. However, the so-called victim is 18. He's an adult. If I had the power to decide what happens, I'd call it a non-criminal offense; that she should just be fired.

Tarantino is basically a moron who should be added to the boycott batch.

Polanski definitely acted as a pedophile. 13 is way off limits. If she'd been 15, then sure, it starts looking more like statutory rape. I'm sorry Roman's wife was assassinated by the Manson cult, but there is truly no excuse for a grown man to sleep with someone that young. 15 is too young too. Just don't have sex with minors. How difficult can that be? It can get fuzzy, but that's when we are talking about teenagers sleeping with other teenagers. Say the bloke is 17 and the gal is 15. Then the law should be flexible and more realistic.
He didn’t rape a 13-year-old. It was statutory rape...he had sex with a minor. That’s not rape. To me, when you use the word rape, you’re talking about violent, throwing them down—it’s like one of the most violent crimes in the world. You can’t throw the word rape around. It’s like throwing the word ‘racist’ around. It doesn’t apply to everything people use it for.
That was said on the Howard Stern Show. Robin disagreed and retorted the victim was not into it. Here is more of the exchange that I am copying and pasting from Jezebel.
Tarantino: No, that was not the case AT ALL. She wanted to have it and dated the guy and—
Quivers: She was 13!
Tarantino: And by the way, we’re talking about America’s morals, not talking about the morals in Europe and everything.
Stern: Wait a minute. If you have sex with a 13-year-old girl and you’re a grown man, you know that that’s wrong.
Quivers: ...giving her booze and pills...
Tarantino: Look, she was down with this.
I'm down with Tarantino's Hollywood career going down the tubes.

The Freemason conspiracy is given respect as a serious topic in England unlike here in America.

Two Freemasons' lodges operating secretly at Westminster

The reason why police in the United States are getting away with mayhem and murder couldn't be more obvious. It's called secret society shenanigans.

I found an interesting article covering Jack the Ripper. The famous serial killer has apparently been identified. He seems to have been a Freemason named Michael Maybrick who may have attempted to frame his brother and was killed by his wife Florence. The following message was found on the wall by one of the victims.
The Juwes are / The men that / Will not / Be blamed for nothing.
The Juwes seemed to refer to the three jackasses who murdered Hiram Abiff. Researcher Bruce Robinson argues that the masonic code of silence led to the heinous crimes being covered up. I am not sure how accurate his schtick is, but it sounds extremely plausible. There has to be a major reason why things never improve and state-sponsored criminals continue to get away with their crimes. The Freemason conspiracy theory makes the most sense. Just look at all the cops getting away with murder. Letting a serial killer get away with his crimes sounds ludicrous, but not so much when one is talking about individual cops and their one victim.

                          This was apparently Freemason Jack the Ripper.

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