Wednesday, February 7, 2018

In Today's News

A woman aged 19 from South Carolina gouged out both of her eyes outside of a church. Ugh.

Richard Dreyfus is an obvious loser, but photos surfacing of him alleged as sexual assault show two youngish middle aged women apparently loving the attention.

Below is some model I've never heard of. My question is how does so much masonic imagery make it into the public consciousness?

It's the black-and-white checkerboard design. It's everywhere.

I guess that's not really news. I closed out the tab and don't even have her name. That's that. A bit of eye candy seems to help pad the blog stats.

Below is a clown named David Eisenhauer who killed a young girl he thought had become pregnant.

This is one of those random crime stories we all probably remember. He murdered this young person named Nicole Lovell who was only 13.

The news cycle no longer matters to either of them.

It doesn't mean much to me. I search and search for something worthy to share. This is all I'm able to come up with. Let's continue.

Hillary Clinton is claiming she was denied the presidency from the "invisible state." She never shuts the fvck up. We all saw how deranged she was. It was weird and surreal. This one below. I don't even have to explain it. We all saw it.

I like to say everything is rigged and fake, but prove otherwise, and perhaps I'll turn off the broken record.

A Washington day care center is accused of giving kids eyebrow waxes.

Why are people so stupid? The only thing I ever worry about myself is possibly saying something a little bit too stupid, like I did in a private email to Mandy Nagy and Fatterico. Some things I have written here I deleted in a form of self-censorship. Malcolm X had a famous line about the ballot or the bullet. I am non-violent, but I am also not a chump. I am not afraid of the system nor the Nazis who control it. There are laws of physics. Just saying.

The Mayor of Nashville has been exposed for cheating on her husband. Now it seems she rigged a job to go to her lover's daughter. That's called Freemasonry. That's called an example of why everything sucks and never improves.

I assumed she was in a secret society before writing, "That's called Freemasonry," and above is the proof.

Joe Biden is referring to Trump as a joke, but so is he. At least Trump goes for adult women. Joe is known as creepy Uncle Joe. There are videos are all over Youtube proving he loves to grope and manhandle little girls.

Adam Schiff apparently got used and abused by Russian supertrolls. Everyone knows he is a scumbag. He must have wet his pants when told Putin was blackmailing Trump with naked pictures.

See? I keep looking for anything of importance in the news and there is nothing. It's called zilch or nada.

This is a Spice Girl or someone. How is this news? I want to know why she fvcked up her lips.

I'm searching for proof she did something to her face. Her lips seem way off. Anyhoo, apparently last year there was a big scandal because she kissed her daughter on the lips. What's my opinion? Don't kiss kids on the lips. I don't care if they are your own kids. Don't be that demented pervert.

So that's it for today's news. Yeah, it's meaningless every day. One must actively seek out truth on one's own. The medium will destroy anyone who accepts it as is.

Assange was sent a white powder. The hearing thing didn't go his way. The impasse continues. Trump needs to unilaterally do something to grant Julian his freedom or he can get on the escalator to hell with Hillary.


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