Thursday, February 8, 2018

Weird Arsed News Never Adding Up

This is the woman claiming Chachi Arcola digitally raped her at 14.  It is a classic he said, she said. There doesn't seem to be any advantage to setting forth opinions. One could be wrong either way. She could be lying. She could be telling the truth.

I just don't believe her. She claims Chachi was telling her at 14 that he loved her and they would get married. That guy was on the cover of every teen magazine. He was already in his mid-20's. Not everyone is a pedophile. Nearly every guy knew that 16 would get you 20.

Maybe he did it? I need solid proof. Now Ms. Eggert is claiming she tried to jump off a bridge but then figured it wouldn't work. She decided all that would happen was broken bones and no death. This sounds like tiny violin music and a money gambit. There's simply no proof for either side making it pointless to speculate. I do so only in order to feed the blog.

It's possible Baio broke sex laws and raped her. If he stuck his fingers into her thingie like she said, then sure, that would have made him a pedophile. It's odd that she's coming out with all this now when it's become the new #MeToo trend. People lie. People tell the truth. Most people end up in the middle of those who lie versus those who don't. Thus, this is basically a distraction and I am a hypocrite for covering it.

That was over 30 years ago. The timing is way off.

In other sordid entertainment news, Quincy Jones is talking a lot of trash. He's saying Michael Jackson stole Billie Jean from a Donna Summer song. I loved her. I was just a kid, but she was from Boston. One must root for the home talent. I noticed this story last night. I forget what for a similar allegation, but maybe it will come back. I wrote something about blatant schtick theft. I checked it out and it was true.


Okay, I found it. Lana Del Ray clearly stole from Radiohead. I was trained as a thinker and writer to never plagiarise. I may be a nobody, but I've never stolen material or ideas from anyone. Denis Leary and Alex Jones stole from Bill Hicks. Led Zeppelin was notorious for schtick theft. People who are into life for the love of the game understand and agree that this type of activity is a deal breaker. Come up with your own stuff. So anyway, I found the Donna Summer song and want to know how the fvck Jones is saying Jackson stole from her. Why is everyone lying or am I too stupid to understand?

Quincy also apparently attacked the Beatles, but I stopped reading before that was explained.

Fvck the Beatles, sure. They were a bunch of overrated bitches. Everyone knows that Paul McCartney is a dovche. Just look at him. He is the personification of a tool giving concerts for Obama and never doing anything to promote positive social change.

Right versus left is a dead end, so everything becomes pure gaslighting. Whether it's Democrats or Republicans, the military continues to do whatever the fvck they want. I can separate the allegation against Baio from the fact he is a pure wingnut. Here's Eggert when she was apparently seventeen:

Eggert needs to prove Baio assaulted her when she was fourteen or fifteen. If she can't, then all of this is bullshite drama. He probably could have had all sorts of dates and lovers. He didn't need to go after a young teenager experiencing puberty. That's why I don't believe her. Some women do end up hating all men and that might be what is going on here. She hates his politics and her own failed acting career. She sees McGowan getting a lot of attention. Maybe she wants in on that. And if Eggert is legit, then why is she partnering with disgraced turd lawyer Lisa Bloom?

Most of the so-called news seems related to sex crime allegations.

Oh, G.W. Bush and Jim Carrey are very upset with the Russians for deciding the 2016 election for Trump. The police state is determined to push through the reboot. You will be Republican or Democrat and that's that. Pick a side. Go read CNN or Breitbart. That is what's going on.

Maybe I'm blogging a lot lately because one never knows when one will get the flu and die within a few days.

I think Elon Musk is a CIA or something similar agent. I don't buy his schtick one bit. Why is Mars being touted as a place to colonise? What moron would ever think that is possible or desirable? Why not put resources into fixing this planet and society rather than going on some silly wild goose chase?

Lenny Dykstra is spilling alleged beans on Charlie Sheen.

Alleged. Apparently. It seems. Blah, blah blah.

Where's the news? I don't see it anywhere.

Aah, John Perry Barlow died. Good! And there is Julian Assange on Twitter kissing his butt. Hey Julian, put that dude's name with CIA into a search engine and then explain why you are praising him. Assange is proof that no one is perfect. He has been used and abused a number of times due to his blind spots. This is just another one. He has a flaw in which he sometimes backs the wrong horse. I mean, he has often trusted the wrong people and then got burned.

John Perry Barlow was the personification of garbage. He was gatekeeper propaganda.

Julian recommends this debate on a French news station concerning his situation.

I was listening to old William Cooper conspiracy shows last night. I think he was the original Alex Jones. Cooper was actually just another conspiracy player in the history of disinformation. A lot of the divide and conquer is between right wing religious nuts and self-proclaimed rational grown ups. Everything Cooper said and did was polarising. But one thing he mentioned that made me curious was this idea of French Freemasonry. The French have been all over this website. I tried to figure out where they are coming from, but there is no info in the stats revealing that.

Years back this blog got many page hits and in the stats one could see that they were coming from the Patterico blog to do with Brett Kimberlin. I don't see anywhere that I'm being plugged by a French blog. I think it is French intelligence and/or French Freemasons, which might actually be the same people.

Wow, there are millions of search results for "French Freemasons."

Maybe somehow someway we the people are getting closer to absolute truths concerning history and social reality. Napoleon's brother was a Freemason?

Here is a Bloomberg article titled, "France: Where Freemasons Are Still Feared."
America’s masons are as likely to meet one another at a barbecue as a masonic temple. But in France, the lodges still inspire countless conspiracy theories—and magazine covers.

There isn't much at the link. You have to sign up to Bloomberg to read the full article. I guess the point is that the French are very into Freemason conspiracy theory, while Americans are the usual gang of grownups who can identify wackadoo language when they hear or see it. That seems to be the schtick spin.

This is the beginning stages of my new curiosity into the French Freemason connection. It may lead somewhere or it could get boring and I drop it. I just found a French movie from 1943 titled Occult Forces. It has English subtitles and is a conspiracy styled film. William Cooper was not discussing anything new or esoteric and he did so in a way that prompted divide and conquer emotions to go with disinformation and the deliberate promotion of convolution. (On edit: I just watched this. It was very interesting, although I didn't like the "let's blame it all on the Jooos" part that the Nazi uploader added to it.)

My hope is that over the next 50-100 years, Freemasons will get what they deserve. My dream is for all scumbags to be stripped of their power and influence. Freemasons are the personification of garbage and responsible for all of the world's problems, imho. Maybe here it is a big state-sponsored laugh, but in England they are continually popping up in their mainstream news as verified conspiracy actors.

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