Friday, February 9, 2018

Cynical, Untalented Rich People Can Fvck Off

I finally put the Poppy thingie together. I am kinda, sorta slow at grokking ability in regards to everything. I can't just rattle out greatness with every word from the top of me noggin.

Poppy is making fun of Britney Spears. The whole character is based on Spears' public mental breakdown. Plenty of folks probably realised this the whole time. I had to catch up. I had to look into the last generation of child stars. I needed to investigate auto-tune. I tried to get a comment from Cher on Twitter to see if she regretted letting that cat out of the bag. But soon enough I was banned and all my tweets were scrubbed by the ptb's.

I'm watching some Britney. I saw her interview with Diane Sawyer. Spears started cracking up into various multiple personalities. Now from what I know, the multiple identity thingie is very rare. A movie or two was made on it- one with Joanne Woodward, the other was Sybil starring what's her face. It is both a hoax and true. It really happens, but not to the extent in which it was plugged. Spears is obviously in the multiple personality rare batch rather than the general bipolar or schizophrenic condition.

Poppy completely mimics Britney Spears. She's actually aping the woman who first played the Poppy role who had the stage name of Mars Argo. I've seen Britney be described as robotic. I've seen some bizarre interviews in which she sounds exactly like Poppy's nonsense about everything is going to be okay. This is not a scoop. This is obvious. But most people have lives and/or waste time on different hobbies and topics and this just ain't entering their realms of thought.

Amanda Bynes went wackadoo in a similar manner.

I found out ten to fifteen years after the fact that Charlie Sheen had gone cuckoo.

I like to write. Sometimes it will include scoops; other times it will be random feeding of a blog.

Spears cannot sing. She acts like a child. Whoever is forcing or encouraging her to remain in the public spotlight are doing her no favors. She has been brain fvcked to the yin yang and enough should be enough.

Bill Cooper is fun to listen to, but that doesn't change the fact that he was a paid fake on the Military-Industrial Complex "Conspiracy Story" payroll. I found one in which he goes after Art Bell who was also a rigged state-sponsored paid fake truther troll. There's something called controlled opposition. Ye can listen to this if you want to. I am not promoting it. I'd be a hypocrite to say don't listen when I obviously do. I am definitely on the non-masonic level in that I am not manipulated by the medium and exist outside of it as a free person. This is referred to as probing (see McLuhan, Marshall).

                    "Art Babbling "B.S." Bell - Hour of the Time - Bill Cooper"

What I found interesting was a comment made at the beginning. Cooper claims that Bill Clinton labelled him as "the most dangerous radio host in America." I wondered if Obama had said the same thing about Alex Jones. I sort of recall Obama going after him. Alex Jones as the ultimate wackadoo gets a lot of mentions from the mainstream media. He is their conspiracy story strawman go-to guy.

If one searches "Alex Jones dangerous," a lot of results come in. NPR apparently called Jones dangerous. Salon ran an article titled, The dangerous rise of Alex Jones. That is just the tip of the iceberg. Ooooh, Alex Jones is such a scary, dangerous man. We get it. Thanks. So to me, that is a pattern. Arguably two of the biggest names in conspiracy chatter history, Cooper and Jones, were/are very dangerous! Protect your kids. Pledge allegiance. God bless America, youse motherfvckers.

Cooper was basically the ultimate in gaslighting for the "patriot" movement. He is calling out Art Bell for being a jackass and disinfo shill; that he spreads demented bullshite over whole overnights in order to discredit the truth.

Yet, one can easily find a million things promoted by Cooper that were just as ludicrous.

And Alex Jones is carrying on the schtick.
Those shills are discrediting truth so it doesn't reach masses of sheople. We are the real stuff and true talent. You will never hear meself saying crazy wackadoo nonsense. 
Jones is having a more difficult time than Cooper maintaining the facade of truthiness due to the openness of the internet (in theory). Thus, I don't imagine many people are listening other than to get some entertainment, the way I am being a chump and listening to old William Cooper audio. Jones' role is to keep people within the mainstream media. Everything he is concerned with can be linked back to official narratives. It is a looped system. It is Freemasonry duality or fake balance.

I call for the death of the medium as it is. Personify it. Throw all of it into one big huge batch the size of Texas. This collective person referred to as medium is not your friend and has never done right by any of the regular guys and women. If the mass culture forced on us from the earliest of ages was seen as a person, we would call it an abuser and refuse to break bread with it.

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