Saturday, February 10, 2018

Feminist Icon Hillary Clinton Still Can't Stop Coughing

H. was at it again yesterday for coughing. Maybe it's a fetish. Perhaps she likes the feeling of the cough. That's the longest running cough I've seen since me own a few years back due to Quorn food products.

I think she has what Robin Williams had. She is covering up her neck. When hers is visible, it's got the same type of sickly look to it. So she is hiding that.

Julian Assange is waking up to the fact that Fox News is garbage.

I've been there before. My only support was coming mostly from right wingers after getting cybersmeared and abused by demented speedway bomber scum Brett Kimberlin. Sometimes we are simply very alone in this world. I'm not saying Julian expects miracles from right wing allies. He does seem to get along well with Sean Hannity. It's called blind spots. It's called the enemy of my enemy must be my friend even when it's simply not true. Assange is twisted into a political football and has become a cornerstone of fake debate. He doesn't have many choices. I didn't either. Sometimes it is best to realise no one has any options than to rely on oneself and to trust nothing and nobody.

He must get so bored in the embassy. That is cruel and unusual punishment. Where are the British protests demanding his freedom? Why is he still being held prisoner?

Duterte has been getting hammered by the International Criminal Court. I have no clue whether that is a legit legal proceeding or just more bullshite. I do know that Rodrigo Duterte needs to be locked up in prison or put down like an animal with rabies.

But we can't even get justice in America. What can I possibly do about Duterte if I am powerless against the American scum?

All I have is words and the ability to take screenshots.

Malcolm X ultimately had no power.

How can we possibly fight back against Cointelpro?

We are simply living out incarnations in a demented, bizarre world.

Julian's correct. What Tucker Carlson said was very dull and idiotic. Tucker is nice on the outside. He's able to generate news as entertainment. He was great going up against Kurt Eichenwald. He is a right wing hustler and controlled opposition. Fox News is not going to save us. Both sides suck. It's all scripted drama. It's called bread and circuses.

Julian Assange is overqualified for this hell hole.

There is a piece of shit fake journo named Michael Edison Hayden who is attacking Julian for something a fake Julian account tweeted.

Michael Edison Hayden is part and parcel of why our country and this world sucks.

I don't blame Julian for plugging disinfo writer Caitlin Johnstone. He's also just trying to live out an incarnation. Like I said, the man has blind spots. He has obviously never heard of Marshall McLuhan. What's Julian going to know about paid fakes all over the internet and right woos left?

It feels like Julian is personally gaslighting me when he keeps backing the wrong horses. But I have to let it go. Not everyone realises that everything is rigged and fake. Not everyone is George Carlin saying fvck this and fvck you. Some are. That's where random nobodies like me fit in. I supertrolled Johnstone at Twitter. I now see that others have similarly done so elsewhere.

I would bet money that she is a paid disinfo agent working for the Five Eyes.

Wackadoo disinfo garbage originating from Australia will not save us.

Jimmy Dore will not save us. No one can save us.

I didn't know this Johnstone loser was getting plugged so much. She was apparently discussed on The View. She is all over the place. H.A. and Tim Black are involved with her. Sane Progressive. It's never ending crap seen over and over again from the same suspicious batch of creepy paid fake activists.

The medium is dog shit.

There is nothing salvageable to the medium.

I follow none of it. I had seen enough. All medium players are garbage. Every single one of them.

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