Friday, February 16, 2018

I wrote most of this before going to bed last night

It's just after 2 a.m.. I've gotten a bit back into stamps. That's something Julian should consider doing. I wonder how he gets by. I'm curious how big the embassy is and just all of that kind of stuff. Does he interact with the Ecuadorians? Do they share a kitchen and common areas? I'm assuming Ecuador gave him his own room. Or is it like living in an airport? It's definitely cruel and unusual punishment for practicing journalism.

Damn, that screwed up punk in Florida truly fvcked up. Now he is crying and remorseful getting light pats of encouragement from his lawyer lady. He's already remorseful? Other reports suggest he experienced fetal alcohol poisoning. Sorry, I don't have all the answers. This is a free news service if you think about it. You're getting a lot of junk for something in which nothing was paid to nobody.

I sneak in some women pictures.

The main service I provide is a non-kook perspective on confirmed conspiracy.

The conspiracy is the idea of conspiracy. Everyone is starting to grok the state-sponsored schtick. Everyone is starting to sense this at one time or another. Others like me can fully grokify social reality or come pretty darn close. We're being shelled with non-stop double reverse whammies. This is George Orwell on steroids. Maybe Julian should do some jigsaw puzzles. He must be struggling to keep his wits. McLuhan nailed it better than it's ever been done. All content is meaningless. Think Guerrilla Radio by Rage Against the Machine (see down, shut it).

The killer was wearing a Trump hat. The CIA couldn't have planned it better.

You can't give him the death penalty. He is clearly mentally ill. The lady lawyer calls him a broken man child or something. He's got autism. He's a weird looking kid, no way around it. This will keep happening until the society is fixed. And it won't be fixed because Freemasons like it just the way it is.

It's got nothing to do with right versus left. States are going to have their various gun laws. You pick the state or area most suited to one's spirituality.

People snap when they feel helpless. Mike Tyson did some cruel stuff, but then he met the old man and got into boxing. Kids with rough edges can turn it around. At least Tyson seems to have become a better person. Although later on he would serve time for rape. He's probably not the best example.

Uhm. Those people are definitely out there. People can and do change. Malcolm X is probably the best example. The Nation of Islam took off because people are good deep down and cults provide ultimate answers for lost souls looking to change. Jackson said he was looking at the man in the mirror. Malcolm X did that. He did it twice. He was the true talent. Malcolm X was the greatest American. I am either non-racist or this is some kind of fetish. I found him charming and extremely smart. He was a man of the deepest integrity. He wasn't that way his whole life, but he was well on his way to some sort of greatness beyond regular guy greatness.

Then there are other people that the more one learns of them, the reaction is ugh. Gandhi. Mother Teresa. John Lennon. Fricken. De Niro turned out to be quite the loser. There is basically no unifying glue of greatness to truly make America not this miserable again when people lived with some love and hope. Think of grooviness. Hep preceded that. Now there is no more love and hope, just burning hate propagated by scumbags, turds and garbage.

It's amazing how much makeup celebrities use and how different they look without it. It's mind blowing. They completely ruin their faces with plastic surgery. Wow, what a mess everything is no matter which random topic is discussed.

Society let down that kid. Put him in a decent mental hospital for killers. Study him. Ask him if such and such had been available, say blah blah blah, could he have become non-violent. It sounds like his mom let him down. There seems to be a non-debatable backstory to his life that demands no death penalty.

I would have done my part, but my sort is not allowed to participate in society. I got banned by Twitter. I tried. I made a little dent on the collective consciousness. Yet, one person can only influence so much. We do what we can.

Oh, I wanted to take a closer look at Aniston.

She doesn't seem to have much makeup on. It sort of doesn't look like her. I think she might have screwed up her cheeks. Below her is Courtney Cox who clearly destroyed her face. I think she's mentioned it as one of her regrets. The two women next to her seem to be up to no good. Maybe I have a dirty mind. It looks awkward around the vaginal region. Why is one woman's hand rested on the other's thingie? It looks inappropriate.

Then the woman at the top and third from the left makes me think of spirit cooking. She has on masonic clothing. In general, these women look demonic in the category of just saying.

I wonder if there's an update on that weird Hollywood sex cult involving the Nicki Clyne woman and the Keith dude. It should be a bigger story. It's more important than O.J. was. O.J. this, O.J. that. The medium is no good. One must hit a point in enlightenment in which the medium is shut down at least for individual participation. None of this is real. Modern medium is in deep doo doo. No one should believe in any of it anymore.

One reads threads and comments and goes ah yes, there's the shill. There's another one. Oh yeah, one can see what they are attempting. Once one realises that sort of stuff, one is able to quit the medium as is and move on towards utilising internet time more productively.

It looks like Aniston got plastic surgery.

It is now the next day.

I am sipping on coffee and nursing a headache I'm not expecting to last too long. There was something I figured out in my sleep, but I can't remember what it was.

Newspapers used to be the big thing. That fvcker could keep someone very busy especially if one was also into sports and crosswords. It's pretty freaking bizarre how rigged and fake everything is. Now it's become a scene out of Platoon. You boys think you are hot stuff reality with medium hot takes. I'm reality.

The world and society is 100% fvcked up.

So who else failed the kid? I'm figuring the schools. Maybe some classmates weren't as nice to him as they could have been. Where was his dad? There are many questions I am too jaded to research. To be honest, it's the American government and military which is to blame. I told everyone there would be a boomerang, but no one believed me.

It can only get worse from here. There's been plenty of time to have Congressional Meetings, pass laws, drain swamps and arrest people. Trump is part and parcel of the system. Nothing is going to change. He will continue to be spun as demented which doesn't take much effort and a Democrat will in all probability win the next presidential election. It's good cop, bad cop. It's bread and circuses.

The only hope seems to be that Bernie is legit for the most part and will become the next president. Otherwise nothing makes sense. Why would Bernie Sanders go along with a rigged system? Is he that dumb and gullible?

Bravo, FBI on preventing... oops, they only prevent acts that are motivated through entrapment. I guess the FBI is filthy corrupt stinking garbage. They probably knew that kid like they knew all about Boston Marathon people including Daniel Morley.

Ask a Mason about J. Edgar Hoover?

I truly believe that with a bit of positive support, there wouldn't have been anyone shot up in the school. Everyone knows that Florida is one of the more demented states.

I don't believe the FBI. They know who everyone is. The problem is they don't know who they are in themselves. Hitler didn't go running around screaming, "Why am I such a demented turd? I must change and become a better person."

A troll named David Byron made a good point, albeit it sounded like cointelpro. Demented losers don't seem to aim very high. They go after kids and innocent people. They go after ex-lovers and strangers. They go after lots of folks who have nothing to do with anything but their own rotten stinking false egos.

I am non-violent. So I'm gonna take a look at some stamps. One must find ways to kill time without destroying one's mind. The medium is rigged to make us all go nuts. This is the essence of my broken record. There is nothing much of value to the world's governments and systems.

Most people suck and that's why random losers go after other random losers. It's called cointelpro.

I'm also a random loser but am feeling safe which is good for me, I suppose. Most people are in no danger. If we could only turn off compassion and thinking, we could become demented Masons. But we don't. The struggle continues. All we can do is shut down the medium.

Reddit Conspiracy is at least 80% paid fake posts. Daily Mail is twisted garbage, as are the "left" versions of so-called grown up media.

At least there is music.

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