Saturday, February 17, 2018

Strength From Boobs

                                             "We are not sluts"

I don't think you are sluts either, sweetie. You are corporate whores. Selling sex is simply a means to kerching. Thanks for sharing your naked bodies with everyone. You are icons for feminism. That must be it. Why would anyone think you are whores and sluts?


Marilyn Manson went on a bizarre rant during one of his concerts. The first part of this entry devoted to boobs is done. Wow, Manson is clearly pure unadulterated turd. He's got weapon props on stage. I never got into his schtick, but back in the day, he had some pretty good tunes.

I'm rushing with this mailed-in entry to get back to the less toxic stamps.

It looks like the royal wedding no longer matters. The big news is Jennifer Aniston. I just watched a clip of her on the Ellen Degenerate Show. She definitely did something to her face. She is no longer pretty, yet that is not due to aging. It's because she tossed away her natural beauty. She was never my type. I imagine Aniston is the kind of "bitchy N.Y. woman" Ian Kerner would have gone down on.

Sorry to be so crude. That was a pun based on his book. So what is his Ph.D. in? I did remember something else. There was a big Sociology 101 class held in an auditorium. Students were allowed to observe classes for a few weeks before making decisions. We sat together to check it out. I wasn't into sociology from the start and had been undecided as a freshman. I tried a political science class. That was the one which first got me thinking there is an us versus them, as in regular guys against the system. Sociology wasn't just an easier grade. It made sense. It added up.

But back to Ian. So the class was on fat shaming. This was in the mid-80's. This wasn't anything like the crap going on today with porn sluts making videos shaving their vagina region. This was about old school sexism. It was where I learned of anorexia, bulimia, date rape and body image issues. The lecture we attended was discussing fat shaming. One of the required books was titled Not Just a Pretty Face or something. It's a semi-famous book in academia or was. I am too lazy to pinpoint the title. The point is that Kerner decided to ask the professor in front of 300 people, "Why don't they just stop eating?" That's who that guy is. He loves "bitchy N.Y. women" and making fun of overweight people. He was a failed actor, director and writer. That's that.

Aniston doesn't look the same. She was presented as the tomato out of most people's league. Now the tables have turned. She is still the same shallow wench but now with no juice left in her mug. That's that for that.

Nikolas Cruz is claiming that "demon voices" were responsible for his rampage. So he loved himself some Alex Jones? There's other info, as in it should have seemed pretty obvious he shouldn't have been able to procure weapons. This cannot go well politically for Trump. Is he expecting a rematch with Hillary? He barely beat the worst candidate in U.S. political history. Trump seems to be aging rapidly. All presidents go through that. I doubt Trump even wants a second term. He might have been a pied piper candidate the whole time. He might have been in on it and as surprised as anyone that he actually won.

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