Monday, February 12, 2018

Shakespeare was apparently a paid fake Freemason plagiarist

I noticed he had plagiarised someone. Then in the comments someone said he stole Romeo and Juliet. Then I wondered was that guy a Mason. There are a lot of search results saying yes.

The invisible conspiracy wants folks to believe there is stuff called entertainment and that only very talented people rise to the top of its food chain.

I always knew Shakespeare sucked and was stupid. I never recited the pledge of allegiance. Perhaps the Masons don't have total control after all.

In other fake news...

The Boston Police Department tweeted and then deleted kudos to Red Auerbach in fake appreciation of Black History Month. For those asking wtf that means, Auerbach was a white man. Bill Russell should have been the one to praise if the theme was basketball. Theirs was an action akin to producing a movie on Steve Biko yet turning it into mostly about a white man reporter who befriended Biko. That actually happened, although I never saw the film. I did once read some primary source material of Biko eloquently addressing a South African judge.

Auerbach was surely a great man. A big reason why the Celtics became the greatest NBA team of all time was because Red broke colour barriers. Vince Lombardi had similar success in professional football. The Boston Red Sox never won anything because owner Tom Yawkey was racist dog shit. The BPD was close to making a solid point, but unfortunately as everyone now knows, cops are borderline mentally retarded. There's no need to discuss this current event further. Cops are murderous, racist, abusive scumbags and part and parcel of Freemasonry.

          "The Boston Police are hosting the event, which is
            being sponsored by the Massachusetts Freemasons"

Feeding the blog is not as easy as it looks.

Captain Kirk is apparently getting stalked.

A study has found that alcohol is damaging to the brain compared to cannabis. My reaction boils down to, "Duh, ya think so?"

Duterte continues to melt down and display his utter violent insanity. Here is his message to female rebels in the Philippines:
We won't kill you. We will just shoot your vagina.
If there is no vagina, it would be useless.
Only the sickest of fvck faces say such things. Yet, the fact that he is still alive and in power shows that there is a system in place in the Philippines agreeing with and protecting him.

The system wants people to think of Freemasonry as a wackadoo conspiracy story with no grounding in reality. However, as long as one avoids mainstream and fake alternative news websites, one can free both mind and time to truly investigate the merits of leaning towards such a unified explanation of how everything is rigged and fake.

"PORTRAITS of Davao City mayor, vice mayor and President Rodrigo Duterte at City Council were replaced this week with pictures of national heroes who happen to be members of Freemasonry."

                                "Paolo Duterte is one proud Freemason"

The above are from some of the first results searching for "rodrigo duterte freemason." Paolo is Rodrigo's oldest son. The conspiracy is real. Freemasons are responsible for why everything is so wrong and demented. The end game must be to treat Masonry as the criminal secret society that it is. Their money will need to be confiscated. There can be no other ending than the complete takeover of power and resources by good people over the Masonic scum.

Good people have the numbers. The next revolution must destroy Freemasonry. They are 100% responsible for the big mess and should get what scumbags deserve from laws of physics.

No, I will not back down from exposing the Freemasons. I like to joke around, but not too much with this. Reverse the gaslighting for starters if anything. That must be the first step taken towards the creation of a society comprised of authentic free men and free women.

We have the numbers, period. The ultimate epic battle is to destroy Freemasonry. It is humanity's only chance. The odds are low it can be done, but there is no other way around it. The enemy is the system in itself which is controlled and manipulated by Masons.

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