Sunday, February 11, 2018

Paid Fake Scum Identified

                                               Joshua Cooper Ramo

This clown is what's referred to in Europe as a cvnt. He is just another medium personality with no verifiable journalism gravitas. He is in controversy news for informing Korea that Japan is its daddy.

From reading that, I immediately assumed he is a paid CIA/FBI styled fake. A quick looksie at Wikipedia confirms it. He has a B.A. in Latin American Studies and an M.A. in Economics. At age 25, he got hired as a journalist for Newsweek, then went to Time a few years later. There is nothing in his education which proves he is a journalist. So one has every right to wonder how he gets the jobs.

This is why the medium needs to be shut down. It is rigged and fake. Stop being a chump who follows it.

Oh, there's more. Ramo has worked for Kissinger Associates and alongside some big wig from Goldman Sachs. Nothing ever improves because of this specific type of asswipe. They are a fungus.

Meanwhile, rich fat fvck faces in Manhattan in an area referred to as Billionaires' Row are fighting against the creation of a homeless shelter.

A pedophile in Pennsylvania named Roger Gilbert Jr. has been re-elected to a volunteer fire chief position. Let me guess. Is he a Freemason? How else do such scumbags remain in power? I guess it's all a coincidence. Joshua Cooper Ramo works for Henry Kissinger and the Council on Foreign Relations. The pig below had sex with someone aged four. But I suppse it's all a coincidence and I'm just another random kook.

In other fake news, Trump is finally telling Israel to cut it out. I was rereading an entry I made from quite a ways back. I seemed a bit too soft on Israel. I do not support what has been done to the Palestinians. I never have. No one can know everything. When searching for why France is all up into my schtick, I noticed some other page where a 9/11 truther was saying I was censoring WTC truths. No, I never did that. It was just pretty damn obvious that disinfo was flying all over the place to make "conspiracy theorists" look like wackadoos. And I was trolled quite often even before the Kimberlin stuff took off. There was a disinfo agent trying to force 9/11 into this blog. I wasn't going there. I will shut down comments before letting anyone throw off me game.

Trump is a simpleton, unfortunately. He backed the wrong horse in Duterte. There's no debate that Trump is very scary, almost unhinged. I'm glad he criticised Israel. Enough is enough with that trouble spot. Palestinians need their own country. Israel needs to give back land.

Oops, I see that Trump prefaced his critique with slamming Palestine first. He will in all probability be a one term president. Bernie is in all likelihood the next president. The Masons are going to want things to cool things off. I'm all up into their junk providing credibility to the non-wackadoo part of the anti-Masonic movement. None of their reboots are working. Great people we can trust need to establish superpower web sites. I doubt it happens, but for examples, there needs to be new Youtubes, Googles, Twitters and I suppose Facebooks. I was never into Facebook. Everyone knew that was a CIA front way before most other websites and prior to Snowden revelations.

VOAT doesn't cut it to replace Reddit. I doubt GAB is any better than Twitter. I am still an internet addict and will continue to mail-in schtick here.

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