Sunday, February 11, 2018

Volume, Volume, Volume

That's not to be confused with location, location, location. This is called feeding the blog. I uploaded the above movie to my Youtube channel. It wasn't that good, but I am a big fan of good bad movies.

This is where the weird becomes prescient.

There's a British kid walking around London videotaping weird Masonic architecture. This is at something called Bracken House.

They all have the same grumpy look. They are so illuminated with sunshine rays in their own minds. To the rest of society, they would be considered demented. They rule the world. They are psychopaths with no compassion fvcks to give. They hold grudges. They own and control everything. They rig things in private. They knew masses of people were starting to get restless with inequality and bowing to kings.

Freemasonry took over complete control through the French and American Revolutions.

France is swarming with masonic scum. It is a fungus in their country. There are tons of links. This video below is bizarre. It looks real. It is a weird yoga sex dancer in front of old bald, white deranged men.

Here's that Brit's video. He titled it, "Coincidence Theory."

I have noticed that every Youtube channel with a verified check mark sucks and is stupid. The YT search engine also sucks and gives too many of those losers domination of the results. They are the common stamps of Youtube that no one wants. People are hungry for authenticity.

Ask a mason who do they think they're fooling.

It's time to bring back the Anti-Masonic Party.

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