Friday, February 23, 2018

The Mythology of Rise and Shine

A discussion based on the worst people of all time would have to include J. Edgar Hoover. I have a lot of free time now since quitting the medium. Going one's way is related to Buddhism. Unfortunately, it is next to impossible to put into words what is the way or Tao.

I see what is going on with new so-called stories. They mean nothing to me. I'm interested in the big picture and not in how the Military-Industrial Complex wants us to proceed. Thus, Hoover needs to be creatively assassinated post-death how Hitler was. J. Edgar Hoover was the American version of an Adolph Hitler. The simulation process needs to be reversed. The demented ptb's must be stopped. They are responsible for why everything sucks and is stupid.

Prince Harry and Meghan got sent some of the fake anthrax. It's called a Five Eyes' agitprop unless stupid random clowns are proven to be doing the hoaxing.

There was a wild scene in Los Angeles as a result of a SWAT hoax. The same rule applies. If no one is caught, then it was the deep state who made the call. It's the laws of physics. I encourage everyone to see My Cousin Vinny. One learns a lot about common sense. One must think like Gambini and Tomei. It was made in 1992 making it perhaps the last great movie ever made. Meet the FvckFaces was made later on but wasn't that good.

The Red Hot Chili Peppers and Adam Sandler were not the true talent. Neither was De Niro.

I'm trying to say use Logic 101 with everything.

I'm vouching for shutting down the medium. They want us to rise and shine each day, grin, bear it and put on either Fox, CNN or MSNBC. If one isn't into cable news and many aren't as the landline vote ages and collects stamps, one is prodded to find their internet herd.

I am a herd of one.

I do realise other people are made of the same junk as myself with the same natural gifts in regards to awareness capacity. Women and men have different thingies, but that is a micro-topic. I am trying to get to historic juice which includes the present. Nothing just happens. History is linear. Hence, we are taught to rise and shine.

Enlightenment can happen when arising. Yet, it could happen right now in the early p.m. or any fricken second. That is the nature of reality. It is always in the present. It is timeless. There is no such thing as time other than for scheduling purposes.

The global ptb's are trying to wear us down. I wrote some good stuff a long time ago including a socratisation of Erich Fromm's take on authoritarianism. It comes down to control. Fascists and psychopaths love having complete power. Fromm identified them as non-death necrophiliacs. They want us both dead and alive if ye grok this point. Hidden invisible numbnuts aim to destroy independent thought. To them, there is no such thing as authentic free men and free women. This is the essence of the universal gaslighting we all get attacked with in which there is never any relief, only demented reboots. It is about the total control and manipulation of private minds through the medium.

us: What about the DNC rigging the primary for Hillary?

them: Uhhh, Bernie sucks. You are a sexist racist. We are moving on.

us: But that is a deal breaker. This is supposed to be a democracy.

them: We don't need your vote anyway. You are permanently banned.

us: Fvck you and fvck this.

them: Buh-bye, ya kook.

CNN apparently asked Florida shooting survivor Colton Haab to replace his question with one of their own. I don't give much of a fvck. I do respect the kid for exposing them. Yet, deal breakers mean a relationship is over. I've been done with not only CNN for quite some time, but also with all trash referred to as the medium. Probing does not equate to compliance.

CNN got busted as part and parcel of the rigging of the election. I pulled some headlines this morning. The Haab story was one of them. I was up at 5 a.m.. Sometimes one has those days when they start too early. I just started writing this entry in the last hour. I actually do rattle a lot of shite from the top of me noggin, though I do go back to clean it up. This is referred to as free form writing.

I vouch for the mosaic approach over linear rote for pedagogy. One ought to be in search of universal truths. While history is certainly in a line from then to now, students should not be restricted from hippety-hopping wherever they feel inspired. Think of the teenager who only reads the sports and leisure pages. He or she is at least reading.

I only have a few more tidbits to get through from earlier. Eventually this will end up on Hoover, the worst scumbag turd ever born and worse than Hitler. At least Adolph didn't mess around. He didn't presume himself as good while doing bad things. He just did them. He made it clear he needed to be put down. It was all bad cop. Cointelpro is bad people doing bad things on a massive scale denying folks freedoms of speech, association, due process and the right to privacy. Adolph forced compliance. The U.S. military does it in the dark. We are brainwashed to love us some U.S. flag and wars. The harsh truth is that G.I. Joe is a baby killer doing dirty work for the state apparatus.

Dumbass Chevy Chase says he was the victim of a road rage attack. He says he flashed down a driver whom he thought had scraped his car. It turned out there was no damage. These are all Chevy's words that one must accept or question. I'm giving him one paragraph. The Hoover stuff might be a bit of work to accomplish. Long alleged story short, there were words exchanged. Chevy said if he was younger, he'd kick their butts. Instant redaction and clarification. This is a real story. The cops were called. The other person claims Chevy threw the first punch. It's he said, he said, but with some other witnesses. I suppose it is a developing story. I also suppose, IDGAF.

I mentioned Jennifer Lawrence the other day. I forget why. From one of the last pulled articles for dissection, she is mad at Harvey for his use of her name in his defense. There was a similar Meryl Streep rant the previous day. Her rise and shine medium moment preceded Jennifer's.

I have wondered about those two. They have loved themselves some Harvey Weinstein over the Hollywood years. Rose McGowan is flying around at bookstores hawking her book. She is pure wackadoo. She is the female equivalent of Corey Feldman. I haven't shut down the medium completely. It's tough to explain. I know deep down what the medium is doing without paying much attention to it. The gun stuff is a so-called wedge issue. It's this:

It's 8:39 p.m.. I guess my blog is evolving into a public diary. I'm already preparing meself for sleep, such as get to bed by 3 a.m.. I love sleep. I don't see what the problem is. It's not good for health to sleep wackadoo hours. I must have gotten rid of the ego somehow. I fall right to sleep.

I always know I am the same guy. That must be what enlightenment is. It's a perpetual rise and shining moment as vibration which transcends medium. Oh yes, I've only got one more thing to add before getting to the juicy stuff. Seriously, what is up with Rose McGowan? How can she hate Harvey Weinstein so much when well after the alleged event she was posing with him with smiles?

I do believe he raped her. She says it happened in 1997. Someone please then explain this:

I used to follow General Hospital. I got to make a lot of female friends that way, so it wasn't too stupid an activity. There was one famous story plot centered around Luke and Laura. He raped her, yet they ended up as a couple on the run. It was very controversial. I knew it was wrong. I should find when that took place. Ah, fvck it. Rose was in some weird sex cult? Is that her plausible deniability? I'm not trying to condemn her, but she is basically driftwood. She needs major psychoanalysis. One doesn't need a Kerner styled P.hD in Sexology to know she is fvcked in the head. I still like her. She's just very lost. The sad part of a rigged system is that we can only save ourselves. I do not want to keep rising and shining to the same old, same old. I want serious reform and justice. I don't forgive deal breakers made by bread and circuses. I am in George Carlin mode. That dude nailed it, imho.

I'm not nailing it, but I'm not making money like George did. I'm just talking personal philosophy. McGowan is part and parcel of the medium. She is in it to win it. She is mad at Ronan because he described her book as dark. That is unhinged behaviour. She should leave Hollywood and live out her incarnation as a regular guy. Rose is dreaming if she thinks #MeToo is a real movement.

This entry is awful, yet it's still only a rough draft. There's plenty of time to clean up the mess with schtick polish. I searched for "assassination attempt on J. Edgar Hoover." I only see one result and it's from a creative writing forum. It's fiction. It's not even on J. Edgar. It's Herbert Hoover.

Hitler was pretty bad, no debate. One might wonder if someone had tried to assassinate him. I uploaded a film which had Americans dropping into Germany and going after him. It was a B-movie. I forget what happened. Movies become a blur akin to a million stamps.

Sleep is good for unloading the inner mind of clutter. Nonetheless, whether one is resting or in rise and shine mode, one always remains the same spirit. We are nature in itself.

Long stupid blog entry short, the search results went directly to the J.F.K. Assassination. This was a 20 minute phone call between L.B.J. and Hoover:

I cheated and went to the comments first. I haven't even listened to it yet but will before hitting publish. This is me within the rough draft. One edits in order to make one's writing more presentable. One tries to write junk that they wouldn't mind reading from others.

I used the word one and then they in the second half of the sentence. One is singular. They is plural. This is one of the things to look for. Those guys used the word they. Oswald was one guy. There is also apparently something about Connolly blocking a bullet, yet he was in front of Kennedy. Oopsies? Hoover spoke of the fifth floor when everyone knows it was the sixth. People in the comments advise folks to consider that those two clowns knew the call was being recorded. Think of paid fake shill comments. They know what they're doing. Yet, stupid is as stupid does. This audio seems to provide circumstantial evidence that these guys were involved.

I'm going to save this draft and do something else. It's too much right now. Bukowski said don't write unless you're really into it. I'll need to get focused to listen to those jackasses for twenty minutes, while probably pausing here and there to provide live blog feedback. I'm not ready to turn off Tool. Meddle by Pink Floyd got blocked. That is a really good album.


It's Friday, February 23 in the early afternoon. I still haven't cleaned up the above. I hope it isn't too big of a mess. So the theme has been rise and shine. Sleep, rise, shine and just do it like a Nike ad. Rah rah USA, morons? Rise and shine is no different than birth, school, work and death.

Trump's popularity is being pushed at 50%. "They" say he has had a remarkable surge. It's called the CIA, you losers. They want to reboot this svcker, period. I would rather not g.a.f..

And I don't. And you shouldn't either.

So, I'm adding next to nothing to this rough draft. I must get back to the moment.

I hate Jake Tapper's guts. That is all. I just had to toss that in there. I hate the medium. I despise so much and so many people that I need to let it go. This doesn't mean I am quitting blogging. I still have to edit what's here. French intelligence must be wondering where is the new entry.

It's true. None of this matters. Our world is dog shit. One headline says poor women in India are being offered free boob jobs. India is full of it. The so-called Hindus are the personification of satan. They act so high and mighty with spirituality yet can't even take care of their own people. Instead of raising the poor to a lifestyle with dignity, Hindus say that plastic surgery will save us.

This is the stuff that should inspire revolution. What I would do is immediately arrest approximately 20,000 military intelligence agents and contractors. Maybe it is more than that. Every person in on the rigging of the DNC primary needs to be put in a prison. I don't fvck around. I speak great truths that make sense. I am able to do so because I say fvck you to rise and shine. The system in itself represents the death principle and is the true enemy. Shut down the medium.


  1. Although I understand why you've stopped blogging about certain election related issues,it sucks that you had to. Your work actually changed the way I look at my chosen career and helped me put a huge dent in the armor of a well known charlatan in the election world. Thank you for that.

  2. I don't understand the purpose of your vague comment. You speak of having "put a huge dent in the armor of a well known charlatan in the election world." You say my writing influenced that and how you view your career. What am I supposed to think or say? JTRIG likes to use flattery?
