Saturday, February 24, 2018

He said, they said and IDGAF

CNN claims the kid or father doctored an email, but to me it seems to have not changed the tenor of the exchange. I refuse to go running around chasing this one down. It is conspiracy fact that CNN rigged debate questions for Hillary. It is fact that Chris Cuomo told everyone it was illegal to read Wikileaks. I could make a list. Even if these people doctored the email to make CNN look bad, there is enough dirt on CNN to prosecute them for racketeering and treason.

The military-industrial complex wants us to care. CNN needs to go bankrupt and the Haab family is just part of the noise process called medium.

This is similar to the Chachi-Eggert drama. One can wait to see if the truth comes out in the wash. Or they can be like me and not g.a.f..

Twelve percent of French women may have been raped according to a poll. About half of them were apparently teenagers with much of the crimes taking place within personal homes. The age of consent there is fifteen. I once saw a movie in which a teacher and teenager ended up in an affair. I complained in the comments about the pro-pedophilia nature of the film. Now it all makes sense why the French mainstreamed perversion into cinema. We won't even discuss how dirty and grimy Paris is and how French people are nasty towards tourists. I recall that a lot of the French had been big fans of Adolph Hitler. I'm sure there are some decent people in France. I suppose I'm not a big fan of that county.

I've one more tidbit to share.

The above is a cvnt named Vinod Khosla. He is a billionaire who co-founded Sun Microsystems. There's no way the above is the okay sign. The 666 shares the "o" part, but sixes are curled while k's have a straight line. It's possible people are unwittingly praying to Satan.

The C's are playing the Knicks in real time. Lasy night was a good one against the Pistons. I mention this because Kyrie Irving was making the same symbols while on the bench. He had a double 666 resting on his head. There is definitely an Illuminati aspect to the NBA. It is a bit disturbing. The league also hosts a lot of military events. I have loved hoops since as a kid. I can't give it up considering the Celtics have become so good. It is sport as art when done well.

I'm digressing.

The billionaire above is trying to close access to the beach next to his $32.5 million mansion. The stretch of landscape has been open to the public for 70 years.

Vinod Khosla can go to fvcking hell! He is clearly an enemy to humanity. In a just world, he would be thrown into prison with all of his property and wealth confiscated and redistributed to society.

Things cannot persist as they do indefinitely. The internet is good in that we can identify and document all of the scumbags, turds and garbage responsible for the big mess.

Rich people are scum.

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