Thursday, March 1, 2018

Nothing Matters

Bill Hicks nailed it. Jay Leno was a fake comic who did commercials. I can't believe it's been close to a week since writing anything. I have stopped looking at the news or any of the state-sponsored chatter. I've been watching the Celtics and grinding away at stamps. These are the dog days of the Winter.

Nothingness matters. I told myself a very long time ago to never sell my soul. It has saved me in the long run. People are born. The easy quick gripe is to say no one asked for this. That is true. It is as mysterious as anything. All the bickering madness and corruption only serves to prod folks into giving up on personal identity.

Appearances are an illusion. Money and fame are a dead end. They lead to a cult of personality. I was always good at stuff just like anyone else. I was missing the killer instinct to "succeed" at all costs. Alan Watts said we are beings born from this world. We are not forced into anything. We weren't thrust into this against the will. You begin as what is. I haven't listened to him in a while but remember plenty. Society teaches us to forget who we truly are. Those who don't make it "fail" for one of two reasons. Either one goes in too deep or one is so rebellious and free inside that it becomes a bad fit.

I am from the latter.

Thankfully I am not a chump and am able to eat well, sleep and all the good stuff.

Humans are perfect fits for the earth. The tailoring needs to be done with government and education. Alas, the system in itself is in too deep. It is perpetuating the death principle. The media has been exposed as no counterbalance. Ask Jake Tapper. Courts are rigged. Ask a mason.

People need to separate who they truly are from society. It doesn't mean losing vocabulary or becoming bitter. Friendship and love should not be given unconditionally. There are folks who understand. It's said there is someone out there for everyone. It seems true. The key is one cannot be stuck in society at the same time of building relationships. The two worlds are colliding. Think George Costanza. I guess you had to be there.

Real life has become akin to prison food. It lacks meaning. It feels like an obligation. When speaking of this stale life, I am referring to the medium, government, military and corporations. Everything wrong in the world is literally their fault. One could write and prove it. It's floating out there as truth. Society is structured as part and parcel of corruption and narcissism.

We all die. That is so fricking intense a thought. It makes one regret all the petty crap one ended up mired in along the path. Death isn't positive or negative. It just is. When one strips him or herself away from all socialisation and ugliness, what's left is what's always been there. It is called Tao.

I've made some good points over plenty of years and that too shall pass. Life is a game.

Whining through social media will not save us.

I can hear the nothingness. The addiction says go check out the tabloid or look at what government agents and their contractors are writing on the conspiracy board. Nope. I am done.

I wish Alan Watts was here to ask him a few questions. I can grok the nothingness in the now. One becomes like a plant. Is that all there is? It's nice. I'm not complaining. You said good always does just enough to fend off bad. Are you still sure? Things are getting a little crazy out there.

It's all well and good for myself. I get by just fine. But what about all the corruption? Why isn't it ever addressed?

By ignoring the medium, there is at least the silence. It means good sleep and peace.

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