Friday, March 2, 2018

What the heck is this?

These are the stats for the previous thirty days. I am truly offended that Ireland is included as part of the United Kingdom. Fvck that and the monarchy.

The statistics above simply don't feel organic. Stats have been primarily flowing in from France. England has entered the picture. It makes me think this blog is tracked by NATO. Russia might be also taking a looksie to see why their so-called competition for global hegemony is fascinated with DFQ2's schtick.

I could post those stats for all time and by month, week, day and the now. I won't. The statistics didn't actually get implemented by Google until a year after this url was created. I am getting a bit ripped off. But I am just kidding. Stats equate to schmats. The urban dictionary claims schmat means to smoke weed. I just wanted to go with that thingie schmingie adding "sch" to the front of words. But now is not the time to digress.

England seems to have shown up primarily in the last week. I suppose it could be a natural chain reaction from posting an entry with a Queen Elizabeth II stamp as the top screenshot. I have no fricken clue. A number of years ago I did add a view counter to maybe see the ip's, but then I said fvck it. People should have the right to visit websites without getting tracked.

Turkey is in the house. That makes sense. I have made it clear that I hate Erdogan's guts and have tossed him into the enemies to humanity batch. Yet, where are the folks from the Philippines? Perhaps Duterte has blocked the website.

That'll about do it for the stats update.

                                                     weekly stats

                                                 all-time stats

There's no such thing as a United Kingdom or at least keep Ireland the fvck out of their control.

Actual Blog Entry:

The above is Daniel Frisiello of Beverly, Massachusetts. He has been charged with sending cornstarch to Donald Trump Jr.. So apparently that wasn't a Five Eyes' agitprop unless of course he was entrapped. I suppose I am a conspiracy fruitcake. Danny boy also has a thingie for the royal family.

It looks like the military fvckfaces are off the hook for this one, but perhaps snot.

                                            Hiya, fellas!

The Obamas went to a royal slumber party back in 2011. Michelle or Michael to conspiracy theorists has been explaining wtf happened. Apparently the royal folks just want to be seen as regular guys. It's all about the reboot. The nutjob into sending harmless white powder to powerful losers is anti-Trump. Barack Obama did more than anyone to solidify the demented new world order of surveillance and fake social media, yet liberals can't see that the two party system is the true hoax. Everything is rigged and fake. It's freemasonry, period. All this garbage is based on the concept of a balance between fake oppositions.

By shutting off the medium, one is able to grok this with amazing insight. Just shut this fvcker down for one week and then explain how what I'm saying is wrong. It can't be done. Round and round we go around the demented social structure wheel rising and shining to state-sponsored dog shit day after day for centuries and perhaps millenniums.

Of course the Florida cops are gutless cowards. They could have saved some lives but decided to secure the perimeter or wtf. And even then the punk got away for a brief period. Policemen are morons by design. This has been covered before. There is a cap on how smart cops can be to get hired.

Yes, I am combing headlines again. Where else am I to come up with content in which to feed the blog?

A threesome was interviewed by Megyn Kelly who said, "You're talking me into it." I have been vindicated for a previous entry in which I outed Megyn as a hypocritical slut whore. I guess you had to be there. I am trying to talk people out of medium participation.

Rich people including Paul McCartney and Jennifer Aniston held a party for someone named David Geffen. That's more vindication. I recently trolled both of them for being part and parcel of the scum of the earth.

Putin has announced a nuclear weapon which cannot be defended and is capable of landing on any location. It has a freemasonry design. Wow. There you go. All of the world's powers are in fake battle. This must have been designed hundreds of years ago in secret.

                                        I guess it's all a coincidence

I have to wrap this up soon. There is house cleaning to be done. My passion for stamps has also returned. I will continue to make these kind of entries as a public service. Since life is a game, the challenge is to get to a million page views.

There is something about black holes producing earth like planets. That would make sense. It's obvious that natural disasters happen. The sun burns out or something. Eventually there will be no more earth or it will look like the Moon or Mars. But that is a long way off. And look at Mars. That's the best spot one can think of for an escape route? Methinks powerful turds have watched a little bit too much Star Trek. Hey Brits, did I use the word methinks proper? Let moi know in the comments. Whilst I doth not expecteth chatter feedback, the offer is hence still made to such buggers and idjits. Now so.

The formation of new earths makes sense. What doesn't is the idea that we can make the voyage to such planets. We are plants. This is a biological cycle. We are here today and gone at any moment. It's why this is such a disturbing situation. Who wants to be reincarnated into this garbage? When will the moment arrive when scumbags, turds and garbage are eliminated from power? How is humanity to arrive at the only solution there can be?

It's obvious at this point in history that nothing can change the system from within. There is nothing more disturbing than that. The frustration builds and then boomerangs happen. Yet, this is akin to the proverbial Chinese finger, double-bind prank. Whatever happens as a result of frustration is merely circumscribed into the system. It is like the Bill Hicks' schtick on advertising. Advertisers would say, oh, you're going for the righteous anti-materialism dollar. That's good marketing. No, that's not what I'm doing (Bill Hicks, not me). It is good to know that new planets are being formed. We as collective ego fvckstains will not get there. What we are when ego and illusion are stripped away will. That's how the previous paragraph makes sense.

I am clearly psychic, yet so is everyone. The word applies to the brain. It can also apply to the wackadoo stuff that isn't real including mediums, yet not the medium I dog after in pursuit of public service time killing. In a previous entry I claimed to be a herd of one. Now today I see a headline speaking of a town named Monowi which has only one citizen. It's all a coincidence? Nope. It's me. I write stuff and then it pops up later on in other but similar forms.

Maybe the disgusting garbage rag Daily Mail scrapes my blog for ideas?

I wrote about cointelpro and how they went after M.L.K. Jr. and Malcom X. I hate to provide links, but this is a good one:

"Spying on their citizens: Chilling state surveillance images and mugshots of civil rights activists including Martin Luther King reappear 20 years after they were FINALLY made public"

The photos were kept by the Mississippi State Sovereignty Commission. Is it a coincidence I wrote about that stuff and then these images are posted? Daily Mail gives no indication what motivated their article. A quick internet search explains nothing on why now.

            Surveillance photo taken of Nation of Islam minister Jeremiah Pugh

The photos all have a copyright given for News Dog Media.

They sound legit? I don't think so. Maybe they are some of the losers crawling this blog for ideas. Or maybe there are real people who read this. I am just getting back from a blogging break. I started cleaning and got in a good hour's worth of elbow grease. I am not ashamed to admit that I hit a major rut back in the 2000's. That was when it became clear to me that teaching high school social studies was a closed shop. I didn't handle it well. I did all the usual crap. I gained weight, slept bad hours, developed an allergy off of Quorn fake chicken and became an internet addict.

Everyone desires meaning, period. Nearly all of us can handle a humble life with just the basics as long as it is a fair system. It is snot, period. Someone grab me a kleenex. Just kidding, my friends.

If reincarnation is real and admittedly is next to impossible to prove, I was Lenny. This is not a joke. Everything about it makes sense for that type of leap in thought. It's got nothing to do with feeling proud and claiming I am the incarnation of a very famous schlub. He had the worst possible ending one can imagine. He was okay. He was like the white basketball players from the fifties. They were good in that they were the first. Silent films sucked, but yet again, they invented film. They tried. The silents actually started to reach a peak for quality in the late 20's, but it was all for snaught as the numbnuts finally put two and two together on how to combine film with audio.

Lenny did create some fabulous groovy material. He wasn't inept. I suppose he had plausible deniability for mumbling due to drugs and a heavy N.Y. accent. He was also into free form schticking. He never wanted to repeat himself. He didn't want to memorise lines and repeat them. He tried to evolve stand-up comedy into an art form akin to jazz.

A new study claims that optimists live longer. I think that's true. Stress wreaks havoc on the body, so why couldn't the opposite do the opposite? I'm not doing a bait and switch and claiming the masons have reality down with duality. They were and are deranged. It's called co-optation. Hitler did that. Germany was brutally penalised for WWI through the Versailles Treaty. The demented rose to power and stole the fight for equality schtick. But it took on Orwellian dimensions of some people are more equal than others plus non-death necrophilia and authoritarianism. The Western powers co-opted high ideals. We must never forget! Blah, blah and blah! This is why I have come to believe that this was all planned out during the wars for democracy. What should have been up in the air was predetermined or scripted. Those same scumbags are in power to this day or early a.m. as I edit the roughdraft.

I've two more headlines to scour for meaning.

New Zealand police are re-investigating a 1981 assassination attempt on Queen Elizabeth II. I bring this up because in previous days I asked whether such an attempt was made on J. Edgar Hoover. That's another coincidence? Hmmmm?

I told everyone I was driving the bus, yet no one believed me.

It's a psyop. We won't discuss how that bitch was part and parcel of imperialism and fvcking over "third world" countries. It's not my fault she is such trash. The dude who sent Trump Jr. the powder and this older story boil down to duh, ya think so stuff. The ptb's have been fcking us over and it only makes sense that they become targeted by the unhinged wondering why everything sucks and is stupid. There's also something called entrapment. When there are paid fake military scum saturating the internet with violent rhetoric, what the fvck does one expect to happen due to the laws of physics?

I will declare for the millionth time that I am non-violent. I wouldn't want to give the wrong idea. But one should still have the right to identify maggots destroying both society and planet.

France is considering fining men 80 quid or wtf they use for... Oh yeah, the francs? They are planning on fining men who make comments in public towards women. Yet their age of consent is 15. They can fvck off! You suck, France. There I said it, ye fvckfaces.

They want to eradicate sexism, but apparently pedophilia is no big thingie. If someone here slept with a 15-year-old, they'd be tossed in the clink. Macron was apparently a victim of pedophilia by that old broad who used to be his teacher. It's disgusting. Society as defined by the medium is a grotesque nightmare which will endanger one's health. No one should g.a.f. about paid fakes and useful idiots. I don't anymore and am much happier for this transition to personalised bus services.

Ruts can be overcome, my friends. Spirituality is everything.

That was supposed to be the end of the entry, but I took a closer look at the stats. There was something I hadn't clicked on before which does show some referral info.

These websites referred to this blog, but I am not given the url. I try to figure it out and can't. I'm not suggesting people click on the websites.

The second one is run by:

I don't know how much time I will invest into this micro-investigation. Some search results for this guy seem somewhat promising for an explanation. Guam is not too far from the Philippines. The country does have American army bases.

It seems suspicious. There could be a cointelpro link to all of this. It is what I suspect is going on to explain the big page hits. I don't think this blog should get more than 200 organic reads per day, maybe more if I work harder and keep producing.

I'm basically noticing creepy visitors to this page. The K. Santos person seems tied into the finance industry. But I'm retired from cyber sleuthing. I need things easy to figure out or I'd rather be cleaning or looking at stamps. Let's see what else there is.

I'm noticing a pattern. These are all business and tourism related websites. I wish I could figure out the actual url's pointing to this website. Blogger limits that info. All of the referral pages I can see are from here. There's no let's see all of it part.

Other than cointelpro, I suppose it could be a way to tie in my blog with theirs into search results. Say they use the word queens a lot. Then they'd want hits searching for me to go to them. But I am just guessing. The Guam result seems startling considering the person is apparently based both there and in Texas.

This seems to be a dead end to figure out. I now know the page hits originated from the .fr website, but there is no way to figure out what exactly happened. I'm moving on. If a real person from France has the answer, I'd love to read it.

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